Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 140: ordinary people

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Unable to use the ability to form pills.

It could be a little worse than this...

Because the moment the two sides came into contact, Qian Fang immediately lost the ability to resist.

He was like a little old man who had reached his age. He was so weak that he was strangled by the neck of a strong man and directly raised it in his hand.

It's like holding a little chick.

According to the calculation of normal age, Qian Fang has indeed passed the peak of physical strength of a normal man. Really want to wrestle with people as normal.

Of course he was incredibly weak.

"Gluck cluck..."

Seeing Qian Fang being pinched, he started to roll his eyes. Wang Hao, who was beside him, was mumbling in his heart, but he still suppressed his timidity.

It was impossible for him to watch Qian Fang strangled to death!

I saw Wang Hao suddenly stepped forward, as if emboldened for himself, his eyes widened.

Wang Hao's current situation can be said to be the same as that of Qian Fang.

On weekdays, he moved as he wanted to, and the energy to point where he was going was like a convoy blocking the intersection at this moment.

No way forward.

This made Wang Hao, who had already become accustomed to the characteristics of a monk, very uncomfortable.

But luckily...

His age is not as exaggerated as Qian Fang's, but now he is reluctantly adapted to it, and he is still able to react.

Can't wait to think about it, or pursue it. Wang Hao took a few steps away, gritted his teeth at this moment, and his heart became ruthless!

What if there is no monk's ability? Gotta do something, right?

Thinking like this, Wang Hao hit Zhang He's waist with a kick of the electric cannon!

The latter was indeed affected a little, so that at this moment... he took a half step to the side.

Zhang He frowned visibly.

Explain that this is useful!

Wang Hao only felt like he had kicked a layer of sponge.

Just the moment he touched it, he could feel the flesh as if under his shock.

Slightly dented.

But it didn't take long for him to be happy, soon...

Wang Hao realized that something was wrong.

It was as if two solid pieces of iron had been secretly stuffed under the sponge!

The solid, honest touch returned at once, causing Wang Hao's complexion to change slightly.

He only felt that his right leg was hurting at this moment, so he hurriedly pumped his leg and took a half step back, and then he showed a somewhat abstract expression.

Wang Hao's face was twisted into a twist.

This feeling is very outrageous-

He obviously took the initiative to take the shot, and he slammed into Zhang He's easily injured part.

But when he really thought about it, Wang Hao found himself even more embarrassed.

In terms of touch, Wang Hao even recalled his previous life.

When I was a child, I didn't know the importance, when I was a whirlwind leg, and I kicked the top of the stone pier...

This is really out of the ordinary.

Wang Hao grinned in pain, but at this moment he knew he couldn't take this into consideration...

It's important to save lives!

In one breath, he mentioned the throat again, Wang Hao pursed his lips, and punched again, hitting Zhang He's face hard!

With a thud, Zhang He's neck was only half twisted, and Wang Hao's strength was completely eaten up.

Still useful to the naked eye, but...

The effect is not very obvious.

Zhang He seemed a little impatient at this moment.

I saw that he raised his leg suddenly and kicked Wang Hao's stomach!

This speed is really urgent and fast, Wang Hao didn't have time to react at all, he felt a sharp pain coming from his waist and abdomen!

He flew out backwards, directly rubbing against the ground and turning over three times, only then did he reluctantly slow down.

"Cough, puff..."

A mouthful of blood went to the throat, and I couldn't bear it at all.

Wang Hao opened his mouth and spat out foamy red blood.

Waist up, ribs down.

In such a large area, the pain that came at this time almost made Wang Hao black in front of him.

As if the body was no longer his own, Wang Hao had the illusion that his spirit was beginning to go into a trance.

It hurts so much.

This pain even reminded Wang Hao of how he felt when he was severely beaten by the monk when he was in Anshan.

When Ansan...

A subtle feeling came to mind at this moment, making Wang Hao aware of something strange.

But before Wang Hao could continue to think about it, a black shadow fell towards him!

Can't wait to react, Wang Hao's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately saw why the visitor was coming.

He opened his arms and hugged the shadow in his arms... With a weight of a hundred kilograms, Wang Hao felt that his entire body was stagnant.

He felt as if he had been hit by a motorcycle.

The whole person didn't have the slightest room to react at this moment, and soared directly, and finally floated several meters away, and then stumbled to the ground, rolling and falling for several laps.

Wang Hao lay on the ground with his back to the sky and the ground, his head was already a piece of mud at this time - just when he slammed it, he only felt that his ears were buzzing constantly.

Wang Hao's throat rolled for a while, and finally he took a breath and took a deep breath.

But following Wang Hao's movement, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

It felt familiar to him.

Rib... I'm afraid it's broken again.

"Cough cough cough..."

Not far away Qian Fang, who was covered in smoke and dust, also slowly got up at this moment.

Fang Cai, Wang Hao, took the little old man in his arms.

He didn't expect that, but after the next effort, he was almost smashed to the ground and died...

Qian Fang's situation was obviously worse. At this moment, his left hand drooped down and fell weakly to the side, obviously being hit hard...

So much so that his face is now pale in pain.

The little old man's lips were trembling uncontrollably, and his whole body was like a sieve.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

It's not hard to imagine that if Wang Hao didn't give him a cushion just now, he would fall directly into the ruins now.

I am afraid that not dying would be considered crippled.

The two looked at each other at this moment, and both read a hint of horror from the bottom of each other's eyes.

This... what's going on right now?

Why not only the special abilities of the monks, but also the physical qualities that have been improved for a long time, have been deprived at this moment, so that they...

No different from normal people.

Where did all this energy go?

It can't just disappear out of nowhere, can it? !

Is this also one of the effects of that forbidden thing?

Wang Hao was restless, and he had no extra information to analyze, so at this moment, he had to get up quickly, and then went to help Qian Fang.

Not far away, Zhang He frowned slightly at this moment. He seemed to have made some judgment, and finally did not rush to deal with Wang Hao and Qian Fang.

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