DNA reduction technology.

Even in the era of Wang Hao's previous life, this is a modern technology that requires high-precision instruments to piece together, assemble, and finally operate.

In the context of the present, this is obviously a miracle that cannot be reproduced.

But for Wang Hao, it was not the same.

Now there is only Wang Hao left in the secret room. He looked left and right for a while, and then raised his right hand...

snapped his fingers.


With a light sound, the surrounding scenery collapsed in an instant.

The room is collapsing, the stone wall is fading, and everything that is visible to the naked eye, except for Wang Hao... everything is melting and remodeling at this moment.

What was then pieced together was a snow-white sidewall, as well as computers and microscopes.

[True Law - Heaven and Earth in a Cage]

Within a limited scope, the process of creation is carried out, and this is the usefulness of such Dharma.

Looking up, Wang Hao glanced at the blood sample placed on the table, thinking about it.

You have to analyze these things.

According to common sense, Wang Hao has not learned the knowledge of the medical profession. If he is allowed to get started and fiddle with these instruments...

That undoubtedly embarrassed him.

But Wang Hao didn't want to do it himself. Because as early as a few years ago, he had already realized how to use the next level.

Now he just slowly closed his eyes, and then conceived the complete process in his mind.

'Take out the blood on the table, test it, analyze it...'

The result is conceived in the mind.

The surrounding environment responded accordingly to Wang Hao's 'instructions'.

The wind was gathering, taking shape, and finally crumpling into a ball, taking out the blood samples on the table together.

The instrument was held up and lifted, and the blood was taken in under the drive of the air, and then it began to operate rapidly.

There seemed to be a group of invisible people who were beside Wang Hao at this moment, carrying out high-intensity analysis work silently.

After seeing this scene, Wang Hao also showed a faint smile on his face.

It's really good that the world in the cage can create things. With this feature, Wang Hao can anytime, anywhere, in a limited space...

Simulate the required environment.

Today's laboratory is a model in his vision.

The further use is to directly apply the logic of self-running to the things that you have conceived.

This is more of a means similar to programming.

The laboratory is model appropriation, and there are ready-made frameworks in memory.

In it, the small programs that are mixed with one by one endpoints can directly apply the fixed operation mode through the method of 'input'.

It's a bit complicated to say. At the beginning, Wang Hao also spent a lot of time, and then he thoroughly understood it.

As for the current use, it is naturally handy.

Even... Wang Hao has some further ideas.

"If Heaven and Earth in the Cage can be further strengthened, there may be simpler possibilities..."

For example, Wang Hao does not need to use the 'simulation' method for processing and analysis.

Maybe he only needs a flash of inspiration in his mind, and things within the scope of the domain will be analyzed in an instant, and then they will become what Wang Hao needs.


Now, when analyzing blood, the operation of the instrument is still necessary. The essence... This is because Wang Hao cannot get rid of the shackles of 'memory'.

He can't be too detached from reality now, and needs to be based on a certain foundation in order to realize creation - just like the hand rubbing the nuclear bomb that day.

Without a body and material, Wang Hao still couldn't achieve a single thought.

But even so... From a cultivator's point of view, Wang Hao's achievements today are quite exaggerated.

At least within the scope of Li Huanhuan and Guan Jun's cognition.

Wang Hao is really a master with all the skills!

There are just some questions, and again only the parties will know.

That is, the world in the cage also has some flaws.

And the most important of them...is the things that are created, and their form is not so stable.

For example, Wang Hao tried to reproduce the complete laboratory scene with 'the world in a cage' some time ago.

The precise instruments and the environment are formed one by one in the brain, and finally they are completely formed under the power of the true law...

It should be so.

"Things created by the true law, once they are freed from the package of our energy for a long time, will eventually return to their original state. ’

'This question is indeed very difficult...'

'Wang Hao, I've been thinking about it for a while, but this kind of thing should have gone beyond the limit of Nascent Soul. ’

There is also a bit of emotion between the words in the notes, which is obviously also a bit of a headache for Wang Hao's lack of ability.

Just like Wang Hao rubbing nuclear bombs in Muyun before.

If the substance formed in his hands is within the scope of the domain, it can still maintain the prototype. But if once out of Wang Hao's perception range...

These creations will slowly twist and deform.

