"Lin Rui, when you read this voice that was not sent in time, you don't have to go out to look for it, because I have already set foot on Huangquan Road.

I have known each other for more than four months, and I am very happy because of you. Before you became Miss Lukugu, even if your skin color was different, I really thought that you were my eldest brother brought out of the same placenta, and there was a familiar feeling of this life and previous life. I can vent my willfulness on you without any worries, so as to find my lost childhood. Whenever you want to share the cost, you know that I will pretend to be stupid and foolish to take advantage of you, but you never wear it, and in the name of being your brother, you bear it all without saying a word. Actually, I don't care about the money, I just want to keep experiencing the feeling of being missing and being taken care of, which is so precious to me.

A month ago, on the night the female soldier arrived, the two of us talked the most not about ourselves, but about you. Cherry said that not knowing when you will die is a very different kind of courage than knowing that you are about to die. I wondered what it was like to be in this state of mind, until today, when I am coming to the end of my own path, and when I think about it again, I become calm.

Death is a momentary thing, and the reason why people have fear is more of all kinds of regrets, if you can't let go of something today, what will happen tomorrow. So, if it's a natural old age and death, don't you have to think about it as well? That's just a concept of time. If death is destined to happen, why should it be so painful? It is with this in mind that I can be distracted.

I've never been an extrovert, I just pretend to be optimistic, because always mentioning my bad things will affect you and make everyone around me unhappy. As the chores came to pass, the loneliness I had forgotten was once again overshadowed by Krys' absence. After you left, I got to know many people who at one point I thought were enough to make me forget the wounds I was born with.

But unfortunately, this is an illusion after all, others are others, I am still me, no one will care about my livelihood because of me, not to mention that I have caused her endless suffering. The trip to Georgia opened up Krys and I to each other, and we have gone beyond the ordinary feeling of taking care of your girlfriend for you. She was brilliant, stronger than I thought, and we became real comrades in arms who could trust our backs through a series of stumbles and crawls. And behind this reason, there is a mysterious sincerity.

In the recorder of the mobile phone, there is a song recorded in the hurry, it is the girl you know best, although it is hummed by Krys, but the singer is another person you have been thinking about - Athena. She unexpectedly stood in front of my eyes, thus unraveling this lingering nightmare. I did this, not only because I had no shame in the face of the Lancastrians, but also because of this wife whom I had never met, and I didn't want her to stay in the whirlpool of evil spirits forever, and we should have been buried together.

I made some arrangements, and the reply I received reassured me a little, that if today's golden dice were mine, I would return you a brand new Krys. Of course, this possibility is so small that even I can't believe it. Even though there was only a 1 in 100,000 chance of that hope, I felt I should give it a try.

Bless me, then, Khorisman, and if there is an afterlife, we will continue our relationship and become a pair of true brothers. "

The wheels of the bicycle slid through puddles, stirring up patches of rain and dew that spilled into the rusty wheels and made the missing bottom bracket marbles crash against each other with a sharp sound. I got it from the hotel shed, and the boss was lying on the couch with the TV on and snoring like thunder. More than ten minutes of driving passed under my feet, and I quickly approached the Black Maple Tunnel, which had been bustling with people a few hours earlier. The large miner's lamp that remained in the cave was still on, but there was no sign of it. The gray-brown curtain was blown by the strong wind, and it made a strange stinging sound.

The sky is slowly turning white, and a new dawn is coming. Hundreds of large black birds swept from south to north in the leaden blue night sky, and the white guano was sprinkled on my head and face, so I had to throw the car away, lift the sails and break into the tunnel, lean against the rocks and light a cigarette. I raised my wrist and looked at the table below, the time was 4:50 in the morning, and I arrived ten minutes earlier than the appointment.

This is the arrangement mentioned in Lin Rui's last words. After listening to the babbling girl of the South China Sea, the moment I closed my phone, a thought suddenly came to me. Why don't you give it a try? I said to myself, and I couldn't help but press the bright screen again and search the dial history as hard as I could. Soon, I found a number that was about to be forgotten, and that was the mysterious Wanderer.

Originally, this line of numbers should have been deleted in the rebuke of the soul sickle. However, I was not reconciled, and I was still worried about H1-092's whereabouts, and finally kept it. He once mentioned that he had a client who was very interested in the family on Ou Shizhu Street, and was even willing to post me 15,000 upside down. Is there really such a fool in the world? Since this guy has great powers, I might as well contact him.

The number was quickly connected, and the drifter was like waiting in front of the phone, and then he was busy answering it after a bell rang. He was still sizzling his cigarette there, indifferently waiting to speak. However, I can't think of a reason to come to him again, this matter has been a long time, and the customer is a kind of thing, after missing it, it is a thousand miles away, and it is difficult to find it again.

"In the middle of the night, you're looking for me again?" the ghost waited for a long time without answering, and couldn't help but be very annoyed and wanted to hang up.

