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Wang Hao squeezed the corner of his eyes to observe for a moment, and finally made a salute at this moment.

Eunuch Li seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit. He snorted lightly, then cleared his throat and said aloud.

"Forget it, I'm not going to hold you down, you can do it yourself in the future. I'm coming to the school grounds today, and I have something to say."

As he said that, he glanced at Gu Qingqing by the way.

"The youngest daughter of the Gu family, right? Gu Changqing and I are old acquaintances. I heard the news of your birth earlier, but Xuanzhou was busy with affairs, so I couldn't see you. She looks like a water spirit... but she doesn't dress well. Decent."

"The people in your aristocratic family are the face of my prosperous Tang Dynasty. How can you be so sloppy when you are out and about? I'll go down later, you can go to the block with me, and then go and buy your clothes first."

After hearing this, Gu Qingqing did not dare to neglect. She returned the ceremony again and again, and her mouth was even more polite.

And these words fell into Wang Hao's ears, but he cared about another thing——

This Eunuch Li also seems to have the strength to form a pill.

The energy just now was even more formidable, and now from a distance, there must be a distance of three or four hundred meters.

He can hit that far in one go.

And this power...

Wang Hao glanced at his feet, it was just a few cracked floor tiles.

You know, just now he took Gu Qingyuan's head-on attack, and all the strength of his body was transmitted to the ground, and there was only such a little movement left and right.

But what Eunuch Li can directly blow up a pit...

The difference is clear at a glance.

I'm afraid that if three Zhang He shoots together, they won't be able to withstand such a powerful hand!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao only felt that his scalp was starting to go numb.

How did you say this came out of Jingdecheng...

Surrounded by some ruthless people who can't eat steadily?

Could the gap between the exercises be so exaggerated?

I thought that I possessed the Three Sources, at least it should be considered a character in the knot. Do not count on one dozen or three, at least one person can be hammered.

But I never thought, now it seems... he is not the most cutting-edge kind.

It seems that there is a need to continue to study the practice of practice.

Wang Hao thought about it like this, but he didn't listen carefully to what Eunuch Li said.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly saw Hong Er and Xiao Cui who were not far away suddenly kneeling on the ground with a plop.

Their faces were a little excited, and at this moment there was a bit of panic.

Wang Hao's expression moved slightly, but before he could react, he heard a banging sound coming from beside him.

It turned out that the guards not far away all faced the direction of Eunuch Li, put down their spears and swords in unison, and knelt down straight.

There are thousands of people in the waves, as if being beaten by the tide, they rushed to the shore, and they knelt down in one breath.

These people have no other appearances on their faces, and now they are all excited and pious expressions on their faces.

Seeing such a neat and unified posture, Wang Hao was stunned for a moment.

What is this all doing?

And just when he was slightly stunned, Wang Hao heard someone say this in detail.

"Tsk... the one surnamed Wang, kneel quickly! Emperor Wen Jing said, are you still qualified to receive the order with a straight body?"

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"Eunuch Li is not that difficult to speak. Although you have inconvenience in your legs and feet, you have to act like a man."

Emperor Wen Jing's oral edict?

Just hearing these words, Wang Hao's face changed slightly, he caught a glimpse of Gu Qingyuan slapped at him, and he immediately understood.

Then he hurriedly bowed forward.

He pinched the corners of his eyes, glanced around, and found that all living people on the school grounds.

Except for Eunuch Li, no one could maintain a standing posture.

The oppressive force named 'Wen Jing' seems to have crossed several states at this moment, and finally pressed down on the backbone of everyone.

It seems... no one dares to disobey the call of this 'oral order'.

It's here too.

Only Wang Hao has a definite physical feeling - what is the experience of the supremacy of imperial power in a feudal society?

Just hearing the names of today's saints, no matter how high or low, you have to put your hands and feet on the ground, and wait for the 'Emperor's decree' to explain!

Shocked? Puzzled? These thoughts all appeared in Wang Hao's heart, but at this moment, he felt more of an inexplicable sense of powerlessness.

Even the apocalypse of the royal family, which is now on the decline, was even assassinated in the dynasty some time ago...

This Emperor Wen Jing is still in such a remote place, and still retains his unshakable majesty!

For a while, Wang Hao even wondered if the things he heard some time ago were just made up by others...

With such appeal, why did the Tang Dynasty decline?

Wang Hao's movements are also not slow, and now it is not ostentatious in the eyes of that father-in-law Li. Therefore, apart from Gu Qingyuan, no one else felt wrong.

On the city wall, Eunuch Li, who was dressed in white flour, saw everyone bow down, so he cleared his throat and said.

"Fengtian Shipping~www.wuxiamtl.com~ said Wen Jingzhao."

"Today, I heard that Muyun Prefecture was in trouble, and I felt very anxious."

"Muyun is the head of the army under the rule of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It has never been lost for a hundred years, and it cannot be lost in my hands now."

"Therefore, Li Ranxu and Guo Huang are specially dispatched to lead the special guards of Xuanzhou and take office at Tiankou!"

When Eunuch Li said this, two bright lights flashed in his eyes. With a straight face, he took a deep breath at this moment, and then shouted loudly!

"Limited, within one month, pacify the chaos of barbarians."

"Kin this!"

Hearing this, all the guards, including the Gu family brother and sister, nodded their heads with a heavy head, and only after a knock did they reply loudly in unison.

"According to the order!"

The sound is one after another, as if the surging waves are flying, and the new trend that people listen to is a little surging!

Seeing the completion of the matter, everyone not far away stood up one after another.

Wang Hao was thinking of something else at this time.

Calm in January?

Thinking about the current situation of Muyun, the army was all placed at the Tiankou. Roughly calculated, nearly 80% of the territory has been lost.

These barbarians are not made of mud, can they still win easily?

And thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but recall the several titles he had mentioned in the oral instructions he had just heard.

Li Ranxu, this should be Eunuch Li's real name.

As for Guo Huang at the back... Since this person can be as famous as this father-in-law, he should also be a minister-level figure.

This time the chaos, these two people should be the people in charge.

As for the Xuanzhou special guard at the back... Wang Hao heard it, and his heart was filled with three-point interest.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-two Oral Instructions

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