This three-storey detached unit on Auzhun Street is the home of the financier Chambers. It is as secluded and quiet as the other silent houses around it. The grey masonry, which shimmers in the light of daylight, is apparently a newly applied multi-layered paint, which was particularly popular at the end of the century, and remained popular until the tenth year after the millennium, when it faded into obscurity due to its ease of dusting and cleaning. The mullioned windows open onto the lawn and violin-shaped pool below, and the passage of time does not detract from the solemnity and elegance of the old house, which, combined with the family's knack for decorating with seasonal gadgets, makes it a jewel of the entire neighborhood.

Lao Dai accompanied Paco to finish smoking, and then shrugged his shoulders and pushed the door in, only the soul sickle stood in the courtroom, and he still did not come in. I was suspicious, and went back to him, and looked up with him. After a moment of blind glancing, the short man put his hand behind his back and walked straight to the back of the house, and I had to follow him quickly and ask him what he was looking for.

"You don't have to go upstairs to see the situation of the owner, you can feel that it is not simple to stand in the courtyard, it is simply a black cloud covering the sky. "

"Then you mean that anyone who enters the house will be tricked, so they are afraid of danger, so they are reluctant to go in?" I shuddered when I heard this, and I was about to drag Krys out, and asked, "Since you have seen the doorway, why don't you just look

at it?"

"Don't be busy, I didn't say that. He twisted my wrist, lit a cigarette for himself, frowned, and said, "Of course I'll go in later, but I think this demonic aura is very unusual, so I want to walk around." "

The lawn was cut off before reaching the corner of the mansion, and extending out was a backyard with pines and cypresses, and a few squirrels saw people and quickly crawled to the treetops, and disappeared in an instant. Ebizio removed the garbage can at the base of the wall, and removed the wooden box where the tools were kept, and saw that the wall panels were old but tightly fitted, and there was no damage to the appearance, so he waved his hand and said that there was no clue to it.

I turned back to the front of the house, and although it was still the same as before, a sacrosanct gesture, I was affected by the expression of the guy next to me, and it seemed that the sun was darkening violently. Soul Scythe couldn't help but feel funny, and said that if Miss Lu Kugu was on the side, maybe I would be able to see some doorways, and I was a young man who was a young man, and I was making some fun with it.

(In the following chapters, Chambers is referred to as Old Qian, Mrs. Chambers is referred to as Mrs. Money, and her son Jeremy is referred to as Ajie).

When I came to the house, I saw Mrs. Qian working in the kitchen again, maybe I saw that we didn't eat breakfast, and I was shocked by her craftsmanship. Of course, there is also a possibility, that is, Lao Qian's house has not had guests to visit for a long time, and many people came at once to make the atmosphere lively, which inevitably boosted her spirits slightly.

In fact, I really want to ask her what to do with it in the future, but I'm afraid that opening up will ruin others' interest. Applejack said that her mom used to love to party at home, and she liked the crowded, and today was the most crowded day in the past three months, so she would be busy, and she would be happy. With that, he began to lead us upstairs. Because the detective heard that Lao Qian hated being noisy, he asked Fan Pang and the others to stop on the ground floor first, invited me and Ebizio to pass through first, and then continued to change people, trying to keep absolutely quiet.

Facing the staircase is a clumsy abstract painting, black and black with unknown paint, the work of the patient half a year ago. Diagonal to it is the old money study. It is said that he originally slept in the bedroom on the third floor, but a few weeks ago, when he came down to flip through a book to relieve his boredom, he asked his son to get out of bed in the house, and since then he has lived in the room and is reluctant to leave. It's half past eight in the morning, and he probably hasn't woken up yet.

I followed Lao Dai's instructions to take pictures with my digital camera along the way, and soon came to the door, I thought that the room must be as dark as a normal horror movie, and I was ready to use a flash, but the door panel was moved slightly, but the room was very bright. The owner's little bed rested under the south-facing windowsill, and the shutters were drawn high, allowing sunlight to penetrate and illuminate every inch of the cottage.

On this bed, a human figure was curled up, with a withered face, a pale and gray complexion, with almost no muscles visible, and the excess loose skin that had once been illuminated by obesity drooped like a blanket, like a skeleton stuffed into a blow-off doll. Although it is not as scary as Qian Tai describes, it is still somewhat shocking. This person is terminally ill and very weak.

However, he was not still asleep as Xiaojie guessed, he had already woken up, and when he heard someone whispering in the corridor, he couldn't help but open his eyes and stare at us, looking extremely impatient. Seeing his angry face, and knowing that he was about to come out, the soul sickle nodded slightly, hurriedly closed the door, and pushed everyone back to the living room below. Subsequently, the remaining few people went up in batches, and after reading them all, they started this hearty breakfast and consulted the mother and son about Lao Qian's living habits and specific symptoms.

"Old Qian originally weighed 380 pounds, but in less than four months, only 85 pounds remained, and both we and our relatives were anxious. took him to the hospital many times, and even stayed in the hospital for observation, but no abnormalities were found after diagnosis. After many times, he got tired of it, and he didn't want to go out again, and as the days went by, people became weaker and weaker, and that's roughly what happened. Qian Tai looked at the condensed milk jar in a daze with a sad face, let's not be restrained, we can take whatever we want.