"Eh, the signal is very poor, it's much better now. I scratched my scalp, sat down on a wooden chair in front of the guest room, and said, "Well, I don't know how to speak to you." Last time, our principal didn't let me keep in touch with you, and now, I'm cornered and have no choice but to turn to you. You said last time that you had a client who was very interested in the case of the Dehanna family, so can you still contact them now? I have something I want to talk to. "

The drifter teased me a few words in a weird way, probably because he had finished his anger and balanced his mentality, and asked me to hang up the phone first, and he would call himself in three minutes. It was only two minutes before the phone rang again, and the guy pressed the dialogue button to listen, and the guy resumed his enthusiastic tone. The ghost says I'm shit lucky, and his clients are always interested. However, because the time has been delayed for too long, I don't have to worry about fifteen thousand, and I can only get eight thousand oceans at most.

"My client went to the countryside where you are yesterday and lives in the surrounding town. Originally, they decided to do it tomorrow night, but you know geography after all. Well, at five o'clock, the client will meet you in the tunnel, and they are two people. "

Ten minutes later, the phone rang again, this time it was the customer himself, and a hoarse and old voice rang out. After asking a few questions, the other party said that he would leave immediately. That's why I went to get the broken car and went to the appointment.

"If you have money, you will not be missing, but there is one condition, you have to tell my master everything you know, no matter how big or small. How can you go to the people of the dark world to investigate together? This is simply a chicken-and-duck story, and I don't know what to do. "

I stood alone in the tunnel, smoking a cigarette silently, but my heart was very agitated, what kind of expression would Lin Rui have on his face when he read this voice? I'm afraid this kid is going crazy! The loss of two close relatives in the blink of an eye will inevitably lead me to a dead end. Then Fan Fat Glasses and the two of them will probably be in a hurry, they will try their best to come here crying and mourning, and kneel down in front of the stone plate. So, what would Dixie's reaction be if she learned of this bad news? She shouldn't have been too obvious, but she would have wept silently in the shadows, regretting her negligence for a long time.

Thinking about the ugliness of these people not long after, I laughed out loud.

A French cartoonist has a work in which a large group of people stand in front of the portrait and mourn, only the deceased in the picture is grinning and laughing. Come to think of it, it's probably this feeling, I feel extremely relaxed, and it turns out that death is also full of comfort.

As the hour hand pointed to the number five minute by second, at the other end of the black maple tunnel, two black shadows faintly appeared, one was particularly tall, up and down three meters, and the other was particularly short, about the height of a primary school student. A few minutes later, smoothly met in front of the Kosita totem.

"You two, are you the customer?" I opened my mouth, unable to believe what I was seeing. The short man was an old woman with long gray hair, and her teeth were almost gone, and her body was withered and could be knocked down by a gust of wind. The other person is an ordinary-looking young woman, who should still be a student cub in appearance. The reason why it is mistaken for three meters tall is because this person is holding a long stainless steel pole in his hand, and a strange decoration hangs from the top. This physical should be a lamp, with a copper wire tied up to the bezel, and then embedded in a plastic sheet. The size of a newborn, with hands and feet, a huge eye drawn at the navel, and a wick of fire in it.

This thing was all too familiar to me, it was the long rod that had been wielded in Dixie's hand not long ago at the Eclipse Dojo. The old man and the young man stood firm at first, but then when they saw that I was blushing and not feeling sleepy, they looked at each other and asked what they were looking at.

"I've seen this miserable lamp!" I asked, pointing to my long pole, "Have you two followed me to Greentown?"

"I've never been there, why do you say this?" the old woman was confused, grabbed the long pole and stepped forward.

After some answers, she figured out that the suspicion was on the long pole, and couldn't help but sneer secretly. The old woman put her hand behind her back, pointed to the strange lamp, and said, "It's no wonder that the people in the dark world are only proficient in general skills and fangs, and they don't know anything about the other left doors. Young man, let me ask you, what do you think it is? This thing, you have only been to the underground black market of the pigeon boys, and it is sold everywhere!".

"Huh? I see. I reached out and took it, and sure enough, I saw a sticker on the steel pipe that had not been torn off, and it was marked with a price of 155 Bucks, which was a product. If you look closely, there are some differences in the color of the strange lamp, the last time I saw it glowing with fluorescent green light, now this one is a dark red. Thinking about it, I puffed up my chest and asked, "Oh, what is it?" "

"This steel pipe is called the corpse pole, and the lamp is called Jiaoweiqin, which is the magic ring that the people of the left door carry on their bodies when they come out to run errands, just like the butter corpse lamps often carried by the disciples in the dark world. It can be used as a light and as a way to seal the souls of those who are engaged in dangerous work from being taken away. The utensils themselves do not hurt people, and the real evildoers are the manipulators behind them. The old woman replied dismissively.

