'Wouldn't it be a little unsafe to let Gu Qingyuan deal with the bug people? ’

"What do you mean?"

'He just broke through the Nascent Soul, it stands to reason... it is very likely that he will not be the opponent of the insect man? ’

Hearing what the note said, Wang Hao just chuckled, and then shook his head slightly.

"You're too small to take care of your family, aren't you? Think about it again?"

I saw Wang Hao sitting in the corner of a teahouse, and now he looks like a happy expression.

'Think again? Okay... then give me a little more time. ’

During the time of taking notes and thinking, Wang Hao also successfully waited for the person he wanted to meet. But seeing a middle-aged man with a half-covered face and a hurried look walked towards the counter, and then sneakily handed out an item.

This place is just outside a city two hundred miles away from Wangdong City.

There are teahouses all over the place for pedestrians to settle down, and usually they also make a cameo role as a post station. There are also mules and horses in the teahouse, and people can also deliver goods in a pinch.

But generally speaking, the price is up for debate...

‘Oh~ I get it! ’

‘As early as six years ago, the little old man Qian Fang knew something about bugs. And so on, it seems like a clan like the Gu family, they should understand how powerful things like bug people are. ’

'In addition to the fact that the characters on the front of their family have lived for hundreds of years, it is even more impossible for him not to know the interests of the relationship here...'

'So the Gu family should also be balancing something, so that they didn't attack the bugman for the first time? ’

The judgment of the notes is organized, but there is still some gap between Wang Hao's conjecture.

"not only that."

"In my opinion... it's very likely that the Gu family has something else arranged."

Not to mention the big ones, from the analysis of some details, Wang Hao has already noticed that something is wrong.

The most intuitive example is Gu Qingqing.

She stayed in Xuanzhou for six full years, it is impossible for the elder Zong of the Gu family not to know about this kind of thing.

"Zhongzhou, Xuanzhou, these two places are now the two biggest forces on the bright side of the thirteen states."

"If you say that Zhongzhou has no idea of ​​infiltrating the worm's lair, it is naturally a lie..."

in other words.

It is very likely that the Gu family already knows the truth about Xuanzhou.

'I, probably understand... In short, should the Gu family have other plans? ’

"That's right, that's why I don't want to get involved."

Working with the big family is of course a lot of convenience, but for Wang Hao, these things will make him constrained.

Just make yourself uncomfortable.

Because the situation was not tense, one person and one book communicated in his mind leisurely for a long time. The two sides insisted on their own words, and gradually restored the original appearance of some things.

This took about half an hour of work by the way.

The person who just sent the information has long since disappeared, and Wang Hao also covered his face in order to ensure that the two sides would not meet.

"The store owner..."

After sending the token in his hand for verification, the other party handed over the intelligence bag that he had just received to Wang Hao.

'Aren't you being too careful... Doesn't this all have to be your own? ’

It was used to collect intelligence, and it was delivered to people all over the thirteen states. These are all talents screened out in Qingzhou Chaofa City and then sent out to other areas.

No anti-theft novel network

They are all 'new era monks' with extraordinary skills, and they are also a new force formed by Wang Hao's many years of business.

These people also have the foundation of foundation building at the minimum, and the upper limit is the peak of forming core. Walking outside, as long as you don't encounter anything difficult... Self-protection is not a problem at all.

After thanking the store owner, Wang Hao calculated the accounts and walked directly to the door. As he opened the information bag in his hand, he chuckled and muttered to himself.

"I'm so careful, don't I have to protect these brothers who are walking outside?"

In the past, even when they were in Chaofa City, Li Huanhuan and Guan Jun were the leaders on the bright side. In comparison, Wang Hao has been hiding behind the scenes and is not known to the public.

And this is where Wang Hao's judgment and decision-making lie. Because his identity is quite special.

Wang Hao was caught between the worm and the natives, and he couldn't find his position at all. And under this premise... Wang Hao naturally didn't want to have too much communication with the outside world.

After all, many know that 'knowledge' is also a sin.

