My feet, wandering among some kind of sharp gravel, exhausted and with no end in sight, the wind in my ears was blowing, but all around me was pitch black, and I walked crookedly as if I were on the edge of an abyss. Carrying a backpack weighing more than 40 pounds, none of which belonged to my personal belongings, before leaving the swallow's nest, I only knew that I would not turn back, so I didn't look at it and picked one up, and chased after Miriya and the red-haired man, this panic, resulting in the RA10 that was caught in my hand was a bulletless.

I don't know where the hell I'm walking at the moment, the only thing I know is that I'm alone, and in the distance there are the faint sound of gunfire, all kinds of noisy insects, and the hissing of poisonous snakes.

"If they persisted, they would have revolted ahead of time, and they would have only had to reach the location where the shots rang out to be rescued. With some self-comfort, I wrapped myself in a jumpsuit and began to stagger, and when I reached a certain outlet, my sixth sense suddenly told me that there was a subtlety ahead, as if something was lurking to cut my head. Although this thing is silent, it has no human flavor.

Sure enough, when my foot continued to take a few steps, I felt a black shadow pounce on me, and hurriedly raised my gun to aim indiscriminately, only to remember that I had a burning stick in my hand, and after throwing it aside, I drew a short knife from my waist. In this black-lit environment, it's more flexible.

"Stop, Guphilac, I'm Aipenny. "As I hurried towards it, the thing saw that it was self-defeating, and hurriedly called out two unfamiliar names. After doing it for a long time, it's actually a young girl. But why is this voice so familiar?

I reached forward and soon felt my swollen breasts, and a rhinoceros with a little cocked nose, it was indeed a little silly girl! Although I couldn't understand why she was here, I ignored the joy and sorrow for a while, and hurriedly hugged the visitor's shoulder blade, and lay my head in her arms.

"Alex?" she was taken aback, and then struggled to push me away, shouting, "But you're already dead!"

After a few minutes, I sat her down, and the two of us snuggled up to each other for warmth, and she recovered from the chaos.

"Why are you wearing the Butterfly Society's overalls?" she looked at me puzzled, and in the darkness she saw two lead-blue eyes blinking.

"Are you going to kill me because it's cold?" I put my arm around her soft shoulders and began to ask where she had disappeared for no apparent reason a few hours earlier. However, in front of her, she seemed to have suffered a great deal of damage, and she was already delirious, and she probably couldn't remember who I was. Thinking that I reached out to her, I smiled and said, "In that case, let's get acquainted again." "

"How could I not remember you? In fact I look forward to this nightmare every day. Oh my God, when you really stand in front of me, but it's not you, I don't know whether to be sad or happy. Alex, the person in front of you, although her appearance is still the same as before her disappearance, her heart, like all the realms we have walked through, is already fragmented and incomplete. You can't imagine what I've been through? 178 days, I'm about to forget everything in this world, I'm forced to watch you turn into flesh and blood one by one, but I can't do anything about it, I cry and scream that I'm heartbreaking, this grief is like a hell of a round, endless. "

This happened a month and a half ago, when Miss Lukugu and I were reunited at the mercury heart flap and kissed each other. At that time, no matter how much I calmed down and thought about it, it was difficult to understand. Now that I have suffered it, I understand how desolate and desperate she was at that time.

I'm not sure that the many nightmares I've experienced are enough to change myself, but I still have some doubts about some concepts. Madelaine maybe, as others say, have many unknown pasts, which have been forged long before I was born, wrong or right. All kinds of suspicions point to a mysterious year - 1974, a year that may have had many fierce conflicts that could change everything, and it all started with the attack on Foggy Dragon's Tooth Island in 72.

I carried Leann on my back and ran through the woods, and the ground beneath my feet began to climb higher, and both she and I, exhausted, and perhaps worse, went to sit down behind a boulder under the pretext of examining her injuries, and rested for a while. When I lifted the blood-stained ragged gown, I saw that the woman's bleeding had stopped halfway and had festered on the numbing wound on her scalp, and the gelatinous substance, like amber, glistened in the faint light of the lighter.

"Why didn't you give me a notice before jumping out of the window? I knew that I was so embarrassed now, and I should have waited for me to grab a few dresses on the ground and put them on. You can't take care of my face? Why are the women in the company better than me? I don't know how to take into account the feelings of men. I opened my suitcase to check on the gold-leafed feather coat, and when I saw that it was all right, I threw the handkerchief in my arms and closed the lid. And told her with his eyes that all the hard work was not in vain, and the two treasures were not damaged in a series of chaos.

She reached out and asked me for a cigarette, took a full puff, closed her eyes contentedly, and snuggled up to me tighter.

"What kind of evil art is Black Narcissus practicing?, shouldn't you go to the hospital if you are injured like this?" I smiled helplessly, stroked her long oil-stained sticky hair, and sighed: "Actually, Lao Tzu regrets taking that thing now, in case you don't die at the bottom of the waterfall, and you rekindle with the old love of Madeleine, in that case, there will be nothing to do with Sophie, won't I be born?"

