Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 114: The flesh of the mother of all things

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The moment Wang Hao stepped into the cave, the mixed notes in his arms started tossing again.

Wang Hao's face moved slightly, he slowed down a little, then took out the note and spread it out in his hand.

Taking advantage of the light in the hole, Wang Hao saw the lines above begin to twist again.

'I found it, it seems that the direction is correct. ’

'The light on the wall seems to be of some use, and these things should help me in my research. ’

'If possible, I'd like to try knocking these off and taking some back...'

Seeing this, Wang Hao couldn't help but half raised his head.

As stated in the mixed notes, Wang Hao was indeed a little interested in these shimmering stones.

Due to the limitations of the times, many people may call these things "night pearls" and so on.

But Wang Hao knew it.

It seems that this kind of stone can shine at night for no reason.


All have some kind of radiation.

If it weren't for the fact that he heard the conversation between the two outside the door earlier, he really didn't dare to walk in casually right now.

After all, in the world of immortality, the background cannot be compared horizontally to the previous life.

If this is really a pile of energy mines, I am afraid that it will be directly irradiated into a waste person as soon as it enters...

At the moment, Wang Hao had to observe, slow down, and make sure that there was no substantial damage before he decided to step into it.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

"I've never heard of a stone that emits blue light..."

There is research value.

Wang Hao gathered his energy, condensed on his fingertips, and finally landed on the stone wall with a light button.

With enough force to pierce through gold and broken stones, he punched out five deep holes directly.

Wang Hao just buckled, grabbed, and immediately swept away a handful of gravel.

He packed these things separately, placed them on his waist, and continued to follow behind Ya Zhi.

The passage is not too short. After about three minutes or so, the two of them suddenly became enlightened.

I saw a wide platform suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and when he walked into it, Wang Hao realized that it was an extremely spacious inner room.

An arched outline on the top is more than ten meters high.

There are some stones with a turquoise luster embedded in them, which act as lighting at this moment.

The light here is very exaggerated, one or two horizontally, even more dazzling than the sun rising in the early morning.

Wang Hao fell behind. He first looked around to make sure there was nothing else, and then withdrew his gaze.

But in just such a gap, Ya Zhi, who was supposed to be in front of her, has already stepped forward in a daze, thus walking towards the heart of the inner room.

Over there, there is a hunched, thin figure sitting upright.

This figure just turned his back to Wang Hao, so he couldn't see his full face.

Seeing Yazhi move forward, Wang Hao's eyes narrowed. He just hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up the idea of ​​intercepting.

Instead, she walked forward on her own.

Because at the moment Wang Hao stared at it, the long-lost subtitle prompt already appeared in his line of sight.

【Discover forbidden things! 】

[Detecting... The specific analysis is in progress, and the analysis is complete! 】

[Forbidden Things - The Flesh and Blood of the Mother of All Things]

【Contact class】

[Taboo level - C level]

[This is a part of the flesh and blood stripped from the mother of all things. Compared with other types, it is not aggressive. But at the same can't be absorbed by any creature, and assimilated]

[After placing it in the body of any creature, it can be swallowed and transformed into a hotbed that can nurture life]

[Cultivators can strengthen their feelings for the concept of 'life' through contact, so as to obtain a certain level of improvement]

[It was a long, secret, and completely unknown past. Perhaps... only the truly strong can have the qualification to see the truth of it.]

A long piece of information appeared in Wang Hao's eyes, causing his thoughts to keep spinning at this moment.

There's a lot of information, and there's a lot to pay attention to.

But compared to other things, what interests Wang Hao the most at the moment... is the description.

Can it transform any organism into a breeding ground for life?

Just through the literal description, you can feel an indescribable strange atmosphere.

And this ability seems to be similar to the previous copy of the magic nest.

It's just that one turns into a breeding ground, and the other turns people into flies.

Wang Hao's pupils were half condensed at this time, and he stared straight at the hunched, short, back figure that couldn't even see the slightest feature.

Trying to use this method to observe any clues.

"It looks very old-fashioned, with hands and feet tucked into the sleeves, and a hood over the head, so there is no obvious outline or feature at all..."

There is no intelligence at all in appearance.

It was for this reason that Wang Hao did not stop Yazhi from leaning forward.

Because even though this taboo object is classified as a contact type, Wang Hao still adheres to the attitude of being careful before there is no accurate information about its ability and other information.

It would not hurt Wang Hao to let her take the initiative to try it out.

Moreover, the two here have not concealed their actions since they entered the cave. Even if they only heard footsteps, the other party should have some reactions.

But this back did not show any signs of movement at all.

This means...the other party is very likely.

No longer alive.

An individual who has become a hotbed, from the perspective of appearance and life characteristics, what will this change?

Wang Hao was a little curious, but at this moment, he did not advance but retreated, and then moved closer to the position near the entrance.

And Yazhi just walked straight ahead. Her eyes became a little distracted, as if the whole person was in a state of absence.

It's like being hypnotized by something.

After a few breaths, Yazhi leaned behind the figure.

She paused for a moment, stood still, and finally raised her right hand gently, pressing it slowly against the figure's back.

In an instant, a green glow burst out!

A wave of wind and waves came from out of nowhere, and rolled up directly in the entire inner room.

Wang Hao was pushed and shoved by this sudden trend, and he couldn't help staggering a little.

And at the same time, the green light that filled the sky wrapped around Yazhi's body.


After a faint murmur, Wang Hao clearly felt...something began to change.

A crackling sound.

Wang Hao didn't feel any strange at all.

Because that's the crisscrossing, rubbing, and final bang of the bones.

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