While thinking like this, Wang Hao opened the information bag in his hand. There is not much information in it. After a few glances in total, Wang Hao read it all over and over again.

"Huh... Is there really a harvest?"

Wang Hao was surprised by the official content of the information.

I saw a line of graceful fonts being drawn on the top of it—

'After investigation, there has been preliminary progress on the content of the mythological story. ’

'Houyi shot the sun, according to the contact and analysis, it can be determined now that the site is between the sixteen mountains in Yunhai Prefecture. ’

'Nu Wa mending the sky, according to rumors, and after collecting evidence, it is now known. The origin of the story is in the Daxue Mountain. ’

'Chang'e flew to the moon, according to the analysis, the content related to the story is unknown for the time being, but according to some information returned, it can be determined that there is some clearer intelligence information in Xuanzhou. ’

Such a simple message actually made Wang Hao show a different expression.

"I found them all..."

As early as the last letter exchange, Wang Hao had returned the information once. He wants the intelligence network under Li Huanhuan to help collect this information, so that he can carry out operations more efficiently.

The time period was probably when he had just left the East Country.

Therefore, it is not too strange that the story of "Houyi Shooting the Sun" is included in the content now.

It's just... Wang Hao originally thought this was a long-term foreshadowing plan.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a few days, the clues have already been figured out there.

'It's not too exaggerated. ’

‘After all, myths and stories can be circulated for so long, and there must be something special about them. ’

'not to mention……'

'What's the use of knowing the place of origin? ’

‘It is the relics, not the ruins, that can help us deduce the truth of history. ’

This was a reminder to Wang Hao.

Thinking about it carefully, the key point of Gonggong's anger touching Buzhou Mountain was buried under the seabed, and the key point of Hou Yi's shooting the sun was the Jinwu corpse.

These two things are not things that have appeared on the bright side. If it weren't for chance, Wang Hao would never have encountered it.

"Let's go to Yunhai Prefecture to find Shiliulian Mountain, maybe what we see is a ruin."

As Gu Qingyuan said, in order to compete for the 'Golden Stone', the monks must have smashed the mountain into a puddle of mud... If you can find some way out from such a place.

On the contrary, Wang Hao got lucky.

"It makes sense... but I think it's too simple."

Wang Hao sighed lightly, sorted out his thoughts, and quickly adjusted his emotions.

"But it's better than nothing. Now that we know some information, we can start planning the route again."

Thinking of this, Wang Hao lowered his head and started to think again.

The story of Hou Yi shooting the sun has been organized, and it is not meaningful to go to the ruins now. It is better to focus on other places.

The rest Nuwa mending the sky, and Chang'e flying to the moon...

Of these two myths, which one is better to start with?

Wang Hao pondered in his mind for a while, but it didn't take long before he reached a consensus directly with the note.

‘Let’s deal with Chang’e flying to the moon first. ’

'Nuwa Patching the Sky is in the Daxue Mountains, but didn't an avalanche happen there a few days ago? Now that everyone is dead, I am afraid that we will go there in vain. ’

'The intelligence line in this regard is likely to be temporarily interrupted, and there are no other clues. I recommend giving up the investigation for the time being. ’

The analysis of the notes is straightforward, and it is also the same as Wang Hao's thoughts.

"Should we deal with Chang'e flying to the moon first..."

Wang Hao repeated it, his eyes lowered, and he glanced at the stationery in his hand again.

All the information about this mythical story now points to the territory of Xuanzhou. It just so happened that Gu Qingqing was also in Xuanzhou.

Under the premise of two-in-one, this Xuanzhou group is probably unavoidable.

"Then think of a way to go on such a journey."

Xuanzhou is extremely dangerous.

Wang Hao naturally knows about this, so in order to ensure that this trip is worthwhile...

Wang Hao had to think about it carefully, and then make another plan, so that he could be foolproof.


Time flies, and the seven days of darkness are fleeting.

