Jingde City at night.

Earlier, it was still a little lively here.

Perhaps the reason for the tavern's residence is that there are many tourists here on weekdays, and even in the middle of the night, you can see one or two drunk tourists.

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Therefore, the night lights are everywhere, and the light is bright.

Of course... Wang Hao himself had never been to such a place.

When he was chatting with Li Huanhuan before, he had heard her classmates talk about it.

Quan Dang was the intelligence information of gossip after dinner, and it came to mind at this moment, which made Wang Hao slightly moved.

Because at this moment... he actually saw a scene that was as bright as before.

If it was before the war, it would not be unusual. But at this moment, it can still maintain such an original appearance, but it makes Wang Hao feel a little surprised.

He walked all the way here, but he didn't see blood at all, and there were some traces of fighting.

This gang of earthy monkeys is as exaggerated as they have conquered Jingdecheng without any blood.

"It's a little weird..."

While talking like this, Wang Hao found a nearby restaurant.

The plaque on the top has been dismantled at this moment, so that Wang Hao can't see clearly.

At this time, the lights were still on, and then there were a few shouts of laughter. Wang Hao heard such a movement, and his expression moved slightly.

This is obviously the laughter of the earth monkey...

And their voices sounded happy, as if they had tasted something sweet.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao flashed lightly. He jumped to the top of the wall, clicked quickly, and finally jumped directly into the backyard.

Contrasted with the strength of Jiedan, Wang Hao's agility is far beyond ordinary people.

He was like an arrow flying through the wall, not to mention an ordinary person, even if he was replaced by a hound at this moment, he would probably not be able to react.

After landing, Wang Hao looked around for a while and found that this should be the back kitchen's courtyard.

Should I go to the hall first to see what these earth monkeys are doing, or go elsewhere to see if there are any living people?

Wang Hao was thinking like this, but he didn't hesitate for a long time before he was attracted by the movement in the room beside him.

He heard small noises, as if someone was whispering, and as if some pig iron collided, followed by a strange movement.

Wang Hao's ears and eyes are clear now, and he immediately recognized that the voice was from Muyun Prefecture.

With a slight squinting in his eyes, he stepped forward at this moment, and then stuck it to the door of the room over there.

Turning his ear, he really heard the movement inside.

"Uuuuu, Dad...I don't want to eat this, I don't want to eat this..."

"You have to be obedient, you have to listen to your father's words. Come on, drink this hot soup, then you will have strength!"

There is someone inside.

And it seems that the action is not restrained?

There seems to be some subtle tricks here...

Thinking of this, Wang Hao stretched out his hand and pushed the door directly in.

His movements were very careful, the frame of the wooden shelf could only squeak for a while at this moment, and then there was no movement at all.

But even so, Wang Hao still attracted the attention of the two in the room.

They stared at the door, with flattering smiles on their faces like a conditioned reflex.

But after seeing the person coming, their expressions instantly froze again.

Who is this person?

Isn't it those earthy monkeys out there? !

Wang Hao's reaction was much faster than theirs. At this moment, he was looking at the surrounding environment, walking forward slowly, and then said softly.

"Don't talk, don't move."

The warning is just a matter of routine.

After all, Wang Hao didn't care much about whether he really exposed himself - now, with his strength, there must be no problem with coming and going freely.

If these two people don't listen to the advice, they will accidentally provoke those soil monkeys in the end.

Anyway, the unfortunate is they themselves.

The one with a shorter head was a thin, half-sized boy. I just heard this rhetoric, the two sides should be a father-son relationship.

Now that he saw Wang Hao, his mouth widened.

The throat rolled up and down for a while, as if he was about to scream out of conditioned reflex.

"You're here to save..."

Thankfully, the biological father beside him responded faster, and now he covered the stupid son's mouth with one hand. This time, his eyes widened and he said in a suppressed tone.

"Don't make a sound, didn't you hear what they said!"

Although this kid doesn't seem to be very smart, he now knows the importance. He whimpered twice, and then let his own father let go.

And just when the two were "busy", Wang Hao also raised his eyelids and looked at the side room for a while.

He smelled a very disgusting and strange smell... It was as if the sauce table had been overturned, mixing the ups and downs.

This... doesn't seem to be a place for people to live.

I saw a stove embedded in the wall, which was burning vigorously at the moment.

The white smoke wafting out from under the wooden hood, at this moment, was escaping through the hole above the head.

A bed board that seemed to be made up temporarily was placed in the corner at this moment. The rest were two chamber pots, one large and one small, which seemed to be the source of the strange smell in the room.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao turned his eyes around, and then landed on the father and son beside him.

The appearance of these two people can be said to be quite desolate.

The clothes on his body were gray and black, obviously after not taking care of them for a while.

At this moment, there were a few dark marks on his face, and at a glance, he could see that it was the handwriting of Coal.

The most eye-catching thing was the two chains around their necks~www.wuxiamtl.com~, black iron chains as thick as thumbs, hanging from the wooden beams in the room. Now, with just a slight movement, a continuous sound of clattering can be heard.

That's how they seem to be 'locked' in this room.

And this thing... doesn't look very light.

Wang Hao's eyes lowered a little. He looked at the two destitute people, silent for a moment, and then said.

"Who are you? How did you get caught, and what do the rest know?"

There are many things to ask.

But that was also clearly prioritized.

Now that Wang Hao asked such words, he was also helping the other party to sort out his thoughts - after all, the father and son were already shaking with excitement.

The father opened his mouth, he seemed to want to say something, but his expression changed suddenly.

Because there was a sudden noise outside.

Footsteps, mixed with incomprehensible words, are approaching from far and near at this moment.

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