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"Those organized chambers of commerce, such as me, can leave the city at eleven o'clock tonight. The official party will wait until two o'clock tomorrow before leaving."

"At that time, only a few officers and soldiers who can guard the pass will be enough."

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This made Li Huanhuan a little confused.

She blinked, faltered, and then said.

"Then... on the side of the government, who would want to stay?"

"Naturally, it's someone who's been pinched."

"You have the old and the young, and the whole family is in my hands. Right now, I just need you to die for me, and then I can keep your whole family safe."

"I promise, except for you, the whole family can escape."

"If you don't agree, it's not just you. Even a few people can't leave."

Gu Qingqing paused slightly at this moment, then turned his head with a chuckle, and asked Li Huanhuan who was slightly stunned.

"If I ask you to come, do you agree or not?"

Where has the little guy heard of this kind of battle? Her eyes trembled slightly, and finally she lowered her head and decided not to say more.

Seeing this, Gu Qingqing was only silent for a while.

This kind of thing, as a child of an aristocratic family, is no stranger to her.

"Back to the point, as long as the government is still present, it will also be a reassurance for Jingde residents."

"And there are tens of thousands of civilians in the city. Even if those barbarians come in, they will have to play with it for a long time. Say something ugly..."

"Tens of thousands of pigs, even if they send their necks for you to chop, I'm afraid it will take more than a day."

"And by then..."

"The real people in the government have already run away without a shadow."

Li Huanhuan's eyes began to straighten slightly, but Wang Hao had some psychological expectations, but he didn't show too much surprise at this moment.

He just lay flat on the bed, and then recalled the times when those dynasties in the past were facing the crisis of destruction...

What a mess.

"Now the fall of Jingde is a foregone conclusion, but as long as it drags on for a while, the officials in the government can report it... They say that they failed to resist, and the battle was over until the city was destroyed.

"Although the Xuanzhou side has expressly stipulated, but there are excuses to offset it, those officials will give money and get away with their connections. It is naturally not a troublesome thing to completely clear the relationship."

After that, Gu Qingqing had no thoughts of speaking for a while. She pursed her lips, first glanced at Wang Hao, and then got up.

"Okay, I've explained everything to you. After that, I have other things to take care of. It is estimated that in the afternoon... I'm not in the hospital either."

"Miss Li, if your master needs anything, just go to my room and ask my maid."

Li Huanhuan nodded quickly and agreed. But when Gu Qingqing saw Wang Hao this time, his heart was even more settled, and the whole person's energy and spirit also recovered a little.

"Then Prince, I have to wait until after sunset before I'll look for you again."

Wang Hao also did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied.

"Miss Gu, you don't have to be polite. Wang must keep this life-saving grace in mind."

Wang Hao's remarks were not purely polite.

After all, he fainted directly on the street at that time. Although he had a foundation-building physique to back it up, if there was no help from other people in his pain...

Wang Hao probably didn't wake up so quickly.

No matter what the purpose is, in a word... Gu Qingqing saved Wang Hao's life this time, which is now a fact.

Li Huanhuan followed. After she watched Gu Qingqing leave the room, she quickly turned back and came to Wang Hao's side again.

Now, there are still some things that the master and apprentice need to communicate.

Wang Hao briefly thought about it for a while, he thought a lot, and finally asked what he was most concerned about first.

"Since you're leaving tonight. Have you packed everything in the lab?"

Li Huanhuan nodded again and again and quickly replied.

"It's been cleaned up a long time ago, master. Just like the emergency plan you told me before, I've packed some of the more precious materials."

"The manuscripts are all wrapped together, and none of them are left behind."

"The rest is not very convenient to refine, and I also prepared a lot of things to prepare."

"Considering that it may be difficult to make the equipment in the future, I also installed some more complicated and delicate things."

Earlier, Wang Hao did explain this information to Li Huanhuan. In order to get vaccinated in advance, Wang Hao prepared three sets of emergency plans similar to this.

It seems to be working today.

After hearing that he had brought everything, Wang Hao had no other thoughts for the time being.

At this moment, Li Huanhuan hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and said.

"One more thing, master. The glowing stones you put in the warehouse a few days ago. I took a look a few days ago, and the fish and shrimp in it are all dead."

dead clean?

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, he thought for a while, and then asked.

"When did you see it?"

"Last night."

It's been over three days...

I was starving for so many days, plus the sealed environment, no oxygen. Even without radiation, these fish and shrimp would have to starve to death~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The control variables are not well done...

Wang Hao sighed lightly, then opened his mouth and said.

"Don't worry about that for now, don't touch it, just leave it where it is... By the way, you didn't come too close when you went to see it, right?"

"No, no, I remember what you told me. That's why I stand far away."

If there is a real danger of radiation, it would not be a good thing for Li Huanhuan to approach casually.

After dealing with this little episode, Li Huanhuan was instructed by Wang Hao to go out, and then check whether anything fell.

And Wang Hao also took advantage of this gap to rest for a while...

It has to be said that physical pain does affect the spirit. Right now, it's just a short time of communication with other people, and Wang Hao is already drowsy.

Finally, I had to close my eyes and take a nap for a while.

During the period, Li Huanhuan also brought freshly boiled soup and fed it to Wang Hao spoonful by spoonful.

The stew here is some recipes that the pharmacist gave to Wang Hao in the past. The efficacy of them is mostly to restore energy and strengthen physical strength.

Time passed quickly.

Wang Hao watched helplessly as the sun slanted down, until the last ray of light was completely hidden on the windowsill.

Hearing that there was a lot of movement outside, Wang Hao knew...

It's almost time to hit the road.

But when the door was pushed open, Hong Er entered the room with three unfamiliar strong men.

I saw Hong Er on one side, and the rest stood on the other side. They didn't help Wang Hao, but dismantled the entire bed board under him, and carried it straight to the door.

Chapter 154 One Day Sunshine

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