Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 369: The 4th Hongyan, little bitch?

Chapter 369 The Fourth Hongyan, Little Bitch?

The effect of the banned drug was particularly terrifying. Due to the excessive amount of drugs under Lin Feng, the performance of the three Hu Xibin was extraordinarily crazy, and they came one after another.

From 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them fought until 1 o'clock in the evening, and then fell asleep.

The next day, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the municipal party committee and municipal government, as well as major media, received a CD or email. Many website forums also released video information.

Involving high-level officials at the deputy ministerial level, the website moves very quickly, and the filthy videos are almost a flash in the pan, and they are quickly deleted, but there are still many netizens who have made backups.

None of the major media exposed the incident.

Although the government wants to deliberately control the influence, it does not mean that the government will let it go. The provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to it.

The eleven standing committee members sat in the office and watched the video on the big screen. Although they felt a little sick, they couldn't help watching.

Mainly, some of Hu Xibin's postures opened their eyes. When attacking, he would cut his hands behind his back and shake his hips nine shallow and one deep. The postures of sheep climbing on the tree, Yin ape hugging the tree, and phoenix swimming in the pill point are also displayed one by one. He even asked the secretary to bring an upside-down herringbone horse.

When Hu Xibin asked the secretary to put on an upside-down herringbone horse, the provincial party secretary couldn't watch it any longer. He turned off the video and put the remote control heavily on the table.

The first and second leaders of the provincial capitals are appointed by the central government. Similar scenes are also being staged in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Central Committee.

As a vice-ministerial high-ranking cadre, Hu Xibin is unforgivable for such a scandalous act, no matter what the reason is! The impact is too bad!

After watching the video, the Central Organization Department immediately decided to remove Hu Xibin from his post as mayor of Nancheng City and open a case to investigate other issues.

Lu Yunbing was wearing an apron and was washing vegetables. Lin Feng stood behind Lu Yunbing, hugged Lu Yunbing's waist with both hands, and kept kissing Lu Yunbing's cheek.

As long as Lin Feng leaned against Lu Yunbing, the breath from his body seemed to rush into Lu Yunbing's body at once. The smell of a man made Lu Yunbing feel inexplicable hunger and thirst, and his body felt soft for a while, and he lost a trace of strength. It was also very hot on the top.

Especially when Lin Feng kissed her, she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat. At this moment, she seemed to have fallen off a cliff and felt the dizziness of her body floating in the air. She quickly subconsciously reacted violently.

Lu Yunbing took a breath and said, "Alright, alright. Little Ancestor. Go watch TV. Do you still want to eat?"

"I want to eat. But I want to kiss first."

Lin Feng said, unceremoniously lifted Lu Yunbing's shirt, took off ###, put his head on Lu Yunbing's crisp chest, and kissed the snow-white and tender plump. It took a long time before he raised his head in disbelief.

Lu Yunbing quickly put on ###, sorted out his clothes and continued to wash vegetables.

This is Lu Yunbing's home in Nancheng. Lin Feng has lived here for three days. During these three days, except for working hours, the two of them are tired of spending the rest of the time together.

No matter it is day or night, as long as the two are together, Lin Feng will take advantage of Lu Yunbing. In Lu Yunbing's own words, her mouth will be thin to Lin Feng. And her crisp **** were almost deformed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng enjoys this kind of day very much, but he knows that it is far from the time for him to enjoy it. He is more and more eager to be strong, and when he can look down on the world, he can enjoy life better.

Lin Feng came to the sofa in the living room and turned on the TV. He wanted to see if there would be any news in Beijing, so he tuned to Beijing TV.

The scene on the TV looked like a campus, as if he was interviewing something. Lin Feng lost interest and turned to look at Lu Yunbing, who was busy in the kitchen.

Going up the hall, going down to the kitchen, she is talking about a woman like Lu Yunbing. When she doesn't like you, she is a piece of ice. Once she likes you, she will do everything to be good to you, even without a name. Figure points.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's expression changed. Just now, he actually felt movement in the collection. This is Lu Yunbing's home, and there is no one else except him and Lu Yunbing.

Lin Feng felt that the treasure book must have triggered the task related to Lu Yunbing. It's just that Lin Feng felt that something was wrong. According to experience, generally, for girls who have fallen in love with him, the treasure book will basically not trigger the task.

He believed that no matter what task the book triggered, he could successfully complete it on Lu Yunbing, even if Lu Yunbing took the initiative. This task is equivalent to picking it up for nothing, and I don't know what level of task it is.

Lin Feng was full of expectations, and quickly took out the collection and looked at it, but the result surprised him greatly.

