"Gu Qingyuan, Gu Qingqing..."

The two siblings, Wang Hao, have never been forgotten.

Earlier, Wang Hao couldn't walk away, plus he lived in Qingzhou, and there were various reasons for concealing his identity.

Wang Hao did not pass a letter with the Gu family.

So to this day, his information about Zhongzhou has only stayed at a relatively one-sided level.

For example...

"Gu's family in Zhongzhou, everyone says that there is an image of prosperity."

This statement is not made up, but the intelligence content summed up by Wang Hao in the information in recent years.

Now in Zhongzhou, the person in charge is the ancestor of the Gu family, Gu Changsheng.

"I am one hundred and thirty-four years old, and my children and grandchildren are full... Now Zhongzhou and Yunhai Prefecture are merged into the territory. And then the descendants are spread all over the positions of officials. Has it been in business for five years now?"

Seeing this, Wang Hao's heart is also clear.

In the pre-Tang era, Gu Changsheng was probably the kind with a back bone growing in his head...

"Yo, this old man wants to be the founding emperor..."

"It should have been the plan."

Since the split six years ago, this Zhongzhou has always maintained a subtle distance from Xuanzhou—similar to Yang Jian in Guanjiangkou, there is a kind of love to listen to the instructions of the 'boss'.

None of this information can be considered a secret, because in today's world, the common people see it in their eyes... When times are troubled, it is natural for the capable ones to come first.

I only hope that there will be a leader of the meeting, and a capable person who can calm the chaos will come to power, then everyone will be happy.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately came to a conclusion.

"Then let's take a good trip to Zhongzhou."

He chuckled softly, sat down firmly on the wooden board, and then groped for a while in front of his chest.

After a moment.

A thin piece of letter paper fell into Wang Hao's hands, causing him to have a thoughtful expression on his face.

After sorting out the order, Wang Hao pondered for a while, then raised the index finger of his right hand, and scribbled on the tissue paper.

"Huanhuan, seeing the words is like seeing me..."

If I didn’t go out here, I changed the route left and right, so I had to talk to the ‘family’ ward more or less.

Wang Hao memorized some of the instructions in it, and reviewed it carefully again, and finally nodded in satisfaction.

‘Since you are so worried, why don’t you just go back? ’

Notes do not understand what people think, it is normal to ask these questions. Wang Hao also pursed his lips and smiled at this moment, and then said softly.

"It's true that I'm worried, but I'm not so scared... The two little guys have already grown up, so they shouldn't bother me so much."

Since they have already come out, Wang Hao has no plans to turn back so easily.

"The nearest station is near the Orange Terrace in Zhongzhou? It shouldn't be a problem to send it there..."

After writing the contents of the envelope, he sighed lightly, raised his hand, and fluttered the letter—the tanned pieces of paper scattered in the sunlight, like floating water foam, blinking his eyes. time has disappeared.

It is wrapped with energy, and then it can cross the space until it is sent to another destination.

This is also a theory that Wang Hao deduced based on a certain true method. This allows him to send small-sized things directly, and then reach their destination.

Wang Hao is not too skilled in such a technique, so his distance control is a bit rough... If it's only one state apart, he still has room.

If it is further away, the thing sent out is likely to disappear, and then be completely torn apart in the turbulent flow.

And just after Wang Hao finished dealing with these matters, there was a murmur in the motorcade beside him. Soon, a man with a bald head and a beard came over and said to Wang Hao.

"Guest, the sun is about to set, would you like something to eat?"

Dongguo is a country with a strong religious atmosphere. In this place... many people adhere to the habit of not eating at sunset.

So if you want to eat, you have to catch up before the sun goes down at the latest - according to the time, it has to be around four or five in the afternoon.

This is somewhat different from the routine of ordinary people in the former Tang Dynasty.

When Wang Hao heard the words, he chuckled lightly and stood up from the wooden seat.

"Alright, then let me eat some too."

The bearded man did not dare to neglect, he nodded immediately after hearing this, and led Wang Hao to another carriage.

