Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 375: big woman

Chapter 375 The big woman has great strength

Everything was developing in the direction Zhang Hefan expected, but he did not expect that the final result would be so cruel.

It was Li Sisi who asked him to go to the door of the school infirmary and say "I love you" naked, but when he did, Li Sisi not only did not appreciate it, but was furious.

He could not forget the eyes of Li Sisi at that time, full of grievance, anger, and incomparable disgust, and he would never forget it.

He knew that Li Sisi would not give him another chance. This incident even became a nightmare in his journey of picking up girls. He even got a nickname - 'North Shadow Naked Man'.

He imitated Tang Bohu to give Qiuxiang, a proud student of Ye Rennuan, a dignified Chinese medicine master, fell in love with Bo Li Sisi, and did not hesitate to settle in Beiying to be a school doctor, but the result was such a step, not only Li Sisi was out of play, but also lost his face. He also accidentally became popular online.

"Beijing Shadow Nude", someone actually posted a video of his courtship on the Internet, and what is even worse is that someone has revealed his true identity.

Although Zhang Hefan couldn't figure out why Li Sisi's attitude was so different before and after, he felt that it must be the ghost of Lin Feng, and he finally regretted offending Lin Feng.

There is no regret medicine in the world. The matter has come to this point. The only thing Zhang Hefan wants to do now is to make Lin Feng pay the heaviest price.

Zhang Hefan immediately took out his mobile phone and called Cheng Shaowen.

Back at the apartment, Li Sisi was always gloomy.

Because of Zhang Hefan's wild confession, Li Sisi felt wronged all day. He felt that Zhang Hefan was too much, and Zhang Hefan was shameless and she wanted it.

After hesitating, Li Sisi said to Lin Feng, "Mr. Li. Let's go out for a walk."

Perverted **** demons are rampant, but because the relevant departments have deliberately blocked the news, it has not yet reached the point where the news is too loud, so Li Sisi will not be scared to stay out of the house.

Lin Feng also wanted to get rid of this so-called 'sex demon' and hurry up. Li Sisi is so pretty, going out for a walk might really have the effect of attracting snakes out of their holes. Lin Feng didn't intend to use Li Sisi, and besides, he was confident enough to protect Li Sisi's safety.

Lin Feng agreed to come down and accompanied Li Sisi to the outside of the school.

Shortly after walking out of the school gate, Lin Feng found that he was being watched. He turned his head and glanced at it, and saw that it was Zhang Hefan, so he didn't take it to heart.

Li Sisi held Lin Feng's arm with one hand, and the two walked under the streetlight, looking like a pair of handsome men and beautiful women from the back. Zhang Hefan once doubted whether the person beside Li Sisi was Lin Feng.

Because he wanted to get rid of the "sex demon", Lin Feng deliberately took Li Sisi to a secluded alley. Beside Lin Feng, Li Sisi can feel a huge sense of security. No matter where Lin Feng takes her, she does not hesitate, and she is also somewhat greedy for the special smell of Lin Feng.

Not long after walking in the alley, Lin Feng and Li Sisi were stopped.

Three people came out from the front of the alley, and three people surrounded the back, a total of six people, blocking Lin Feng and Li Sisi in the middle of the alley. Among the six people, two were acquainted with Lin Feng, one of them was Zhang Hefan, and the other was a thin young man. When Lin Feng saw him, he couldn't help but smile.

Seeing that Zhang Hefan was looking for trouble, Li Sisi quickly stood in front of Lin Feng and said, "What do you want to do, Zhang Hefan?"

Zhang Hefan would never go to Beiying again. He knew that he would never have a chance to get Li Sisi, but he still had some illusions and didn't want to offend Li Sisi.

He said, "Sisi. Get out of the way. It doesn't matter to you. I know everything is the work of this man."

Li Sisi said, "I don't understand what you're talking about. Please get out of the way."

"Sisi. You asked me to strip at the door of the infirmary and say I love you, isn't it her attention?"

Li Sisi really hated Zhang Hefan. This Zhang Hefan couldn't make a confession, and he actually started to rely on others. Such a lame reason could be found.

Li Sisi took out her phone and said, "I'll call the police if you don't leave."

Zhang Hefan smiled coldly, turned his head and said to a young man next to him: "Shaowen. Hit her quickly."

Seeing Lin Feng, Cheng Shaowen felt a little worried. He had never seen such a tall woman before. Of course, he didn't think he could beat Lin Feng.

Cheng Shaowen waved his hand and stood still.

Except for Cheng Shaowen and Zhang Hefan, the four people immediately surrounded Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng was tall, he was a female class after all. They didn't pay much attention to them, and they were going to give Lin Feng a lesson. All three were twisted together by Lin Feng.

Zhang Hefan was taken aback and said, "Shaowen."

Cheng Shaowen was also taken aback, thinking that the big woman has great strength, seeing that Lin Feng has controlled the four people, he can't spare his hands and feet, Cheng Shaowen is relieved, and said: "I, Cheng Shaowen, never hit a woman. , you should be honored."

When he said that he had finished Shaowen, he rushed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pressed the four people on the ground lightly with both hands, and then stepped on them with one foot, freeing up two hands. Cheng Shaowen saw it in his eyes, and was afraid in his heart. At this time, he was already timid, and the fist that was so thin was weak.

