Peach Blossom Collection

Chapter 355: leave without saying goodbye

It turned out that what Ling Gege said was true, she really liked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng kept saying that he liked him, but Ling Gege said that he would not rob him. It turned out that both of them were deceiving him. Probably, in their hearts, they are the biggest fools in the world.

The pain that she had never experienced made Gong Suyan's heart twist like a knife. She seemed to forget that she and Lin Feng were nothing, and she also forgot that Lin Feng was not her type.

If the woman who sneaked into Lin Feng's thatched hut wasn't Ling Gege, Gong Suyan didn't know if she would be so sad. She wanted to rush into Lin Feng's thatched hut and asked them loudly why. Why be so dirty?

In front of Lin Feng, Gong Suyan has always had a great psychological advantage. First of all, she is a girl from the Lao Gong family, and everyone's cultivation makes her full of confidence, not to mention her appearance is impeccable. There is a more important point, that is, Lin Feng likes her, and she has no feelings for Lin Feng.

But now, Gong Suyan doesn't know why, thinking of the scenes she used to be with Lin Feng, she feels as if she has been abandoned. She felt wronged, angry, and puzzled.

And her best sister, Ling Ge Ge, also betrayed her. Gong Suyan's face turned pale, she felt disgusted, she never wanted to see Lin Feng and Ling Gege again. Never want to.

Shennongjia is in danger, and the primitive jungle at night is even more dangerous, but Gong Suyan is not afraid of anything. She packed her bags and left alone in the direction she came from.

Ling Gege was lying on the ground, and after three consecutive days of acupuncture and moxibustion massage, although she was still embarrassed to have her little ### exposed in front of Lin Feng's eyes, she no longer felt uncomfortable.

Now, Ling Gege can clearly feel that his physical condition is much better. Today was the last treatment, and she suddenly felt a little depressed.

In Ling Gege's heart, Lin Feng is very good, and he is a gentleman. Lin Feng treats her without any disrespect to her. However, what Lin Feng likes is Gong Suyan, and Gong Suyan is Ling Gege's kind. sisters.

Ling Gege was thinking, does Gong Suyan really have no feelings for Lin Feng?

Lin Feng actually wanted to do acupuncture for Ling Gege for a few more days. Originally, he had no idea about Ling Gege, but Ling Gege's little ### made him feel a different kind of stimulation. What a beautiful little ###. From now on, I'm afraid I can only see it in a dream.

Lin Feng sighed in his heart, and couldn't help but glance at Linggege's little ###, and said, "Okay. Your illness is almost over. Your **** will also grow a second time."

Linggege covered Xiao ### with his hands, sat up, and lowered his head to put on his clothes.

After getting dressed, she didn't rush to leave. She also came from a big family and received good tutoring since she was a child. She seemed to be very open, but she was actually very conservative. Lin Feng is the only boy who has seen her little ###, she doesn't want her little ### to be seen by the second man.

After a while, Lingge asked, "What's going on with you and Yanyan?"

"I like her, she doesn't like me."

"Oh. Then what do you... think of me?"

Lin Feng's heart moved. Although he was still a baby, he had experienced love for a long time. Thinking of Ling Gege's performance in the past few days, he felt whether Ling Gege was interested in him.

Originally, Lin Feng should have answered a little more decisively, but, thinking of Linggege's little ###, he really couldn't bear to miss such a beautiful little ###. Moreover, he cured Ling Gege's disease. After Ling Gege's **** developed for the second time, with Xiao ### and her shy appearance, she was definitely a stunner in the world.

Lin Feng swallowed his saliva and said, "I... think you are beautiful. Especially there, it's really beautiful." Lin Feng thought to himself that he already had enough women, and he was not afraid of one more.

"Pervert." Of course Ling Gege knew what Lin Feng was talking about, she snorted and walked out of the hut with her head down.

Lin Feng was worried about gains and losses. He was very happy that Ling Gege was interested in him, but when he thought about the relationship between Ling Gege and Gong Suyan, he had a headache.

"Research. Research."

Hearing Ling Gege's slightly panicked cry outside, Lin Feng immediately jumped out of the tent.

"Lin Feng. Yanyan is gone, Yanyan is gone..." Ling Gege's voice was a little panicked.

Maybe Gong Suyan didn't want to get too close to Lin Feng, her tent was far from Lin Feng's tent, and Li Ji and Hong Yuan's tent sandwiched Gong Suyan's tent in the middle, so Lin Feng didn't pay much attention. Li Ji's skill is enough to deal with the dangers in the jungle.

Soon, Li Ji and Hong Yuan also got out of the tent. If something happens to Gong Suyan, let alone Hong Yuan, even Li Ji will have a hard time.

In fact, Li Ji was wary of the movement Gong Suyan made when he left, but he thought it was Ling Gege returning to the tent from Lin Feng's hut, so he didn't care much.

Lin Feng walked quickly to Linggege's side, opened the tent and glanced at it, it was empty inside.

Hong Yuan's face was pale, and Gong Suyan's life would be in danger if he had three long and two short.

The expression on Li Ji's face was also uncertain, even if he was a member of the Xiuwu sect, he would definitely be hard to please if he made such a big leak. His thoughts changed, and he quickly stared at Lin Feng coldly, and said, "The reason why Miss Gong left without saying goodbye is because of you and Miss Ling."