"Everything is like what you said, it is fate, it is destined by God, and manpower cannot change it. I can see that you're passionate about playing riffraff and rarely have moments of your own, but that's not annoying. The woman, who never answered the question directly, and did not seem to be happy or sad, suddenly opened her eyes, smiled at me, and asked, "For example, in ancient times, there was a man who killed another person, but then he came to his senses and did countless good deeds, and over time he gradually became known to the world, and his faith was established, and he became a symbol of sorts. At this time, someone looked through ancient texts and found accounts of his previous killings, trying to refute certain theories. But in the eyes of fanatics, the person who was killed was originally meant to atone for original sin, and the same life was not cherished. Over time, when this kind of thing was brought up again, the deceased's family was regarded as evil spirits. What is your opinion on this?".

"Don't overdo everything, you will be called a cult if you go to extremes, and in my opinion, almost all of them are crazy. I shrugged, honestly saying that her words were too profound for me to have any idea of. But at the same time, I remembered the return of the gold thread during the battle of the Corridor of Fitting, so I described it to her in general, and asked, "Those pair of demonic eyes don't know who they are, and they can't tell who I am." "

"Yes, the gold line is just a kind of thinking, it can't distinguish between men and women without a voice, not to mention that you are a blind man. "

"Blind? you mean me?" "Yes, it's just you. "What does that mean?" literally. "

Through some analysis, the woman cleared up this incomprehensible confusion. No matter who I am, it can only be guessed by the most basic logic. It may have figured out the Madeleine, but it's hard to tell who the eagle is. Because I'm going to be born in a few years, and it doesn't exist in this era, how can I find it?

"No wonder it mistook me for Theodore when it saw the velvet. I stretched out my hand to help her up, and suddenly I had a plan, and asked, "Lien, there must be many ghosts lurking in front of us, can you also make some kind of visual obstacle like the roe walk, such as the moon mirror edge, the iron makeup wallflower, etc., so that I will become another person in the eyes of the crown skeletons or simply disappear?"

"I might have tried it before the decisive battle, but now I'm seriously injured and it's a liability. If you can, run as fast as you can, and you don't have to worry about me anymore, even if you are captured by the Bone Spirit, they won't kill me easily until they find out. "

I hadn't expected much from her, but when I saw the woman stumbling, I hunched her on my back again, gathered all my strength on the spot, and began to climb deeper and deeper among the soaked leaves, and soon came out of the bushes to the edge of the woods. Only then did I see the endless barbed wire fence and a construction site that had been halfway built.

In front of the entrance and exit stood nine crested skeletons with their heads raised and roaring, and two knights were wandering among the nearby broken buildings, a path that had long since been occupied by them. I couldn't help but sneer, is that enough? Leiann and I are just dying reptiles, even if there is only one, it will be enough for us. It seems that they will not allow oil candlesticks to be taken off the reef.

"When will the first phase of the Jinlunga project begin?" the woman glanced at her back, and cold sweat was seeping down, she pointed to the ridge at the end of the construction site, and said, "Romeo Point is on that cliff, and someone has prepared two sets of aerial gliding suits, as long as you can get there, you can quickly escape." You put me down and let me think about what to do?".

"Since you can't afford to mess with it, can't you just go around it?" I squinted and looked left and right, and saw that there seemed to be a quagmire shining under the cold moon a hundred meters away, straight into the two ends of the barbed wire, so I asked her for a knife, and planned to go over and wade through the water first.

"You don't have to go, you don't see the swamp bubbling up, this is the construction site, and it is easier to fill it in than anything else, but not doing that shows that you are waiting for you to be clever and foolish, and then you can catch it. She waved her hand impatiently to stop me, then looked straight ahead and muttered to herself, "The third one on the left has had my head cut off." "

"Eh, then again, this kind of high-ranking member can't die even if he chops off his head, what's going on?".

"Theoretically, they are immortal and can heal no matter how big the wounds are. Unless it is an ultra-high temperature air wave explosion, it may be finished after it burns clean in an instant. But the most terrible thing is that the two servants walking in the reinforced concrete bush," the woman frowned, sighed, and said, "Because I don't know what their specialty is, what it will be? "

Through the introduction of the woman, I have a general understanding of the structure of the Golden Ladder. In principle, high-level members are guests, and they can participate in the pursuit as Xiaoling or not, and the Knight of Hu is a guard of the Drinking Field's Guardian Courtyard, and is responsible for defending the Foggy Dragon's Tooth Island; above them, there is also a group of more elite personal bodyguards, called Gray Mist, who accompanied Emerald Huahua this time, but fortunately did not stay on the island and reef; and further up, it is beyond the investigation of the intelligence network behind Lien, I don't know what to say.