"What is the specific abnormal behavior of Lao Qian?" Fan Pang opened his laptop, prepared to take a typing record, and asked.

In fact, after the onset of the illness, he was no different from his usual habits, he still should sleep, eat, and live and excrete normally. If anything, it's that he often has weird dreams. Xiao Jie compared his hand to Krys, and described it to Krys, saying: "He always dreamed that his mouth was very fishy, and then he would get up in the middle of the night to brush his teeth, and when he brushed his mouth, all the blood would fall down." "

"Wait, is this his dream, or does he actually sleepswim up and go to the bathroom?" the dwarf man interrupted, holding out his hand.

"It's both, when he dreams, he will come down and walk to brush his teeth with a dull gaze, but in fact he is not holding the toothbrush, but his hands are swinging, and all his teeth are fine, and he has not lost more than half of them. The boy was stunned, scratched his head, and said, "As for the fishy smell, that's for sure, lying in bed for so long, and not exercising and not having an appetite, the smell in the mouth will definitely not be good." "

"If you only make a preliminary judgment based on these, it seems that you have fallen for a Cherokee demon method called the tooth chakra curse. The detective pondered for a moment and said to himself: "The similarity between the two is very high, the tooth chakra spell is also called bone crushing, according to legend, the person who is recruited often has nightmares, and will see his own flesh festering and revealing bones, the principle is the same." But I remember you mentioned that he was an atheist. "

"Yes, Lao Qian is very firm in this point, and has always been dismissive of ghosts, neither going to church nor paying attention to the supernatural channel. Just now I heard him scold again upstairs, or please forgive me, he actually doesn't want to be watched, we invite the person who is watching the gods to come to the door, which contradicts his beliefs, he is complaining about me, not against you. Qian Tai glanced towards the second floor and said.

"This has nothing to do with the Cherokee Demon Method, don't think about it, I'm just doing the elimination method. I myself was originally a Senior Police Inspector, and this is my past credential. The detective shrugged and smiled, saying that it was okay, opened the bag and put on the business card to introduce himself to the two of them, and then held the shoulder of the soul sickle, and said: "This is the master who specializes in this way, the exorcist from Tunisia is much stronger than the crazy clergy god stick in our country." To be honest, I was originally very disdainful of gods and ghosts, but after seeing his strength, I realized that it was unfathomable. Whatever you two are thinking about right now, he will know if he glances at it. "

"Why are you so sure you have nothing to do with the Cherokee Witchcraft?" Krys asked, blinking his eyes curiously.

"Because the premise is that you have to be convinced, you must be a fanatic, even if you torture the will will not be transferred, and obviously, Lao Qian is not, this basis does not exist, naturally it is the conclusion. Old Dai smiled contemptuously and grabbed another piece of snack.

"You, in the evening, are going to a nearby newsstand to get the beef tenderloin that you ordered with the butcher's shop the day before yesterday. Ebizio pointed at Mrs. Chan with his finger, then lit a cigarette, swallowed the clouds for a while, glanced at Xiaojie a few more times, and said, "And you need to lie in the afternoon, and then you will go out to the movies with a girl with the letter C." "

The mother and son looked at each other, not knowing how the yin owl man in front of them did it, they were very shocked and a little embarrassed, and said that this was the miscellaneous thing that was muttering in their stomachs now. The soul scythe made them not have to care, it was just an ordinary mind reading, they needed to concentrate on it, and they could understand it by listening carefully, which was very laborious. Usually he doesn't like to do this to ordinary people, only this time is not an example.

"How? Isn't it a little stronger than those native artillery of our local faction? I also looked down on this old boy at first, but as I worked together and deepened contact, I also admired it so much. The detective was overjoyed and grinned.

Next, based on the information they have gathered, they list a whole host of possible factors. At first, the soul sickle lingered outside and did not enter the house, because it was suspected that it could be caused by some kind of animal that has grown into a spirit, such as raccoons, civets, snakes, rabbits, etc., to nest under the house. There is a precedent for this phenomenon, there was a pet clinic in North Africa, the store staff locked the door of the store and ran away overnight, causing more than ten cats in the house to be cut off from water and food, these usually gentle small animals in order to survive, after eating up the remaining materials and began to kill each other, fifty days later, when it was found, there was only one live cat left in the house, and the ground was full of bones and broken hair and broken skin, and the situation was miserable. Since then, the house has been renovated and other shops have been reopened, but as long as you live in it, you will get sick.

Then there is the suspicion of being cast by the gangsters, it may be a box, or a cloth bag, or simply a piece of jewelry, in short, very small and unobtrusive. If this kind of thing is placed by the enemy, the purpose is to make the residents seriously ill. However, Mrs. Qian said that they have always been kind to others, Lao Qian is also paid on time in the company, and the workers are polite, so there should be no such people who hold grudges. The question is not important, Eupicio said that by throwing the pill of Pilu, if there is, it will be found immediately.

