Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 364: 2 shots

Chapter 364 Second Artillery

Lin Feng hugged Luan Xingxing, kissed for a moment, and tried to use his tongue to pry open Luan Xingxing's teeth, but unfortunately he didn't succeed. Luan Xingxing has been clenching his teeth.

Because there is Zhi Yuan next to him, he can't do things that are not suitable for children. Seeing that he can't succeed, Lin Feng forcefully and greedily ## **** Xiangjin in Luan Xingkong's mouth, and then let go of Luan Xingkong.

Lin Feng supported Luan Xingxing's shoulders and said, "Wife, I still have something to deal with. Tomorrow, you will take Zhiyuan to Fenglin Group, and I will be back in a few days."

Luan Xingkong didn't speak, it was like acquiescing.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered something and asked, "That's right. I have a friend, a girl who was controlled by the people of the Valley of Elysium, and then lost her memory. Do you know what happened?"

This time Zhiyuan immediately said: "Don't you know? The Valley of Elysium is a crooked sect. People from the Valley of Elysium often go outside to find someone to bring them into the Valley of Elysium for dual cultivation. The most effective way to achieve dual cultivation is for two people to have a heart-to-heart bond. In order to make two people’s hearts bond, the first thing to do is to make the person who brought them into the Valley of Elysium amnesia. Therefore, everyone who is favored by the Valley of Elysium will take the Forgetfulness Pill.”

"Oh. Is there an antidote for that?"

"People who have the antidote to the Valley of Elysium will not give it to you. It doesn't matter if there is no antidote. Taking the Forgetfulness Pill does not mean complete amnesia. As long as you leave the Valley of Elysium and see people and things you were familiar with before, you will soon be able to restore your memory. ."

Since this is the case, Lin Feng is relieved. Thinking of the task triggered by the collection, he said to Luan Xingxing: "Wife. I kissed you just now, now you kiss me."

Seeing that Luan Xingkong didn't say anything, Lin Feng said again: "You are my wife. I just want you to kiss. If you don't agree, I will let you sleep tonight."

Luan Xingxing hurriedly kissed Lin Feng on the cheek.

Feeling the movement in the collection, Lin Feng knew that the D-level task triggered by the collection, 'getting a willing kiss from Luan Xingxing', was completed.

The first beauty of Kongtong, Luan Xingxing, is cold to outsiders, but if she is willing to devote herself to you, she will be tender to you. Such a woman is a man's dream.

Looking at Luan Xingxing's little woman's demeanor, Lin Feng felt that he was worth it. What if he could have such an excellent girl, even if he took the risk of the world?

Back in his room, Lin Feng scooped out the collection and looked at it. Sure enough, there were new tips on the collection.

Mission: Get Luan Xingkong's willing kiss, mission level, D level, mission completion reward, 20 peach blossom points, mission status, completed.

With 20 peach blossom points, he can save his life at a critical moment, but Lin Feng has not used it for the time being.

The next day, Lin Feng and Luan Xingxing Zhiyuan both said goodbye, and couldn't help kissing Luan Xingxing a few times. He liked to see Luan Xingxing so shy, but resigned.

At noon, Li Xiang, the captain of the 'Magic Shadow', came to Muyu Town. Along with Li Xiang, there was a young man who was full of energy and a little childish.

Li Xiang saw Lin Feng's face full of scars, and his face changed slightly, but he returned to normal in an instant. He stood at attention and gave a military salute, and said, "Li Xiang, Captain of the 'Magic Shadow'. Please instruct."

The young man who came with him also saluted immediately. He and Li Xiang grew up in the same college and knew Li Xiang's identity as the captain of the 'Magic Shadow'. The 'Shadow' has become the most elite division of the Republic forces.

Knowing that the scarred-faced young man in front of him was the instructor 'Magic Shadow', he was so excited that he immediately saluted, and said loudly, "Ran Yuchen, the second artillery officer, please give instructions."

The three sat down in the hotel, Lin Feng looked at Ran Yuchen and did not speak.

Ran Yuchen hurriedly said: "Chief. Please don't worry. Brother Li and I grew up in the same college. You are the 'Magic Shadow' instructor, and I am the second artillery officer. You are the eldest brother, and I am the younger brother."

Seeing Li Xiang nodding, Lin Feng lowered his voice and said to Ran Yuchen: "What I am going to do this time. It may affect your future. Even, you may become a sinner of history and the country."

"The chief is not afraid, what am I afraid of." Ran Yuchen has always admired Lin Feng, and he doesn't like a static military career, he is eager to hit the water.

Lin Feng turned to look at Li Xiang again, and said, "Are you all ready, brothers?"

"Yes. Except for the brother who is out on the mission, everyone else is on standby."

Lin Feng patted Li Xiang's shoulder and said, "Do you want to think about it again? What about brothers? Have you figured it out?"

Li Xiang held his head high and said, "Instructor, without you, the grass on the graves of the brothers would be three feet tall. In the hearts of the brothers, we are all your soldiers."

Lin Feng nodded and said: "Okay. It's not too late. Li Xiang, you go back to Beijing immediately. Yuchen, follow me. I'll take you to a place."

After Li Xiang left, Lin Feng and Ran Yuchen rushed to Shennongjia Bliss Valley.