If it cannot react as quickly as a bomb, it will eventually cause qualitative changes. The substance shaped by Wang Hao will completely lose its effect and then return to its original state.

The precision instrument became air again, and the high-magnification microscope was directly paralyzed into flowing water.

There are countless such examples, which also made Wang Hao realize his own inadequacies.

which is--

If he just stayed at the realm of Nascent Soul, Wang Hao's ability would probably never be improved in other areas.

"If I'm not mistaken, the realm of Nascent Soul grasps the abilities within the domain."

Wang Hao's inference also has its own set of logic and basis.

Because after six full years of research, coupled with the thousands of true methods he has now mastered, Wang Hao has fully understood the limit of the realm of 'Nascent Soul'.

That is...

Work miracles on a limited scale.

This statement is quite interesting, because in the existing information, the concept of "true law" itself has been divorced from reality.

Golden body, soaring into the clouds, driving the fog, differentiation, breaking the void...

The form of power can be said to be ever-changing, but in the end, the content of the true law itself is actually still limited within the framework.

One of the most intuitive examples is today's caged world.

"Get out of the frame, create rules, maybe this is the truth of the distracted monk?"

The inferred results certainly sound a little scary.

After all, if Wang Hao's inference is true, what is the difference between the so-called distraction monk and the so-called creator?

Words can come true.

Raise all things.

It's like prying open the editing system of the system and completing the transformation directly at the root, so that you can stand above all life!

Perhaps... the Water God Gonggong was once a being of this level?

Just thinking of this, Wang Hao's eyes darkened.

If the distracted cultivator can already reach the level of the 'Creator', it can make these beings fear, fight to the end, and then give birth to opponents who die.

What else is it supposed to be?

"And the ones above the starry sky... have to be of what level."

The more you explore, the more confused you become. Wang Hao shook his head slightly at this moment, and then sighed lightly.

Let's continue to focus on the current situation first, and then deal with the information at hand.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao glanced at the portrait on the table again, then continued to flip through the collection, and then recorded all his recent achievements in it.

'Archive Class - S Class'

'Categorical Attribution - Human Origins'

'Individual (ethnic) name - Water God Gonggong'

Under this series of classifications, Wang Hao found the contents sorted out in the past few days, and looked at it carefully again.

'In the sixth year of the Later Tang Dynasty, the thirteenth day of the seventh month. ’

'After the analysis and extraction of the blood, coupled with the restoration characteristics of the notes, I finally fully identified the entire contents of the water god. ’

'The first is to completely restore and describe the image of Gonggong by means of depiction. ’

'The second is to extract and compare the DNA and gene combinations of Gong Gong through experiments and analysis. ’

'The results are stunning. ’

"Although the image of Gonggong is slightly different from that of ordinary people, the main content is not here. ’

'Because from the cell structure and the residual DNA information, the genome of the Water God Gonggong is completely consistent with the normal human race. ’

"This shows that the Water God Gonggong is originally a person."

Beneath the simple and unadorned font is the content that Wang Hao has found somewhat surprising so far.

The Water God Gonggong is actually a normal person!

'The cooperating genome consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, including 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of **** chromosomes... This is exactly the same as that of modern humans. ’

'Therefore, two conclusions can be drawn...'

‘One, Gonggong is very likely to be one of the origins of today’s civilization. ’

'Secondly, if it is not of our race, its heart must be different and it refers to another content. ’

Two conclusions, two analyses.

First, the so-called fairy tales are inherited, and the accumulation of time is inherently uncertain.

Because according to the current iteration, there is still time. As a civilization developed from farming culture, like the Tang Dynasty, it will definitely develop some unique beliefs and cultures.

These things will blend with myths and stories~www.wuxiamtl.com~ or conflict, and then cause the deflection of history.

Over time, these stories will be modified beyond recognition until they completely lose their original meaning.

Therefore, the higher the completeness of the "mythical story" and the more consistent it is with the facts, it means that the eras of the two sides are closer, and the span is likely to be shorter!

If it was someone else, they would definitely not be able to say such exact words. But Wang Hao is different, after all...

There are still memories of Gonggong in his mind.

The notes have been sorted out for a week. Although they have not been fully analyzed, Wang Hao probably knows some of the content based on just a few words at the moment.


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