Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 165: missing concept

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But as soon as Wang Hao thought about it, he quickly frowned again.

Because he found that some opponents were not quite right.

"But if that's the case, what's the meaning of the forbidden thing's request?"

To know that Wang Hao wants to become a Nascent Soul, there is one more clear requirement in the prompt.

Wang Hao needs to upgrade the leather notebook to a taboo of B-level before he can complete the conditions for promotion to Nascent Soul.

But in Gu Qingyuan's mouth, he didn't seem to mention...

No, not right.

He may have mentioned it!

Wang Hao's pupils shrank slightly, and the note in his hand was distorted at the right time, and then a paragraph of font floated out.

'The sword Gu Qingyuan wears on his waist! ’

The notes and Wang Hao have the same mind. At this moment, it seems to reflect his thoughts. At this moment, a long list of fonts quickly emerges.

'You know, after becoming a Yuan Ying, you should have left the concept of ordinary people. ’

'In this process, people themselves have become extremely powerful, even enough to compare to some extraordinary beings. ’

'And people in this state may themselves become a kind of pollution. ’

‘In the long run, these people may have a certain degree of impact on the surrounding environment, with unpredictable consequences. ’

Wang Hao's breathing became a little dignified, he opened his mouth slightly, and at this moment seemed to murmur, following the content of the note, he tried to explain himself.

"So it seems that they may...will need to use something to carry their own pollution?"

"And these things need to be stored close to the body. If it goes on for a long time, it will eventually become..."

A forbidden thing that belongs to itself.

With a clear mind, Wang Hao only felt that his hair was standing on end in an instant.

He thought a lot in an instant.

The most important of them is a life form that he had come into contact with not long ago.

Omniscient Hound.

That thing is extremely powerful and strange, even living in a past timeline that ordinary monks can't touch.

Wang Hao swallowed at this moment.

Because he suddenly came up with a somewhat outrageous hypothesis.

"If... I mean, if. After the monks above Nascent Soul have made continuous progress and achieved a more advanced form, are they no longer human?"

Then will they become another life form?

For example...

Omniscient Hound?

The note paused slightly at this moment, then twisted, and finally emerged.

"An interesting guess, with some basis, I think..."

'It is possible. ’

With the approval of the note, Wang Hao's thoughts did not stop there. He continued to think about it, and recalled another taboo.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and took out a small glass bottle from his pocket.

Only more than one-third of the black viscous liquid remained in it, and it was constantly tumbling at this moment.

The incarnation of demons.

"The A-level taboo thing Zhang He owns is called the body of the inner demon. And this thing is called the incarnation of the inner demon..."

The name is just a code name, as a representative of the address, it has no special meaning in itself.

But at the moment, Wang Hao still inevitably connects the two sides together.

"The reason why Zhang He came to trouble me is because I obstructed his plan. He wants to get this forbidden thing..."

"Why does he need a demon incarnation?"

"Because he already has the body of a demon? Will there be any reaction when these two things are put together?"

At this moment, a concept is emerging in Wang Hao's mind.

- Split.

It is like an organization that is too large, under certain necessary circumstances, it is cut by external forces and becomes several parts of different sizes.

Perhaps this is what the demons are facing?

Wang Hao looked at the glass bottle in his hand and couldn't help murmured at this moment.

"That is to say, the current appearance is not your true appearance. You are just a scattered puzzle piece, a piece. If you are assembled into a shape..."

Wang Hao couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be.

And what is Zhang He's purpose in the final analysis in order to put together these pieces?

He was preparing to go to the Xianfeng Mountain!

"Xianfeng Mountain, what is hiding on top of that..."

And when he was thinking like this, the notes in his hand were not idle. The font on the top was twisted for a while, and finally it was written in rebuttal.

'This inference is not all accurate, we have seen the content of the copy painting before. ’

'Even if it is advanced to distraction, even the monks above it, there are also monks who have maintained their original appearance. ’

‘The existence of high-level beings should be very complicated, and I speculate that they are probably not the existence of a camp. The specific situation needs to be analyzed. ’

It was like pouring cold water on Wang Hao, making the boiling thoughts in his mind quickly cool down at this moment.


It shouldn't be that simple.

The omniscient hound, the cultivator above distraction, the body of the inner demon, the eyes copied on the painting.


And the three unknown beings standing above the stars.

These things should all have different alignments, because obviously...these guys don't get along well.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly felt that the troubles he had had just now were a little It was like a tourist who went to the beach because of a lovelorn, witnessing the vastness and the sky. After the scene.

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The traces of small feelings in the chest will soon be washed away, disrupted, until they disappear into the invisible.

As an individual's insignificant existence, when faced with this vast and boundless scene, it will more or less unconsciously integrate into this environment.

To relax your mind.

This is more like an instinctive response for humans. So Wang Hao noticed his own changes at this moment, and his expression softened a lot.

At this moment, she just felt refreshed.

"It turns out that, I probably understand... Thank you."

There is no need for Wang Hao to feel anxious.

Because of the gap between him and Gu Qingyuan and the others, it wasn't a cultivation technique.

It's the 'true law'.

The note in his hand was also vague at the moment, only the word "You're welcome" appeared, and there was no other movement.

Lying down on the bed again, Wang Hao thought it was his own problem, but now it seems... but it is obvious that the aborigines of this side of the world have misunderstood.

"True law, the concept of true law, they have never considered this kind of thing..."

After going around in circles, in the final analysis, the original subtitle prompt did not ask Wang Hao too much.


This is the basic condition of ordinary monks who want to become Nascent Soul.

Chapter 165 Missing Concepts

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