The collection reminded that the beauties of Lin Feng's fourth generation had appeared. Her name is Xia Jingtian. However, there is no one else in this room except Lin Feng and Lu Yunbing!

After hesitating for a while, Lin Feng hurried to the window to take a look. I found that a young woman passed by with a little girl holding a little girl downstairs, and I felt a sense of unease in my heart. He quickly glanced around and found that there was no one else except the young woman and the little girl.

There was a 'hum' in Lin Feng's mind.

In fact, Lin Feng has always been worried about two things. The first thing is, will the fragrant task triggered by the treasure book have something to do with the old lady or the child? Completed, he would rather not rely on completing the tasks triggered by the tome to obtain peach blossom points.

There is one more thing, that is, will there be ### in your ninth-generation beauty? Or a kindergartener? Or is it an old-fashioned old lady? Worse yet, a bitch?

Fortunately, the problem that Lin Feng was worried about has never occurred for so long, but today is an exception. Sweet summer. Is that the young woman? Or will it be the little girl?

Lin Feng was very worried. Although that young woman was also pretty, all the girls who were related to him were all beautiful. This young woman, he really doesn't like it a bit. That kid, at most four or five years old, right? Shouldn't it be her?

If the treasure book triggered the random task related to that child, Lin Feng would not even think about it. At most, he would secretly protect the little girl and wait until she grows up. But fixed tasks are too important to Lin Feng! If it can't be done, he will never be a human being.

Without thinking much, Lin Feng hurriedly shouted, "Xia Jingtian."

Between young women and little girls, he still hopes that Xia Jingtian is a girl, after all, he can wait for the girl to grow up. But he couldn't make the young woman go back to the past.

Seeing that the two were ignoring him, Lin Feng said again, "Xia Jingtian. Xia Jingtian."

This time, the young woman finally turned her head to look at Lin Feng, but there was no other expression on her face. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that there was no Xia Jingtian among them.


At this moment, the little girl shouted happily, and soon, a little **** ran out from a far corner and surrounded the little girl.

Lin Feng's face turned pale in an instant, and he almost fainted. He instinctively stepped back and got goosebumps. Sweet, is it actually a little bitch?

Terrible things finally happened, Lin Feng had a feeling of being fooled, he felt that all his efforts were in vain!

Whether it is a young woman or a little girl named Xia Jingtian, it is not so unacceptable. If it is a young woman, Lin Feng will not judge people purely by appearance, every woman will have her own advantages. If it is a little girl, with time, she will grow up eventually.

A little! ! !

Don't say that you can't be human forever, even if you can't be reincarnated forever, Lin Feng will not pursue a little bitch. He returned to the living room with a pale face and slumped weakly on the sofa.

Suddenly, Lin Feng saw an interview being broadcast on TV. The girl being interviewed had a beautiful face and a graceful figure, like a lotus flower. More importantly, three words were marked next to her - 'Xia Jingtian'.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the girl who was being interviewed on TV was called Xia Jingtian.

As for the fixed task of the collection, Lin Feng must of course take a good look at the news.

After watching for a while, Lin Feng finally understood that the school in the picture was Beiying. A TV reporter is interviewing Xia Jingtian, the new school flower of Beiying.

For this Xia Jingtian, Lin Feng had no reason to feel resentment in his heart. He thought in his heart, I'd be surprised if we're not together yet, no, I must take good care of you.

Lin Feng didn't plan to stay in Nancheng for too long. He was going to find his confidante and complete the task triggered by the book. It was just that he had no direction until he discovered Xia Jingtian.

During the meal, the atmosphere between Lin Feng and Lu Yunbing was a bit dull.

Lu Yunbing Bingxue is She said: "You don't have to worry about me. I don't care if you have other women. As long as you have me in your heart."

Lin Feng looked at Lu Yunbing affectionately, and said emotionally, "How can I not have you in my heart?"

Of course Lu Yunbing knew that what Lin Feng said was true. She was no longer ten years old, and she could think of some things. Lin Feng can give her life for her. She is willing to be Lin Feng's wife or lover. She doesn't want Lin Feng to lose anything because of her.

After dinner, when Lin Feng was about to leave, Lu Yunbing took out a bunch of keys and handed it to Lin Feng, his big eyes full of affection, and said, "Xiao Feng. This is the home, I will wait for the rest of my life."

Lin Feng hugged Lu Yunbing again, and the two rubbed their ears for a while before Lin Feng reluctantly left.

Before going to the capital, Lin Feng went back to his home, but in order not to implicate his parents, he did not enter the house, he just stayed near the home and looked at his parents from a distance.

In the evening, Lin Feng boarded the train to the capital.


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