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Hearing this, Wang Hao just pursed his lips and smiled without making any arguments.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang He, who was already pale, and opened his mouth to say.

"I knew the number of you earlier, how can I not think of this now? Just seeing you, it must be a sign..."

"The other guy has a problem."

In order to clear this 'tail' behind him.

Wang Hao has been planning for a long time, how could he have made such an obvious mistake now?

A little earlier, before he set off, Wang Hao went to Gu Qingqing for a walk.

He said to use Qian Fang to help him, as a starting role, to deal with these 'secondary characters'.

And he went head-to-head and went to solve the trouble of Shuiyue Pavilion in person.

Qian Fang was naturally a little unhappy about Wang Hao's commission.

It's just that after all, it can't hinder his current status as a pill.

As a partner with Gu Qingqing, Wang Hao's current status is unusual. Since he has said it clearly, this is naturally an important matter.

Whether to agree, how to do it.

There's a lot going on here, too.

There was a lot of twists and turns, but in the end... Qian Fang agreed.

People are the first to ask themselves to do things. If they don't ask for good luck, it will be regarded as a refutation of other people's face.

After confirming that Qian Fang would participate in the war, Wang Hao was even more determined.

With this little old assistant who is like an old fritter, he only needs to focus on Zhang He wholeheartedly.

The result was also unsurprising.

During Wang Hao and Zhang He's fight, Qian Fang personally took action and twisted the little Liudi's neck twice.

This made Wang Hao not only a little guilty.

After all, if conditions permit, he still hopes that Qian Fang can catch him alive and come back for interrogation.

At this moment, Wang Hao deliberately looked back for a while, but found that he couldn't see any information on Xiao Liu's body at all.

Recalling the **** man he had seen on the street before, although Wang Hao was still a little wary in his heart, looking at this man who had died...

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Finally decided to let it go.

A dead person can't make waves after all.

As for the forbidden things in its body...

It is estimated that it has to be done after the fact, through autopsy, or other methods to be able to see the mystery.

Wang Hao thought about it like this, but the little old man beside him showed a rather disdainful expression.

He just looked up and down for a while at Zhang He lying on the ground, then opened his mouth and said.

"Two Pills shot against you, and you died here today... It's your good skill."

Hearing this, Zhang He's face was already pale, and he was like a trapped beast that was blocked from retreating. At this moment, he showed an emotion that was close to despair.


He opened his mouth as if to say something.

But Wang Hao has run out of patience.

He even has the truth of dreaming more at night, and now that he has come to this moment, he naturally doesn't want to leave the slightest chance for the other party—

Earlier, I wanted to cooperate with Zhang He in a play, and the reason...

I just want to take some time to wait for the money to finish work.

Now that it's done, it's back to work.

Zhang He naturally had no way out.

Ping stretched out his hand, Wang Hao focused slightly at this moment, and then shook Zhang He again...

The fleeting force spewed out, directly covering Zhang He's throat completely.

A burst of force came, and Zhang He didn't even catch his breath before his throat was crushed.

The bones were crushed into powder and slag, mixed into a ball, and finally, like fat, slowly slid down the top of the throat.

Zhang He's eyes widened at this moment, his chest heaved up and down, and finally he opened his mouth suddenly, as if he wanted to say something.

But it was a mouthful of blood!


Red blood mixed with white **** overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and dripped down his neck to the top of his shirt, dyed red.

Zhang He's expression was obviously somewhat unexpected.

Because he didn't expect...

Wang Hao would act so decisively.

I thought there was still some room for manoeuvre, but Zhang He had other plans in his heart.

But now it seems that he still underestimated Wang Hao after all.

"You, you... kill me?!"

"Giggle cluck..."

Ning's throat was full of stubble and blood, and with his trachea filled, Zhang He couldn't put together a complete sentence.

His eyes became resentful at this moment, Zhang He glanced up and down twice, if his eyes could be turned into reality.

I am afraid that both Qian Fang and Wang Hao will die on the spot.

It seems that this kind of behavior offended Qian Fang, the little old man hummed softly at this moment, did not step forward, but raised his hand towards Zhang He halfway.

Pinch slowly.

With another puff, Wang Hao saw a gorgeous blood flower blooming on Zhang He's chest, but his expression remained unmoved.

After the blood mist dissipated, Wang Hao fixed his body and stared, only to realize that...

Qian Fang actually cut a big hole in Zhang He's chest!

A hole the size of an adult's fist was deeply imprinted on the left chest~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The internal organs were missing at this moment.

It has to be said that Qian Fang does have some means.

Wang Hao measured his own strength and found that it was his current proficiency.

At this distance, he simply couldn't be precise on this tiny target.

It seems that it will take follow-up diligence and exercise.

After all, the formation of elixir is not the end of the Taoist journey.

However, on Zhang He's side, he was already out of breath, and now his heart has been pinched into a cloud of blood, and his vitality has been completely cut off.

The light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now he proposed to use the taboo as a bargaining chip.

This may be useful to others, but for Wang Hao, it is not a new attraction.

How powerful is the ability? As long as I get the forbidden thing and study it carefully, I can finally figure out the doorway inside.

In order to make full use of taboos, information is indeed very important.

But that is also relative, if you look at it carefully...

Wang Hao has time behind him, he doesn't need to take other risks, just in order to obtain information on a taboo thing.

Value is not proportional to risk.

Seeing Zhang He's face turn pale and blue between his breaths.

And his chest quickly lost movement—

It is because the pupils are dilated and the heart and lungs stop.

In terms of bodily functions.

This person is already completely dead, and there is no possibility of surviving.

Seeing this, the vigilance that was hanging in Wang Hao's heart slightly slowed down at this moment.

It's over...

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