Lin Feng was worried that the people in Bliss Valley would go out to seek revenge, so he had to hurry up. He felt that Ran Yuchen was walking too slowly, so he simply grabbed Ran Yuchen with one hand and flew towards Bliss Valley.

Ran Yuchen gave a strange cry, hugged Lin Feng's waist, and said, "Boss. Oh, mom is so exciting! You actually have martial arts, this is real martial arts, and I want to worship you as my teacher."

After Ran Yuchen completed the coordinate measurement of Bliss Valley, Lin Feng quickly returned to Tengchong.

When Lin Feng arrived at Tengchong, Luan Xingxing and Zhiyuan hadn't arrived yet, which was what he expected. He entered the group's fresh-keeping store, low-grade Yun Lingshi, Xu Jindan, middle-grade Yun Lingshi and other cultivation resources that Luan Xingxing, Lin Zhan and others may use, Lin Feng left behind a lot, and all other unknown cultivation resources All resources are included in the storage ring.

Lin Feng felt more and more that the origin of Xingwumen on Wumingdao was too strange.

'Magic Shadow' is a relatively special special force, which was selected from Tong Xiongtao's military region when he was the commander of a certain military region. Therefore, Tong Xiongtao ruled this elite division.

Now Tong Xiongtao is no longer the commander of the military region, his position has been transferred, and now he is a member of the Military Commission and commander of the Second Artillery Corps. A level shift.

The Strategic Missile Force of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, referred to as the Second Artillery Force, is an independent military service directly under the Central Military Commission, not a single major military region. Because the Second Artillery Corps is the core force of the Republic's external deterrence and a weapon for repressing the country, it is a military branch independent of the three armed forces of the sea, land and air.

The Second Artillery Corps is a powerful force composed of short-range, medium-range, long-range and intercontinental missile units, as well as engineering, intelligence, reconnaissance, geodesy, computing, meteorology, communications, chemical defense, camouflage and other operational support, technical support and logistics support forces. nuclear counterattack.

Various types of ground-based strategic missiles and conventional operational and tactical missiles have the ability to launch under various complex weather conditions day and night. These missiles have a long range, high killing and destructive power, high hit accuracy, and strong penetration and survivability. There are supporting combat command, protection engineering and various other facilities. Can be fixed launch, can also be mobile launch.

No one knows where the Second Artillery Military Base is. It is no exaggeration to say that the Second Artillery is the foundation of national defense!

As the commander of the Second Artillery Corps, Tong Xiongtao encountered a little trouble recently. All the members of the 'Magic Shadow' were sluggish, either the cold or the fever. In particular, a few thorns, such as Yan Lie, simply said that he unfortunately won the bid for playing with a woman and needed to be treated with water in the hospital.

"His grandma's." Tong Xiongtao wiped Cheng Liang's bald head, wishing that Lin Feng was there.

He believed that as long as Lin Feng appeared, the problems of the members of the 'Magic Shadow' would be cured. He didn't forget what Mr. Tong said, Lin Feng was the soul of the 'Magic Shadow'.

'Bell bell'.

Hearing the phone rang, Tong Xiongtao looked at it and found out that it was an unfamiliar number. He was a little excited, because people of their level would hardly make commercial calls. He still remembered that when Lin Feng called, it would always be For a new number, he has saved Lin Feng's three or four numbers.

"Hello. I'm Tong Xiongtao."

"General Tong. Stay safe."

Hearing that it was Lin Feng's voice, Tong Xiongtao was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Everyone is a general, so don't go out. Brother Lin, come quickly, I miss you."

"Haha. See you later. I have something to do right now, and I want to borrow 'Magic Shadow', is there any problem?"

"What's the matter?" Tong Xiongtao immediately became vigilant.

"Brother. I have a debt and a master, and I have something to come at me in the future. I'm sorry this time."

"Hey, hey..."

Hearing Lin Feng hung up the phone, Tong Xiongtao was very anxious, and he had a hunch that something big would happen. But he didn't know what would happen.

He thought hard, Lin Feng didn't offend anyone recently, and why did Lin Feng make a special call to himself, "I'm sorry" doesn't mean something.

Lin Feng wants to use the power of 'Magic Shadow', which is terrible! Tong Xiongtao felt that he had to stop Lin Feng. He didn't want to kill Lin Feng, but he didn't want Lin Feng to do anything irreparable. He has experienced Lin Feng's brutality and toughness.

Tong Xiongtao immediately called Li Xiang to inform him that it had been turned off.

Head No. 1 was working, and when he heard the phone ringing, he grabbed it and his voice was calm and powerful: "Hello."

" I am Lin Feng."

"Oh. It's Xiaofeng. Why did you remember to call me?" No. 1's voice immediately became much gentler.

"Chief. I want to live."

No. 1's heart sank, but he didn't speak, because Lin Feng's tone was not panicked or pleading, Chu Buddha was just stating a fact.

"I only kill people who deserve to be killed. It's just that my strength alone is not enough. Chief, Lin Feng is bound by the country's crisis in the future."

A train galloped across the prairie.

This train looks no different from ordinary trains, carrying goods and going back and forth between the prairie. It's just that the driver of this train has never changed.

Looking at the entire Republic, only a few people know that this train is actually a mobile miniature Second Artillery Base. No. 9, No. 11, and No. 13 train skins never carry anything, because these three train skins are loaded with high-tech long-range strike weapons.


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