"Listening to the tone, you seem to be very familiar with the doorway of the dark world, so where are you two sacred?"

"Hey, young man, you've crossed the line. We agreed on the phone that Hugh would ask each other where we were coming from, and you wouldn't need to know who we were. The old woman took a paper bag from the girl's hand and handed it over, saying, "This is the fee negotiated before, you can click on it." "

"No need, you have to pay attention to faith when you come out to mix, and you two will never slander people on money. I felt speechless, and hurriedly grabbed the bag and put it in my bag. They are the last straw for me, and I have to lower my reasonable attitude. Thinking about it, I scratched my head and smiled, "No, that's not what I mean, I can't care if you call him or whoever you are." "

"Oh, I see, then, you can call me Aunt Polly. After the old woman finished speaking, she walked around my back alone, and whistled into the depths of the empty tunnel, and after a while, a petite figure in the distance quickly rushed up, jumped on the woman's shoulder, stared at a pair of copper bell eyes, and licked her front paws. I saw this thing not long ago, it was a black cat that had scurried into the Stone Gorge.

"Eh, could it be that you two were in the crowd and had already been to the tunnel?" I reached out and stroked the black cat, and the woman stood stiff with an expression that she owed her more and less to her, and said nothing. I felt quite uncomfortable, so I deliberately approached the black cat and joked, "It's you, we met again." How's it going, you're not being watched, are you?".

"Alright, if you like it, take it with you when you're done. The old woman asked me to step back three feet and asked, "Have you brought all your things?" Time is running out, we have to finish before the people leave, let's get started." "

I answered, ran back to the tunnel, removed the ice pack and gasoline bucket from my bike, and dodged into the crevice of the rocks alone to fiddle with the copper bead device. After about five minutes of tossing, I snapped my fingers and motioned for them to stand in front of the stone plate, and with a boom, the totem slowly rose, and the incense mist wafted out.

"Don't look at it on the surface to give people a sacrosanct feeling, like a dancing girl in the far away sky teasing you to chase, as long as you step through this door, the more you go inside, the darker and more dangerous, and full of evil and slaughter. I tried to keep my mind committed, and repeatedly admonished, "This is not a theme park, it will really kill people, and it's too late to quit now, you have to think clearly." "

The woman raised her hand impatiently, signaling that I should lead the way, and that I should not worry about the rest. Since she and the old woman dare to enter, they will definitely be able to get out. I lifted the dark brown curtain and let the two of them bend in, then lead the way. The old woman glanced at the sails and nodded, saying that there are still masters in the dark world, and this curtain is placed in the right place, which can prevent the things inside from being forced to run away.

"It's just rags turned up in a warehouse by a group of vindicators. I shrugged it off and replied casually.

"This is not an old curtain that can be turned over ordinarily, but in the turbulent ocean, the sails of the ghost ship that have been tossed for hundreds of years are removed. This gate has been floating on the sea for a long time, gathering yin and filth has become like a dead thing, and it is hung at the mouth of the gorge, if the evil ghost breaks through the siege, it will hit it head-on when it comes here, so it is beaten back to the yin. I said that they were not simple, because the people who thought of this trick were very cautious, not only setting up the palace gate here, but also the two entrances of the tunnel. The old woman shook her head and sighed, took the cigarette I had brought, and said, "The journey is boring, so you might as well take this opportunity to talk about the whole story." "

This was originally decided on the phone, and I had to report all the details to the two of them in 1510. However, the trouble caused by the impact on the Fog Dragon's Tooth Island is still fresh in my memory, and I gave them a condensed version of the loss and the entrenchment, especially ignoring the existence of freesia, and it is speculated that Miss Kosita does not know what the way is, or has been strung by the monster, and has escaped from the eyes of the soul suppression elegy, which leads to frequent chaos and finally becomes out of control. The old woman didn't dwell on it, just stared at a few questions, such as when Miss Kosita was strung with her soul, how the soul sickle and the others bravely entered the vortex, and so on.

When I made a selective reply, the woman walked behind me with the black cat in her arms and did not say a word, in fact, since the photograph, she has never opened her mouth, her eyes always scan me, sometimes she bows her head to think, sometimes frowns, and seems to be very suspicious of my every word. And the old woman also pretended to be old and deaf and faint, and asked me to say it a few more times, this atmosphere was very depressing, so I turned the topic to her.

"This young lady doesn't seem to be very talkative, she looks very young, she should still be a student. I shrugged and asked.

"The little master never goes to a secular school, but stays at home to receive private education since she was a child, and you can certainly say the same, she is very young, and she will probably go to get a driver's license next year. The old woman nodded and replied, "She has social phobia and doesn't like to talk." "

"I see, she looks so noble, I have to take good care of her, so what should I call her?" I smiled crookedly, thinking to myself, what is there to drag, in the eyes of the old woman, you may be the master, but in my eyes, you are not even a fart.

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