East country caravan travel, usually divided into several carriages go hand in hand. There are boxes for people to live here, and there are also a kind of special storage for goods.

Wang Hao paid for the ride himself, so naturally he paid a lot...otherwise, no one else would invite him to have dinner.

Following the man into the box, the bright interior came into view.

I saw two bearded men playing with the cauldron in the middle of the box, and the charcoal fire was lit under them.

The windows on both sides were straightened with quilt shelves, revealing light and wearing windy clothes, making the slightly crowded environment look a lot brighter.

"Dear guest, we just hit the road today, and we still use the freshest camel meat, please take a seat!"

The man on the left laughed twice, made an empty seat, and filled Wang Hao with a bowl of fresh meat.

The white meat that has been scalded by boiling water is distinctly fat and thin. When you poke it with a clip, you don't need to force it, and it immediately disperses into foam... The soup is cream-colored, with a layer of oil flowers floating on it, and it smells even more fragrant.

Even Wang Hao, who has memories of his previous life, now looks at the wooden bowl in his hand with a look of surprise in his eyes.

This white water stew can still have this smell? Could it be that something heavy was made?

Under the expectant gaze of others, Wang Hao did not shirk. He chuckled twice, nodded slightly, picked up a piece of fat and thin, and put it in his mouth.

Just a sip of the tongue, the freshness of the meat, the beauty of the soup, and a unique stinky smell all rushed into Wang Hao's nose, making him unable to help but snort.

This thing is kind of interesting...

‘Like someone who is not used to mutton, suddenly drinking mutton soup? ’

The notes are summed up quite well.

Wang Hao smiled cheerfully, and finally opened his mouth to give a worthy comment.

"It's really a good thing, the store owner has troubled you."

Appreciated by the distinguished guests, this is naturally a big thing. The three men were happy, and immediately started to eat the stewed meat in the iron pot.

The oil flower pointed out in the pot, splashed on the body, and brought a fishy smell. Someone rose up and took out a jar of sealed wine from the warehouse.

Open the mud seal and enter the large bowl. The aroma of the wine mixed with the taste of meat only made people happy and couldn't find the north.

After eating, the men who seemed to be brothers stood up and walked over to the wooden board outside.

In the sinking sunset, choking on the smoky smell of wine, singing songs that others can't understand.

'Distant ancestors, please look at me. ’

'Your descendants are strong and rich. ’

‘Your oasis is rich and beautiful. ’

'Your bloodline is long and long. ’

‘Your story is timeless and unfailing. ’

Wang Hao's back was leaning against the side of the box, just now in the conversation, he also knew the origin of this caravan.

They were ordinary people who had risen from slaves and had to live in the capital city for three days in January. It is also taking advantage of this time that they emptied the rare goods that were shipped in and used them to earn enough money to live on.

"It took us four generations to finally get out of the mine. We still need to save money to buy a house, the kind with a well!"

"As long as we pay enough pre-tax, the next generation... my children, they are real civilians!"

Listening to these small words, Wang Hao nodded from time to time and talked, which also made the topic more enthusiastic.

For Wang Hao, the life of a mortal is too long a memory. Now that he heard these sincere words, his eyes became a little more melodious.

"The store owner, toast to you. I hope you and your family can go to glory together."

The desolate night wind in the Gobi, under the clear starlight, the cultivator named Wang Hao laughed out loud and was filled with emotion.

This world... as expected, there are still the most common people who follow the rules.


The seven days of overcast are fleeting.

The land of Zhongzhou, among the mountains of Yaozhuang.

Surrounding the mountains and towns, there are many small towns and villages scattered here, but now to be more careful... these are all residents who have relocated in recent years.

The reason is that the person in charge has the people in his heart, and he still manages the government with integrity and does not support the soldiers during these years, so that the water bandits and thieves were slaughtered early.

This piece of land can be said to be one of the most stable capitals in the thirteen states of the former Tang Dynasty.

At noon on this day, I saw a thin man who was still decently dressed, but with a shaggy beard and looked a little haggard.