It turned out that after a long time, the people who fought with us were only minions, no wonder the Golden Light Party led by Emperor Heng was so jealous of them.

"I'm more worried now that the people who are answering us stay at sea for too long, and it will be easy to be noticed, and even if they run up the cliffs, they won't be able to walk in the end. As the woman spoke, she suddenly saw that it was dark in front of her, and she hurriedly reached out and grabbed the corner of my clothes and exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

"Why? Of course, you can get to Romeo Point by sitting under a tree?" I patted my chest, winked at her, and said, "Of course I don't want to be screwed off my head." They're just saying they're still on me, and they're going to chase after me, giving you a chance to escape. I was just counting the frequency, and a few Snappy spirits in front of the wire gate liked to go around, and there would be a gap of about three seconds, and they were all facing away from this side at that time. "

Whatever she wanted to say, I was determined to do it, and of course I had considerations. It's a send-off, and I need to put some effort around the skull, and then I'm looking forward to the opportunity to take shape. As for what is the chance? is the external factor that caused the two to flutter out in the first place, no matter who broke into the island of Foggy Dragon's Tooth? They create a riot and create the next, and if we are targeted, they will pay attention to it as well. At that point, it will become a battlefield, and it will be a good time to take advantage of the chaos and leave the chaos to others.

I held my Mac10 in my hand, gritted my teeth and slipped out of the bushes, and quickly ran towards the swamp pool. It's just as the woman said, it's an impassable non-flowing area, bubbling with bubbles, like a septic tank. My movements did catch the attention of the crested skeletons, but they were so good that they still left a few in place in case someone slipped through the cracks. Seeing the five skeletons crackling after me like a raging wind, I screamed and jumped back into the woods, and then played American football with them.

There was no decent master team in the 70s, and the ancients who are in use today have never seen it. Although Xiaoling has a fast foot, in a tangled environment, the advantage is negated. And they judged that I had a man-oiled candlestick and velvet, and they did not dare to pursue me. In this way, I will be equivalent to getting the iron roll of avoiding death, and I will turn my passivity into initiative. Compared to Leeann, who can only meditate cross-legged, he is actually more flexible and easy to change the rules.

As expected, these blackheads ran around the woods, always landing three trees behind me, looking wilted. From time to time I jumped to the edge of the woods, plunged headlong into it, and counted the distance in front of the swamp repeatedly. Which one will be more caught off guard?The Bone Spirits are only members of the Golden Ladder, and they don't know much more about the landform, but I've been researching it before. And this group of people themselves are all celebrities, pampered and not very fond of sports. It's just that King Kong's indestructible body is playing tricks, but it's still a human brain that works. At first, when I first revealed my supernatural powers, it really scared me a lot, but now that I have been entangled for a long time, I am like the fierce battle with the corpse of the Shouni Girl of the Hundred Ghost Pond, and I gradually get used to it.

And in the process of coiling, I made a new discovery, that is, when the two are very close to each other, the sudden explosion will cause the skeletons to be stunned for a moment, and then they will be bumped into by the accomplices who follow closely behind, and thus roll into a ball. I interspersed in the woods for a few minutes, and when I was right, I let out a loud roar, and then rubbed my heel against the turf, pushing myself out of the wet mud, and throwing out the velvet.

The crown skeletons were all defenseless, just blindly chasing, when they saw Ruo Wenwang's soul rushing towards them, they instinctively wanted to dodge, and when they saw their feet, they squeezed one fish and the other and fell into the swamp. I didn't intend to wrestle from beginning to end, since I couldn't kill it, I used the principle of matter, and all in all, I got rid of them gradually after I got out of the stinky sweat.

When I walked back to the wire gate, I glanced under the tree, and the woman seemed to be gone, but the forest was so dark that it was hard to see if it was or not. But the situation outside the door was not optimistic, the four who had been holding on at first were still there, and not only that, but one of the knights had also heard the news and ran back from the construction site, and was staring at me with slanted eyes and smiling, as if he was very determined.

This is a thin black man with the size of a bamboo pole, and even the head is elongated, and he looks a little like Shawn Stockman in the Boyz2Men group. Seeing that Gu Xiao was eager to try, he raised his hand to stop it, and walked slowly towards me with a silver spear.

"As a guest of honor who has been warmly entertained, it is not very strange to break into someone's house and steal, do you, do you say, Diodore?" said the man lightly, raising his hand and raising his gun, aiming it at his temple, and asking, "Are you ready?" "

But I was amazed to hear it, this group of people really mistook me for the Shining, and it must be a signal from the central brain Emerald Flower to everyone. This also means that the servants have never seen the old demon and do not know their true appearance. At the age of 72, it was still frozen to death in the burial pit of the mercury heart, which should have been seen by few people in the world. However, the other party overestimated me, and must have known Theodore's methods, and the fact that a mere guard dared to step forward and provoke me was tantamount to showing that he might be sure that he could hold me. Now, I started to panic.

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