With that, he took out a handful of dark green beads and brought them to me, Krys, and Fan Pang respectively, and told us to go everywhere, not to miss any corner of the room, and the Pilu Feng Demon Law would immediately explode and turn into a cloud of yellow smoke, which could be clearly identified by the naked eye. We began to wander around with beads in our arms, and searched the whole house, but found nothing.

Then the detective began to ask, is this property inherent or relocated? Mrs. Qian said that the big house was bought when they were engaged and had lived in it for thirty years.

"Have you bought any furniture in the last six months?, or bought any souvenirs for your home?" Soul Scythe raised his head and explained emphatically, "It's not new, it's old utensils, antique ornaments worth seeing, famous paintings, pianos, cabinets, and so on." "

"There should be, I'll check the book. After hearing this, Mrs. Qian hurriedly went to the third floor, while Xiaojie sat on the spot scratching his ears and cheeks, and asked if the computer equipment he had purchased was counted? He had asked a friend to repair it at home last year because the motherboard was broken, but there was no one of the same model at that time, so he dismantled it and installed it on other machines. Even though the detective said it was impossible, it was marked with a cross.

While the woman was busy with her work, the two asked if there had been any pets in the family recently, or if the pool had been uncovered and the wild cats and dogs had drowned, and the boy shook his head and said no. The family has three dogs and a cat and has kept them for more than five years on average. When Mrs. Qian turned over the notebook and took her downstairs, she gave the two of them a look, and went to see some tables and chairs, tea sets and old wine, all of which were no problem, so she had to return to the hall and sit on the sofa to sort out the records.

Old Dai and Eupicio know how to ask questions, and take all aspects into account, including whether there have been recent changes in the nearby residents, whether relatives and friends have passed away, whether there are frequent strange things in the family, whether pets bark at night, etc., so they unknowingly arrive at lunchtime. During this period, the old money on the second floor always refused to cooperate, nor did he want to talk to people, so we were slightly embarrassed, so I had to leave. Before going out, the soul sickle asked the old man Mingqian about his work and rest, and said that he would come to observe the movement at midnight, and the rest would not be pressed first.

"We put our opinions together a little bit and then went back to our rooms to sleep. As soon as he arrived at the hotel, he called everyone to his room and said, "We may have to work all night tonight, and we are not allowed to doze off during this time, so we must keep our energy fresh." "

He invited us to sit on the floor, form a circle, and put all the information we had gathered on the table for a focused discussion. Krys asked curiously, shouldn't the haunted house be one of those with bleeding walls, a gusting wind in the ears, and the sound of chains mopping the floor behind it? Or is it connected to hell, with people possessed like demons, hands and feet dancing wildly, spewing feces in their mouths, furniture moving and mirrors exploding, every night like Halloween, and during the day like it's the Mexican Day of the Dead?

"It's an artistic exaggeration and visual enhancement, and the reality of an exorcism or a haunted house is as bland as boiled water, making people drowsy, and you just stare at the motionless picture for a while and then fall asleep. The detective stared at her pretty, couldn't help but laugh, and said, "You are very talented, you can always come up with various adjectives to liven up the atmosphere, and it is a good idea for you to follow along on this journey." "

She said that it was a low-level pastime to pass the dullness, and that it was a good idea to imitate the female drama in a play, pretending to hum, so that the nerves would not be so tense all afternoon that they all got into the horns.

Lao Dai felt that if there was a problem in an old house, it was concentrated on a certain person, and other family members were not affected, which was obviously targeted. In addition to the possibility of being cursed, other factors are also strange, both visible and invisible. In fact, exploring the root cause is similar to criminal investigation and handling a case, the case is in front of you, but it will not be a straight line, everyone is suspicious, and all changes around will be sudden, so they asked very carefully in the morning, for fear of missing major information by negligence.

And Eupicio said that just standing in front of the door of this house can feel demonic, indicating that the old money is not a stubborn or strange disease, but something really suffered. However, it is very strange that there are no clues in the house with such obvious features. Think of it as a crime scene where there is a murder somewhere, and the victim falls to death in blood, and there is a particularly noisy noise in the room that proves that the mob is still inside, and when the strips rush in and find nothing, the criminal is still wandering around and playing with them, but he can't see the strangeness.

I think back to Sister Di, who had become Mother Earth in the Shadow Eclipse Dojo at that time, and she also lost her true nature at that time, could it be that there are people behind this? Before the soul sickle and the detective could talk, the Mexican waved his hand and said that it was impossible. Paco has been working with Dai for several years, and although he has been a mentor, he has also gained a wealth of experience in his adventures.

About a year ago, they received a call from a family living at a flea market in Brooklyn. The owner of the house, similar to Lao Qian, was originally a rugby coach, but suddenly collapsed in bed, and his body became weaker and weaker. It took them months to finally determine that it was a spell called the Blood Worm Curse. That's actually some kind of particularly powerful psychological suggestion, constantly making people suspicious through harassing phone calls, and finally the body produces all kinds of reactions.

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