Now he is standing under the city wall, staring straight at the huge nomination.


"Walk around, hurry up if you want to go in, don't get in the way..."

The city guard's attitude was not good, but he was somewhat polite. Now I open my mouth to remind, but I don't see it. Compared with other places... it is kind.

Hearing the guard shouted twice, the man calmly returned to his senses.

If there are acquaintances by the side, they will see it clearly at this moment, and they will only cry out in surprise.

Wang Hao!

How could he be so sloppy like this? !

Now only the person concerned himself knows that he looks decent like this...

After all, in the Gobi, day and night, there is always a gust of wind that covers the sky and the sun, and one mouth can eat the flying sand that fills the stomach. How can this place be clean?

It must be that Wang Hao himself didn't care much, so now he looks a little dejected, but that's all.

I saw him smile shyly, reach out and fumble for a while inside his sleeves, and finally hand out a small cloth bag that clanked.

"Excuse me, may I also ask, what was this city built for? I passed by this place a few years ago, but I have never heard of this city. Besides... Who is the person in charge of this city now?"

The latter weighed it subconsciously, and his disdainful appearance suddenly froze!

I'm darling, how can this thing be so heavy? Not to mention gold and silver, even if it is a broken copper plate, it can be worth half a month's wages at least.

As the saying goes, the rich is the master, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he said cheerfully.

"This is your first time entering this Wangdongcheng? Hehe, that's all... I can't tell you too much."

"Wangdong City was completed six years ago. The person in charge is naturally a person from a family in Zhongzhou, Gu Qingyuan, Master Gu!"

Speaking of this, the city guard seems to be all excited, and he snorted softly at this moment, quite a bit of 'arrogant'.

"Master Gu, is one of the three heroes of the Gu family today! According to the old ancestor, he may break through to the Nascent Soul and become the third patriarch of the Gu family."

If you break through to Nascent Soul, you can become the patriarch.

This is not unfamiliar. Wang Hao received a letter from the spies a few days ago, and he should have known it.

In the Gu family's clan now, apart from Gu Changsheng of the Great Yuan Ying, there was another person who made a breakthrough two years ago.

That is now the second sect elder, Gu Qingping.

In terms of generation, he is also Gu Changsheng's grandson, the eldest son of his second son, and is considered a peer of Gu Qingyuan and Gu Qingqing.

This person is indeed a bit of a doorway. After only seven years of being stuck in the realm of Pill Formation, he directly understood the 'true method' and then achieved the position of Nascent Soul.

Wang Hao knew that if these people wanted to achieve Nascent Soul, it usually took a lot of energy, and there was a big chance to make this possible.

Gu Qingping was able to achieve this achievement, and the left and right were inseparable from this kind of relationship.

If there is a chance, Wang Hao would also like to get in touch.

At this moment, his thoughts couldn't stop, and the city guard also took advantage of the situation to walk aside, let his companion take over, and then said to Wang Hao.

"After the completion of Wangdong City, the eldest young master is in charge of us cleaning up all the troubles around us."

"The eldest young master said that he can't see the suffering of the people, so the tax is the lowest. Now, after so many years, it is a good weather, and the harvest is naturally gratifying."

"As for the title of Wangdongcheng, it was also requested by the eldest young master himself. He said that Muyun is in the east. Now that he has fallen to this point, he is also responsible."

"If you don't take back Muyun, the city will always look east."

"It's like this every day, and it's like this every night."

These words are indeed Gu Qingyuan's style~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Wang Hao pursed his lips and smiled when he heard it, and couldn't help but think of the appearance of Brother Gu when he spoke.

Now he is more looking forward to it.

If he met Brother Gu, he would have a lot to talk about with this long-lost brother.

"By the way, you're asking this... Do you want to see the eldest young master?"

The city guard looked at Wang Hao up and down for a while, as if looking at the money bag's sake, and finally said.

"Although the eldest young master doesn't pay attention to these things, anyone who wants to see him can be ranked first. But today is different..."

"Because a distinguished guest is coming."

"I'm afraid you will be hard to come across..."


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