Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 124: resource utilization

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After all, information is limited.

Compared with these, what makes Wang Hao more novel now is that he wants to advance and achieve the three conditions of Nascent Soul.

Absorb the energy of at least three Forming Pill True Cultivators.

Just this one, has already made Wang Hao feel a slight toothache.

After all, after such a long-term contact, Wang Hao also knows how difficult the so-called true cultivation can be.

It can be said that... any true cultivator who is familiar with the ability to complete the pill can't be underestimated.

What's more, everyone's abilities and characteristics are different when they cultivate to form a pill, if they are not fully prepared.

The so-called gutter capsize is inevitable.

This alone requires Wang Hao to plan in depth and determine the general direction before implementation.

The next thing is to study and master a real method...

Wang Hao had no clue.

What is true law?

He had never heard of it.

"You may have to ask Qian Fang later..."

Wang Hao had thoughts in his heart, and put this question aside for the time being.

After all, what puzzled him the most was this last precondition.

"Raise the Hybrid Notes to a B grade."

Seeing this information, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling a little confused.

Because he doesn't understand at all... What is the inevitable connection between his own strength improvement and the mixed notes.

Wang Hao stood where he was. He carefully looked at the mixed notes in his hand, but he couldn't find any other reason.

Just let it go...

Thinking of this, Wang Hao got up directly. He looked around at the situation, confirmed the direction, and then disappeared in place.

After becoming an alchemy cultivator, Wang Hao's physical fitness has been greatly improved.

Now, even without using the unique ability of the cultivator, Wang Hao can burst into a very exaggerated speed.

Comparing one and two horizontally, Wang Hao found that he seemed to be much faster than the female cultivator who could speak the truth.

This should also be the ability improvement brought by the three permanent sources.

Feeling the changes brought about by his physical fitness, Wang Hao carefully thought about what he had achieved tonight while adapting to this new power.

Originally, he was only going for Jiedan.

But I never thought about it, and I also obtained a C-level taboo thing out of thin air.


Also saw some weird stuff.

Wang Hao didn't stop, and galloped all the way. It didn't take long before the side walls of Jingdecheng came into view.

Now it is close to the time of the morning. If it was normal, these city guards would have been trapped in a ball, huddled on the corner of the wall and dozed off.

But today is a little different.

Wang Hao saw that the lights above were still brightly lit and there were crowds of people. From time to time, he could hear footsteps coming from far and near.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

It is not difficult to see that the patrols in Jingde City have increased.

Wang Hao grew a little bit more attentive at this moment, and then turned over into the wall and went straight away.

In about a few minutes.

Wang Hao stood in front of his house.

He stretched out his hand, first poking it on the door panel for a while. Finally, I observed the traces on the copper handle for a while.

After confirming that it was correct, he pushed open the door and entered.

His movements were gentle, so his voice was not too loud. Wang Hao dodged and entered the room, only to see that the living room was still lit.

That little guy hasn't slept yet?

Wang Hao frowned, he stepped forward slowly, and slowly opened the wooden door.

I saw that the lights in the room were dim, and now there was only one oil candle that was still shining slightly.

Staring away, the appearance that it has burned to the root, obviously it has not been extinguished all night, and this can only be burned out.

Wang Hao's eyes went round and round, and finally landed on the small back.

I saw Li Huanhuan crawling on top of the table and fell into a deep sleep at some point...

In her hand, she was still holding the fountain pen sent by Wang Hao, and half of her face was attached to the manuscript, just like before.

It's just... this time she didn't salivate.

Wang Hao sighed lightly, he wanted to wake up Li Huanhuan and let her go back to the room to rest. But before he opened his mouth, there was a faint crowing of chickens outside the window.

The sky started to light up slowly.

I am afraid that as long as he waits a little longer, Li Huanhuan will be about to wake up.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao lost the thought of waking her up. He grabbed a thin quilt and put it on Li Huanhuan's body with one or two gestures, so he didn't think about it any more.

Wang Hao turned back to his room.

After taking off all his clothes, he stuffed all of his outfits tonight into the corner. When the sky is bright tomorrow, Wang Hao plans to burn all these traces.

Leaving no trace, this is also a rule Wang Hao set for himself.

After a brief tidying up, Wang Hao put on a protective suit and finally sat in front of his wooden table.

I received a lot of goods tonight. Apart from the settlement pill, there are also some other things that need to be sorted out by Wang Hao.

Thinking like this, he stretched out his hand, groped for a while, and finally took out two objects.

One is a glass bottle containing forbidden things.

One thing closed the small cloth Wang Hao pondered for a while, and finally took out a brand new manuscript and opened the cloth bag first.

The gravel with green light inside was shaken out one by one by Wang Hao, and finally all fell on the wooden table.

This is the stone that Wang Hao deliberately picked from Huanyang Cave tonight.

After recording the relevant information one by one to ensure that it is correct, Wang Hao saved the information and archived it, and finally put it in the side shelf.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it may only be a little surprise in a simple sense... After all, in the current era, stones that emit light are indeed rare.

But the starting value is nowhere near as high.

If it is hard enough and has a unique shape, it may also be used as a 'night pearl', packaged, and finally sold.

But for Wang Hao, this thing obviously has a more far-reaching significance.

Because he may be able to extract radioactive elements from these stones.

"There are usually some very simple ways to determine whether a stone has radiation levels..."

One of them is to observe whether it can emit light in a dim environment!

Simply recalling one or two, Wang Hao folded his arms and pondered for a while.

He recalled many ways of detection in an instant, but after screening, there are not many methods left.

Sighing lightly, Wang Hao could only frown slightly.

"If only I had a Geiger counter handy."

Geiger counter.

As an instrument for measuring radioactivity, it was first active during the Cold War. If Wang Hao could have this thing, he might not have to worry about finding the material for the radiation source...

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