Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 360: Mysterious Rewards

Lin Feng sent Gong Suyan and Ji Xiaomo to Muyu Town and hurriedly returned to Bliss Valley.

He knew that if he wanted to fight against the Valley of Bliss by himself, he would undoubtedly be a mayfly shaking the tree. In fact, he has self-knowledge and is very clear that he will never be Liu Yingquan's opponent. It's just that men should shed blood when they need to take responsibility.

On the way to the Valley of Bliss, Lin Feng suddenly felt the movement of the collection.

As long as there will be movement in the collection, there are only four situations, triggering random tasks, completing random tasks, and discovering a confidante, who is fascinated by Lin Feng.

The collection has already triggered a d-level quest of "getting Luan Xingkong's willing kiss", and naturally it will not trigger the quest again. Lin Feng also did not complete this randomly triggered task. As for finding a confidante, Lin Feng looked around, not to mention a woman, not even a bitch.

Lin Feng's mood was a little excited. He knew that it should be a certain Hongyan who fell in love with him.

Of the nine hits, there are already five confidantes, Bai Yichen, Duan Xianxian, Linghuyue, Ji Xiaomo, and Gong Suyan. Among them, Duan Xianxian and Ji Xiaomo have already secretly promised Lin Feng.

Every confidante secretly promises Lin Feng, and Lin Feng will receive a mysterious reward. Duan Xianxian secretly promises Lin Feng, and the mysterious reward Lin Feng gets is the first two layers of the Book of Changes. Ji Xiaomo secretly promised Lin Fengfang, and the reward Lin Feng received was the first half of "Tong Zi Gong".

Whether it is "The Book of Changes" or "Tong Zi Gong", they are all treasures.

Lin Feng suppressed his excitement. He was very eager for this mysterious reward, which would make his trip to the Valley of Bliss a little better.

I don't know whether the person who secretly promised him this time is Bai Yichen or Linghuyue. Thinking of how he and Bai Yichen and Linghuyue were together, Lin Feng felt infinite warmth in his heart.

He took out the collection and took a look, a little surprised, the person who secretly promised him was Gong Suyan. Lin Feng glanced at the reward again, and when he saw the reward displayed on the tome, he almost shouted excitedly.

One of the two mysterious rewards Lin Feng received was a storage ring.

According to the introduction, the storage ring is equivalent to a storage room, which can be used to store things, and the things stored in the storage ring, because the storage ring is in a vacuum state, so the things stored in it will never deteriorate, of course Life forms cannot be stored.

Lin Feng can use his mind to control storage and take items, but anything that is put into the storage ring will not bring any weight to Lin Feng.

Although there was a second reward, Lin Feng couldn't bear to watch it. He suppressed his expectation and printed his palm on the collection.

Soon, a little starlight flashed on the **** of Lin Feng's left hand. After a while, the starlight disappeared, and a slightly distant and mysterious black ring appeared on his middle finger.

Lin Feng tried to use the storage ring. After several attempts, Lin Feng found that the things on his body, or the things he held in his hands, he could freely store in the storage ring with his mind. But what he didn't touch, the storage ring couldn't be stored directly.

Lin Feng dreams of owning a storage ring. With so many martial arts resources in Fenglin Group, it is safest to carry it with him.

With the storage ring, the second reward, Lin Feng felt that even if it was a little bit worse, he could accept it. However, his intuition told him that the mysterious rewards given by the collection would definitely not be bad.

Because of the anticipation in his heart, Lin Feng couldn't even bear to look at it. He blocked the collection with his hands and moved slowly, letting the hints of the collection be revealed word by word.

'Three', 'Big', 'Gold' and 'Body'.

When he saw these four words, Lin Feng's heartbeat quickened a little. He knew that even with the help of the scriptures, he would not be able to become invincible at once, so his expectations for the secrets of inner strength were actually not very high. Great golden body, golden body! At first glance, it is a super defense.

Lin Feng continued to move his palm slowly and looked back.


Seeing this 'zhi', Lin Feng was mentally prepared, and he must be one of the three golden bodies.

'Gold', 'Just', 'No', 'Bad' and 'Body'.

King Kong is not bad, it sounds very powerful, Lin Feng took a look at the introduction. Immediately, he was overjoyed, and the effect greatly exceeded his expectations.

According to the collection, the vajra body is indestructible, and it is the first layer of the three major golden bodies. But even at the first-level level, it is extremely terrifying - ignoring any damage to experts below the peak of the Transformation Realm within three seconds.

Although it only lasts three seconds, this is definitely a defense against the sky!

Originally, Lin Feng went to Bliss Valley just because he had to go, and he didn't even have much hope that he could rescue Luan Xingxing and Zhiyuan. However, with King Kong's indestructible body, Lin Feng has a bit of self-confidence. He thinks that the use of King Kong's body is good, and maybe he can reap miraculous effects.

What makes Lin Feng a little regretful is that this King Kong is not bad, and can only be used once a day.

Today is the day when Liu Yingquan, the elder of Bliss Valley, takes his concubine. Bliss Valley attaches great importance to this good deed. Lanterns are hung everywhere in the valley, which is full of festive atmosphere.