On this day, in the borderland of Zhongzhou, called Baike Village, Wang Hao was sitting in a teahouse on the street to enjoy the coolness.

The robe on his body was replaced by a suit of casual clothes, a cardigan, linen trousers, and a pair of new greasy straw sandals... It was the most common attire for ordinary farmers.

And his face is even more unshaven, looking not only downcast, but even sloppy.

If Li Huanhuan saw his master dressed like this, he would have to widen his eyes.

Who has seen Wang Hao look so sloppy?

You must know that his master is very particular on weekdays. Although he does not dress exaggeratedly, he must also dress appropriately on the left and right sides before going out to meet people.

What exactly happened to him now, and he actually fell back to such a desolate appearance?

No one can understand the reason for this, only the parties themselves.

I saw Wang Hao holding a cup of cold **** tea in his hand, and put it into his mouth and sipped it lightly, with a sullen smile on his face.

After a while, three or two farmers with skin came in. They were dressed as cool as Wang Hao, and when they looked at each other, the farmer smiled.

"Kid Wang! You've been lazy so early? Ha, that piece of land in your house can't be sunburned to death!"

This plain-looking farmer with no energy to protect him just called Wang Hao by his first name and sat down beside him.

And the latter is not only not annoyed at this moment, but chuckled lightly and pushed half of the dry biscuits on the table.

"Brother Li, you know my old problems. When it's hot, my whole body hurts and I feel uncomfortable. It's better to wait a little longer. After the sun goes down, I'll go back to work."

Wang Hao's words were broken, but the latter just laughed twice.

I saw that the farmer took away the warm kettle in front of Wang Hao, filled half a cup of **** tea on his own, and was still chattering in his mouth.

"Oh... don't say it, this year's harvest is estimated to be difficult."

"The weather is changing day by day, the sun and rain are coming and going... Yesterday it was swollen, but today it's dry and cracked! Tell me, how can this make us live?"

Stop here.

This brother Li's eyes were full of tiredness, and his expression also slumped one after another, like a trolley that was unloaded - empty, dilapidated, and looking like a shaky look.

Wang Hao didn't say anything immediately, just nodded slightly, then looked up, and saw a bunch of farmers coming in outside.

These people seemed to have known Wang Hao for a long time. This meeting was a greeting, which made the atmosphere of the whole teahouse lively.

Now is the height of summer, and the sun is vicious.

Although this inland is not as exaggerated as the coast, the sun can also make people dizzy - so nowadays, many farmers are resting in this teahouse~www.readwn.com~ Just wait for the sky to be a little cloudy, and then go out to deal with it farm work.

These peasant households confronted each other in pairs, and soon they chatted in groups. And Wang Hao didn't feel any strangeness in it, and now he is also talking and laughing.

Finally, after about half an hour, Wang Hao's expression changed slightly.

He suddenly stood up, startling Brother Li beside him.

"Kid Wang, you..."

"Brother Li, I remember that I still have things to deal with, so I will leave first. I will ask for the money for the tea."

Seeing Wang Hao lift his legs and walk towards the door, Brother Li frowned, as if he didn't quite understand. Why did this old man suddenly have something to do?

"Yeah, it's weird."

"Doesn't he live in a family at the end of the village? My sister and him were young, and we both grew up..."

"This stinky boy is frail and sickly, but he can write well, and he is not worried about food and clothing."

"He doesn't look down on my sister. Six years ago, he married a woman who came from out of town. It's a sign of her appearance, and she gave birth to a boy and a girl."

As Wang Hao's figure gradually disappeared, Brother Li's eyes gradually became misty and even lost his focus.

His words rambled, as if reciting the broken manuscripts in his memory, so that his expression became strange.

"Kid Wang, he has learned from me for two years, and he even gave me two chickens during Chinese New Year."

"I remember it all, I remember it all. But..."

"Where does he live?"

"The head of the village, over there, isn't there a muddy field over there?"

"Where did the house come from, where did the inhabitants come from? This man, he, he..."

"What's his name?"

Did he find that he seemed to have forgotten something?

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