Lin Feng squeezed Cheng Shaowen's wrist, Cheng Shaowen said quickly: "Big sister. Show mercy, have you heard of the five wolves of the Huaqing Archaeology Department?"

There are four wolves in the cultural relic appraisal class of the Department of Archaeology of Huaqing, the eldest Luo Dong, the third Li Donglai, the fourth Wu Hongbo, and the fifth Lin Feng. ### There is ambiguity, so there is no.

The eldest Luo Dong was implicated because Lin Feng offended the Wang family in the capital and was killed by Wang Qiangwei of the Wang family. This is why Lin Feng later bloodshed the Wang family and resented Longwei.

There have never been five wolves, but Cheng Shaowen has always wanted to join in and turn four wolves into five wolves. It doesn't matter if he does ####.

Although Cheng Shaowen has some bad habits of the rich and young, and he had caught Tian Mengqian's attention at first, Lin Feng didn't hate Cheng Shaowen. Cheng Shaowen was very loyal. At the beginning, Lin Feng didn't plan to make things difficult, otherwise, these people would have been looking for teeth all over the place.

Lin Feng gently pushed Lin Feng away, gave Cheng Shaowen a meaningful look, and left with Li Sisi.

"Shaowen. Fuck. What a lot of strength." Zhang Hefan ran to Cheng Shaowen and said.

Cheng Shaowen stared blankly at Lin Feng's back with a dazed expression on his face. After a long time, he suddenly felt blessed and took a few steps forward, hesitating to say anything.

Cheng Shaowen suddenly turned his head to look at Zhang Hefan, his face darkened, and said, "Cousin, listen to my advice. There are many beautiful girls, don't give Li Sisi's attention in the future. Don't think about revenge for this. Teacher Lin. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

Zhang Hefan was stunned and said, "Why?"

"There is no reason. I do what I say."

Lin Feng didn't take a few steps when he saw a woman walking into the alley in front of him. When he saw that woman, Lin Feng's heart throbbed slightly.

But soon, Lin Feng's complexion changed slightly, and he saw several men sneaking behind the woman. Even if he has nothing to do with that woman, he doesn't want her to be hurt. What's more, he suspects that the person behind the woman is related to the 'sex demon'.

Lin Feng turned to Li Sisi and said, "Sisi. You go back to school first. I still have something to do." Lin Feng pointed at Cheng Shaowen, "Just tell him that the fifth asks him to take you back to school."

For some reason, Li Sisi was naturally willing to obey Lin Feng's words. She felt that the aura emanating from Teacher Lin made her not want to disobey.

Seeing Li Sisi leaving and returning, Zhang Hefan was a little puzzled. He hesitated whether to go up and say hello to Li Sisi. Although he was doing well in the capital, he couldn't do without the help of a family. Cheng Shaowen just said something. It doesn't seem like a joke. It's not good to hurt a brother for a woman.

Cheng Shaowen immediately greeted him, and his attitude towards Li Sisi was extraordinarily friendly. Zhang Hefan was a little skeptical, is this the mother of the second generation.

Li Sisi turned to look at Lin Feng, who had gone away, and then looked back at Cheng Shaowen, and said, "Mr. Lin said. The fifth asked you to take me back to school."

It's one thing to doubt yourself, and it's another thing to admit Lin Feng himself. Cheng Shaowen trembled slightly, and his heart reverberated in an instant. Lin Fengken called himself the 'old five' in front of him, proving that he successfully advanced to the five wolves of Huaqing. He knew some of Lin Feng's actions, and he knew the meaning of being recognized by Lin Feng. .

Cheng Shaowen nodded, one hand was already in his trouser pocket, and there was a woodpecker dagger in it, but he had never used it before.

Tong Xiaoguo was wearing plain clothes, walking through a secluded alley near Beiying.

She wore a white shirt with a pleated placket on top, and the lace collar set off the towering breasts, showing the ultimate allure. Below is a black suit shorts. Her slender thighs were wrapped in black stockings, and she wore a pair of high boots. The long hair was dyed with a few strands of gold, and it was draped softly on the A black coat was placed on the crook of the arm, looking fashionable and beautiful.

Feeling that someone was following behind, Tong Xiaoguo felt a little nervous. Also a little excited. She had a hunch that what she was following was definitely a 'sex demon'.

In order to lure the snake out of the hole, Tong Xiaoguo deliberately walked into a quieter alley. The gloomy alley made her feel a little more fearful. She touched the pistol covered by her coat with her hand and calmed down.

She was originally a member of the 'Shadow', because her political identity was too sensitive, and the 'Shadow' no longer let her on the mission. In order to dilute the inescapable sadness in her heart, she went to the criminal investigation.

Recently, there have been frequent disappearances of women in the capital. The leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the Municipal Bureau have attached great importance to it and set up a task force. Tong Xiaoguo is a member of the task force.

After a case study, she deduced that the 'sex demon' is getting more and more courageous, and his vision is getting higher and higher, and sooner or later he will attack Beiying. Therefore, it was proposed that the policewoman be disguised as a student of Beiying.

Because she is Tong Weilue's immediate family, she is not allowed to perform such tasks, but she does not give up, and still disguises herself as she will.


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