Liu Yingquan took his concubine and did not distribute invitations widely, because Liu Yingquan had taken his concubine too many times, and he was embarrassed to invite people to watch the ceremony again.

Including Kongtong, no one came to watch the ceremony. Everyone knew that Bliss Valley majored in exercises and gave Luan Xingkong to Liu Yingquan, basically to let Luan Xingkong make some contribution to Kongtong before he died.

Liu Yingquan was in a good mood. He had already comprehended the eighth level of "Acacia Dian" and mastered the essence of it. This layer is very powerful, and the ways of harvesting yin and replenishing yang and reconciling yin and yang are also more profound.

The "Hehuan Dian" has ten levels, and both men and women can practice it. Before the eighth level, you can do double cultivation and make progress together. You can also sacrifice one party for the furnace, and double the progress of the other party's cultivation.

After the eighth floor, there is no double cultivation, and one must sacrifice one for the furnace. After entering the eighth floor, male cultivators can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and transform it into yang energy. When they are having **** with women, they use the secret technique of acacia to let women have sex, let their **** leak out, and let the men absorb them all. The harmony of yin and yang turns into inner strength.

The same is true for female practitioners.

At present, only the Great Elder Liu Yingquan in the entire Bliss Valley has comprehended the eighth floor of the "Acacia Classic". His current practice is to harvest yin and replenish yang. Every time a woman's **** is taken, her strength will be improved. The deeper the inner strength of the woman who is taken, the greater the benefit to Liu Yingquan.

This time, Kongtong asked Luan Xingxing to send a letter from the Great Elder Lu Dakai, saying that Kongtong was willing to befriend the Bliss Valley. The first beauty in Kongtong was given to Liu Yingquan. Liu Yingquan was overjoyed.

There is no need to say more about the beauty of Luan Xingkong, more importantly, Luan Xingkong is also a master of transformation! Such a cauldron was something Liu Yingquan could only dream of.

Liu Yingquan was even a little reluctant to **** up Luan Xingxing's **. He was in a good mood, and even wanted to take Luan Xingxing as his concubine and have a good time for a while.

There is also the little girl who follows Luan Xingxing, who is also a beautiful girl, and Liu Yingquan is also very satisfied. However, he decided to wait for Zhi Yuan to develop for another two years, because the thing under his crotch is huge. If he is combined with Zhi Yuan now, maybe Zhi Yuan has not leaked, and he will die due to his injuries.

Wearing a red robe, Liu Yingquan sat on a chair in the stone house, thinking of Luan Xingxing's beautiful face and hot body, his face was full of urgency.

Not everyone in the Valley of Bliss is happy. The owner of the Valley of Bliss, Ding Changshi, and his elder brother, Ding Changjin, have serious expressions on their faces.

"Gong Suyan and Ji Xiaomo are gone?" Ding Changshi asked in a deep voice.

Ding Changjin's face turned gloomy and said, "Yes. The two of them left last night. The disciple who took care of Gong Suyan was killed. And my disciple Lu An was also killed." Speaking of this, Ding Changjin paused. After a while, he said again, "I suspect that it is the scarred-faced boy."

"Is it your new disciple?"

"Not bad. I think he's like a person."

Things were full of weirdness, Ding Changjin no longer concealed it, and explained the conflict with Lin Feng one by one, "He was injured by Lu Zi. I broke his vitality with a serial leg. What's more, he took so much continuation energy later. Dan. Even if Monk Xuanli makes a move, he shouldn't be able to return to being a genius."

Ding Changshi was horrified and moved, and said, "Does he really have that many stamina pills?"

Ding Changjin nodded and said, "He is full of too many mysteries. I actually didn't feel any internal energy fluctuations in him. He must have cultivated some kind of secret technique. I think he must have discovered the remains of an ancient martial artist. , I thought he was dead before, so I didn't tell you these things."

Ding Changjin was actually selfish. He planned to go back to the valley to deal with his personal affairs, and to investigate Lin Feng's relationship network and trajectory when he went out. He believed that Lin Feng possessed more than the bottle of Jing Jin Pill. Only now, Ding Changjin felt that if Lin Feng hadn't died, he couldn't deal with it alone, so he told his younger brother Ding to share with the brothers.

Ding Changshi also knew what Ding Changjin was thinking, and he didn't point it out. After all, it was not bad that Ding Changjin could tell him the truth at this time.

For martial practitioners, cultivation resources are more important than anything else. The cultivation resources that Lin Feng possesses are too amazing, and Ding Changshi is very excited.

He immediately said, "Big brother. Don't tell outsiders about this."

"That's natural. I think the scar-faced boy should be Lin Feng. I carefully checked the injury on Lu An's mouth. It was like being hit by a blunt weapon. Lin Feng has this ability."

Ding Changshi said: "Since Lin Feng is in the early stage of transformation, I want to kill him easily. After the elder elder takes his concubine, you and my brother will leave the valley. The reason is to mediate with Long Wei for the daughter of Gong Zhenzhong. If you find a cultivation resource, you and my brother will hide and cultivate."

"Okay. Liu Yingquan's old demon, I don't think he is pleasing to the eye. After he cultivated diligently, he was arrogant and began to force other people's dual cultivation partners. I don't know how many people in Bliss Valley want him to go crazy..."

"Be careful that the partition wall has ears."

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