There was a trace of panic on Linggege's face, and she also thought of this possibility.

Li Ji continued: "Lin Feng. You originally liked Miss Gong. But Miss Ling went to your thatched hut in the middle of the night to fool around and was discovered by Miss Gong. She couldn't stand the excitement and left without saying goodbye."

What Li Ji said should be right. At this time, Lin Feng didn't have time to think about it. He said to Li Ji, "You send Ling Gege away. I'll go to Yanyan."

Li Ji thought that Lin Feng wanted to escape, but he would not agree. Someone must stand up and take responsibility for this matter. He immediately stood in front of Lin Feng and said, "You better stay."

In Li Ji's view, the Shennongjia jungle is so dangerous, Gong Suyan leaves the weak woman alone in the middle of the night, not to mention whether it can be found, even if it is found, it is hard to predict whether it will be dead or alive.


Hong Yuan heard that Ling Gege slipped into Lin Feng's hut in the middle of the night. His lungs were about to burst with anger. Seeing Ling Gege's ashamed appearance, he knew that what Li Ji said was true. Lin Feng's temple was hit.

Lin Feng grabbed Hong Yuan's arm and pushed it, and pushed Hong Yuan to the ground. Hong Yuan thought of a lot of strength. He knew that he was not Lin Feng's opponent, so he said to Li Ji, "Fuck him, take care of him."

Lin Feng wanted to chase Gong Suyan, but after pushing Hong Yuan away, he strode away. Of course Li Ji refused. He pressed his hand on Lin Feng's shoulder.

Lin Feng suddenly punched as fast as lightning and hit Li Ji's forehead.

The speed of this punch was too fast, and Li Ji's pupils shrank sharply, and there was a deep fear in the depths of his pupils. At this moment he felt as helpless as a rootless duckweed in the sea.

When Lin Feng's fist was about to hit Li Ji's forehead, he stopped. Lin Feng didn't want to kill Li Ji, and Ling Gege also needed Li Ji to send Shennongjia.

Li Ji was only asking about the middle stage of Jin Jin, while Lin Feng was already at the peak of the initial stage of Jin Jin. The strengths of the two are not comparable at all. Li Ji was terrified.

He didn't even feel that Lin Feng didn't mean to kill him. He fell to the ground with his legs weak and said, "You can't kill me. I'm from the Bliss Valley."

"Bliss Valley, one of the seven sects?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes. Bliss Valley. It's in Shennongjia. If you kill me, Bliss Valley will not let you go."

No wonder Li Ji was so familiar with Shennongjia. He didn't expect that he was actually from the Valley of Bliss.

Lin Feng immediately carried Ling Gege and said to Li Ji, "Now. Leave Shennongjia as fast as possible. If I find you lazy, I will kill you."

If there is a disagreement in the martial arts world, a lot of people will be killed. Although Li Ji is from the Bliss Valley, he is only a dispensable person in the Bliss Valley. If he died, the Bliss Valley could not deliberately avenge him. He did not dare to neglect Lin Feng's words. In fact, Li Ji was also lucky, he was wondering if he could escape.

Li Ji unfolded his body technique, turned around and ran.

Lin Feng carried Linggege on his back and followed behind Li Ji.

Hong Yuan also had a hunch that things were a bit unexpected, and he felt that it was right for him to leave with Ling Gege now. Seeing that Li Ji and Lin Feng were gone, he also spread his feet and chased after them.

After a few steps, there were no shadows of Li Ji and Lin Feng, and Hong Yuan was terrified. He finally realized that Li Ji and Lin Feng were not ordinary people. He hurriedly shouted: "Brother Li. carried me."

Li Ji fled for his life, where would he care about Hong Yuan's life and death.

Li Ji didn't know Lin Feng's specific cultivation level. He didn't feel any internal energy fluctuations in Lin Feng before, and felt that even if Lin Feng was stronger than him, it was limited. Therefore, Li Ji ran like crazy.

Lin Feng and the others entered the jungle for three days. The first day was at the edge of the jungle, and the next two days went to the depth It’s just that with Gong Suyan and Ling Gege there, in fact, everyone’s distance toward the depth ### is not very far, no more than ten kilometers.

Both Li Ji and Lin Feng are masters of internal strength, and both have rich experience in the jungle. Although Li Jin lacked internal energy, he was very familiar with this jungle. It only took two hours for Li Ji to leave Shennongjia.

Now Li Ji has also given up his plan to escape. Lin Feng is no slower than him on his back, and he realizes that there is a huge gap between the two.

After settling down Ling Gege and comforting Ling Gege, Lin Feng and Li Ji immediately returned to Shennongjia.

Li Ji was tired like a dog, his legs seemed to be filled with lead. He couldn't run anymore. He stopped and supported a big tree.

Li Ji couldn't say a word, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly felt his body light up and his feet lifted off the ground. It turned out that he had been pinched by Lin Feng under his arm.

Li Ji was ashamed and embarrassed at the same time, and at the same time there was an indescribable fear in his heart. Lin Feng's speed was too fast, and he no longer dared to speculate on Lin Feng's strength.


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