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Because he realized the focus of Gu Qingyuan.

'It's also from Muyun's background...'

Could it be that so many Pill formations present are all from this Muyun monk?

Thinking of this, Wang Hao saw the two male cultivators at the same table get up at this moment, and then said to Wang Hao.

"Qing Ming, Wang Jianli."

After receiving a salute, Wang Hao nodded eagerly, and quickly returned it.

With a good head, the people on the side also let go a little, and at this moment, they got up and made introductions.

Tibetan sword, Qing Ming, these two big sects naturally need not say more.

The rest also have some little-known origins from small sects. Now that they have said it, it can be regarded as a little bit of knowledge for everyone.

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Looking at the people who were doing it, Wang Hao couldn't help but look a little dazed—according to common sense, except for Gu Qingyuan.

The people present here should all be monks who were born and raised in Muyun Prefecture.

Apart from Nascent Soul, this can be said to be the entire reserve of Muyun's high-end combat power.

Compared with these, what surprised Wang Hao the most was...

That Xianfeng Mountain actually appeared at the banquet!

Hearing this name, Wang Hao couldn't hold back and looked at the two people who came down from Xianfeng Mountain.

Yellow robe, long hair, one male and one female.

The expressions of the two of them remained unchanged, and their faces were even more simple. It's just from the appearance... Wang Hao couldn't see any extra information at all.

And most importantly...

It was Wang Hao who didn't find the insect man during the banquet.

It should be known that Wang Hao's prompting ability has been improved once. He can identify the information of true cultivation through careful observation and close contact.

But if the object is changed to a bug person.

He can react almost instantly now.

But now he swept around and found no abnormality, which means that there was no problem with everyone present.

But this made Wang Hao a little strange...

Your Xianfeng Mountain is obviously very problematic, and something is not right at all!

Then why are you still so open and honest, sending two serious true cultivators to the meeting?

Are you really gutsy or what? Wang Hao couldn't understand, and his brows were even more wrinkled at this moment.

Could it be that the Shuiyue Pavilion can still lie to me?

But... that doesn't make sense.

You can't just explain all the numbers of yourself because of a scam.

Wang Hao was a little suspicious in his heart, and even his expression was a little weird at this moment.

Fortunately, the environment was a little mixed, and others didn't notice Wang Hao's change. In the later exchange, Wang Hao also knew about Muyun's current situation.

Nascent Soul-level combat power has now been instructed by Eunuch Li, ready to perform another mission.

As a little bit of Pill Formation, it is taking advantage of this banquet opportunity to gather everyone together, and it is more or less familiar.

Now that the seats are full, Gu Qingyuan is the concierge who supports the store and begins to serve dishes.

The fresh ones are fish and shrimp, and the stewed ones are beef and sheep. With such an ancient background, the dishes made are naturally not delicate in Wang Hao's eyes.

But compared to what I usually eat, the left and right sides are a lot more refined.

Seeing the dishes come to the table, everyone dropped their chopsticks one after another. During the period, there is wine on the table, which makes the atmosphere a lot more lively.

It means that the dishes are over the five flavors, and the wine is over the three tours. When someone started to walk, the separation between the two tables lost its meaning.

During this period, someone came to Wang Hao and asked about his legs and feet with concern.

After all, with so many people present, he was the only one who was carried up.

It's really swaggering.

It took a lot of words to explain, which made others sigh a lot.

Wang Hao was even given a gourd of medicinal pills by a monk from a small sect, and they said that this thing can speed up the recovery of bones...

Wang Hao was also embarrassed to refute others' face, and finally had to accept it politely.

Between pushing the cup and changing the cup, everyone gradually became familiar with each other.

Afterwards, a middle-aged man from ordinary background seemed to have drunk his head. At this moment, his eyes turned red, and then he feasted on the wine bottle, causing Wang Hao to look sideways.

"How big is my Muyun! How many people? But I didn't expect that, now I can only make up a few cultivators like me! Hey... what's going on!"

This remark seemed to resonate with some people, and at this moment, they were born and echoed two sentences.

Wang Hao didn't know about these things, so he didn't express his opinion. But with this momentum, he gained some insight by the way—

It seems that under the thirteen states of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the most difficult place to find a cultivator's talent is the most marginal land of Muyun.

According to his narration, even the cloud sea prefecture, which is closer and known as the 'difficult brother'.

At this moment, you should be able to make up as many as several hundred cultivators.

I don't know if it's because the sky doesn't bless Muyun, or because of other weird reasons... In short, it's hard to find monks in this world, so that it's time to forget the state.

Actually, they can only make up more than ten facades of them.

The man who was crying, Wang Hao did not remember his name. UU reading www.uukanshu.com and his background is an unknown family, which not only made the rest of the people feel the same way.

Except for the Muyun three sects, it seems that the other families from the small sects have a tendency to form a group at this moment.

But this way...

Wang Hao's situation was a little embarrassing.

Because he found that the three sects were parallel, and the small sects formed a group. And he's such a lonely man... It's like being excluded, and now he can only talk to Gu Qingyuan.

It's because of the name of the guest family...

Wang Hao was also happy to relax. He didn't express his opinion at this moment, just sat there, just constantly thinking about the purpose of Eunuch Li's banquet today.

The old **** couldn't simply want to invite us to dinner, right?

Thinking like this, Gu Qingyuan who was holding the wine bottle stood up at this moment, blushed, and spoke loudly.

"Please listen to me!"

As the only children of aristocratic families present, these people in the sect knew that the forces of Xuanzhou were standing behind Gu Qingyuan, and they turned their heads to look.

Facing everyone's gaze, Gu Qingyuan cleared his throat and continued.

"Today, Eunuch Li has invited you all. Of course, there is a reason for you to be familiar with it, but the most important thing is to do another thing."

He paused slightly, looked around, and his expression became even more stern.

"Because from tomorrow, we will take the initiative to solve the current barbarian chaos!"

Wang Hao on the side heard this, his eyes were slightly firmed.


The main purpose of putting together the high-level combat power is to achieve a unified command.

One hundred and sixty-eighth chapter Dan line

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