Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 194: The three origins of dandan have the same origin

The huge giant shadow passed Wang Hao by mistake, but it didn't directly suffocate into the bungalow as before.

He actually stopped his body in time, and then used all four of his feet to directly adjust his direction.

He seems to understand the way to control power...

Feeling the slight tingling sensation on his cheek, Wang Hao said softly while adjusting his breathing.

"You don't look stupid."

He said this because he realized... Tokin had actually started to imitate his movements.

This is not the ability of a fool.

"What did you misunderstand?"

Not far away, Prigil smiled brightly.

"Tokin's brain, not good. Just because...he doesn't have common sense."

"But, relatively speaking. Tokin, very good at fighting."

In fact, this man is not simply stupid.

It is true that his brain is not very smart, but it is only for some daily behaviors and needs.

In exchange for common sense, this seemingly stupid man actually has an unusual fighting instinct.

He is also improving.

The growth rate...even far exceeded Wang Hao's expectations.

And this also made Wang Hao's expression even more weird, because he found that... the other party seemed to regard himself as a test object.

In this way, the twins can be familiar with the process of fighting against the cultivator of the pill.

In other words, Wang Hao felt like an experience pack.

Prigil was beside him, and when he saw Wang Hao's surprised expressions, he laughed lightly.

"You are the first one I met, the Great Tang Warrior."

"This experience is very valuable."

"We also need, learn, draw, knowledge. So..."

"You are very important."

After listening to these words, I looked at the figure of the earth monkey that gathered again not far away.

Wang Hao knew that he could no longer delay.

"Understood, you do have a lot of skills."

"If it is another Great Tang cultivator, if it falls into your hands, it is indeed a fate of nine deaths."

"But...I should be different."

Seeing that Tokin, who was not far away, readjusted his posture, he took a long breath and raised his head at this moment.

Then held his breath slightly.

For Wang Hao, this is a well-deserved desperate situation.

If there is no other way to break the situation, it is not unusual for him to be buried here today.


This time I can only do my best.

And since Wang Hao entered the stage of forming an elixir, he has not really squeezed all of his own power.

There was an accident with Zhang He before, but because of his physical condition, Wang Hao never had this chance.

But now...

But it was the first time he was upright after becoming a cultivator of Pill Formation, and he chose to go all out when facing an opponent.

come on.

The three sources are the same.

Instructions called thoughts were distributed in an instant, and circulated around the body, and finally reached a consensus.

The energy in Wang Hao's body was stagnant at this moment, and even under the urging of the order, it was running at a crazy speed!

Sophisticated instruments are overloaded.

The roaring accelerator was stepped down, causing the engine to start to make a thunderous sound!

Puff, puff, puff...

Wang Hao even heard the echo of his own heartbeat that began to rush.

The eardrum was slightly swollen, and the cheeks were slightly hot. The warmth returned from his hands was accompanied by a piece of red skin.

The blood is flowing faster.

As the source of the cultivator, Wang Hao's three strengths were stimulated together at this moment.

Wang Hao's whole person changed in an instant!

A wave of air visible to the naked eye spread at this moment, and a hot and hot wind blew directly!

He was exaggerated as if he had transformed into a human-shaped tornado, and the earth monkeys not far away were blown to the side, making it difficult to even stand.

And Prigil was even more bumped, and immediately stumbled for a while.

If Mueller, who was beside her, had not blocked her in time, she would have sat on the ground at this moment.

Under a little shame and anger, she raised her eyebrows angrily, and then looked away at Wang Hao——

I saw the brilliance of three colors intertwined, now lingering around Wang Hao's body. It was a rainbow-like splendid color, and at this moment, a strange beauty was blooming.

The concept of life seems to have been sublimated to some extent at this moment.

The man in the field lowered his head slightly at this moment, and then stared at the slightly shining hands wrapped in three colors.

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This made Prigil couldn't help but stare a little.

How is this going?

Before she could figure it out, Tokin roared and rushed forward!

His brain is not easy to use, so he doesn't know what the so-called 'pressure' is.

Right now, he only feels that the enemy in front of him has become more solid and threatening!

Feeling a strong wind blowing towards his face, Wang Hao's expression only moved slightly at this moment... Then, he moved to his side one step at a time.

It's a very weird sense.

Because the soil monkey next to him, and Prigil saw Tokin rushing forward.

However, the other party avoided the forward attack at a speed of being late and coming At the same time, Wang Hao even raised his arm leisurely...

Directly punched Tokin's head!

There was only a muffled sound of hitting the ground, and Tokin's head was tilted to the side.

There was no room for struggle, and the five-meter-high humanoid behemoth was immediately smashed and flew out!

He tossed and flipped several somersaults in the air.

Until one end was stuffy on the ground, then rubbed against the ground, and finally slipped out dozens of meters away.

Tokin let out a dull groan at this moment, his body was a little heavy at this moment, so that he turned over several times, but in the end he couldn't stand up again.

He seems to have suffered some kind of brain trauma...

Seeing this scene, the other soil monkeys were still a little unable to react, but Prigil and Mueller were both slightly taken aback.

What happened now made both of them feel a little puzzled.

Wang Hao's strength should obviously be inferior to Tuojin's.

But...why could he just smash Tokin out with a punch?

"You, what did you do?"

Hearing the question from Prigil, Wang Hao in the field half turned his head at this moment.

He stared in this direction, then pulled the corners of his mouth.

As if talking to himself, the man was slightly ecstatic at this moment, and then said.

"So it is, so it is. I understand that after reaching the Pill Formation, the essence of the three sources of the same enlightenment has already undergone this change..."

"The reminder of the note is only within my cognition, so even if it is, it also does not take this situation into account."


"Who would have thought, after all."

"It turns out that I have never been weaker than others since the beginning."

Chapter 194: The Three Sources of Pill Formation

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