Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 104: melody's collapse

Remember for a second【】

And it's not just Jin Yan, Zhang He can feel that, in fact, the situation of Miaoyin also shows no signs of improving——

If it wasn't for the foundation of the cultivator Jiedan, I'm afraid that Miaoyin would have to lie on the bed at this moment, half-dead...

"That, Brother Zhang."

The voice from the side pulled Zhang He's thoughts back to reality, he agreed, turned his head halfway, and stared at Xiao Liu.

What do you want to say?

The latter raised his arm and touched the back of his head in embarrassment. After a while, he seemed to have decided something, and said.

"If Brother Jin encounters an accident, my ability may be able to save..."

"Absolutely not."

Zhang He's decisive tone made Xiao Liu slightly stunned.

The bear-like man stood up and grabbed his shoulders with both hands.

"Xiao Liu, you must not have such thoughts! You have to remember that you are a talent cultivated by our Shuiyue Pavilion with all our hard work. Your talent is unique and cannot be used in this kind of place!"

Zhang He said that he was righteous, but Xiao Liu had a slightly confused look on his face. He murmured for a moment, as if talking to himself.

"Yes, but I should be fine..."

"Okay, anyway, this matter is not negotiable. You don't want to mention it to me again, understand?"

After all, it was the pressure of the elder brother for many years, Xiao Liu pursed his lips under Zhang He's gaze, and finally had to silently nod his head in agreement.

During the conversation between the two, they suddenly heard a series of screams coming from the room.

But it didn't take long, I saw someone slam the door open from it, looking carefully, it was a wonderful voice with disheveled hair and a tired face.

She was panting heavily at this time, and shouted to the two outside the door.

"Quick, come in quickly! Xiao Jin is awake!"

The three rushed into the room one after another, and it was only by the dim yellow light on the wall that they could barely see what was inside.

A flat bed, a bench, and a wooden table with various medicinal herbs spread out.

Under the vent, some unknown medicinal herb was simmering, and a pungent smell was exuding at this time.

The atmosphere in the whole room seemed a little heavy.

It's just that Zhang He and Xiao Liu didn't have the heart to take this into consideration. They quickly stepped forward and leaned towards the figure on the bed.

"Little Jin, how are you feeling!"

When the figure paralyzed on the bed heard the sound, his face suddenly became excited. He turned his head immediately, and then looked in Zhang He's direction.

"Brother Zhang, are you here?"

Kim Yan's condition appears to be improving.


His eyes did not seem to focus in an accurate direction.

His pupils still had a familiar brilliance, but at this time they were like godless stones, just staring straight at the air beside the two of them.

As if peering into something unforeseen.

Seeing this, Zhang He and Xiao Liu's body shapes were obviously paused.

They seemed to have thought of something, and finally Xiao Liu opened his mouth and said word by word.

"Brother Jin, you, your eyes, are..."

"He's blind."

The wonderful sound behind her stepped forward at this moment, and her expression was even more complicated. …

As for what happened to Jin Yan, she could say that she did everything she could! But even so.

Still useless.

She only felt that Jin Yan was like a tattered wooden barrel.

No matter how you patch it up and sew it up, you can't make up for these bad holes in the end.

We can only watch it slowly leaking water, slowly becoming lighter, until... the last drop of blood is completely drained.

When Jin Yan, who was covered in wounds, heard this, he could only squeeze out an embarrassed smile, as if to comfort himself, and kept talking about it at this moment.

"Alright, alright. It's just that my eyes can't see it. I can still walk with my legs and feet. When I recover, I'll be able to go to the ground. Brother Zhang, wait for me, soon..."

Having said that, Jin Yan's expression suddenly changed slightly.

His throat tumbled for a while, turning up and down a few times, and finally the whole person bent down sharply like a bow and arrow.

The last mouth, wow, screamed.

He vomited black blood on the bed.

Where has Xiao Liu seen his companions end up in such a tragic situation? There was excitement on his face, as if he wanted to say something.

But Zhang He next to him is quick-witted.

He directly slashed across the palm of his hand and slashed Xiao Liu's back neck, causing him to faint on the spot.

Zhang He caught Xiao Liu, who was sluggish. His eyes circled around Jin Yan, who was sluggish. Finally, he raised his chin towards Miao Yin and made a subtle gesture.

The latter understood immediately, simply dealt with Jin Yan's blood, and followed Zhang He out of the room.

"Let's be clear, Xiao Jin looks like this, is there any way to save him?"

"I...I'm not quite sure."

Compared to her previous confidence, Miaoyin was obviously timid at this moment.

She put her hands around her chest, her fingers tightly clasped on the wound on her arm, and her tone was a little scared.

"Xiao Jin's situation is very, very... strange."

"Yes, it's very strange! I gave him a pulse, and the signs are clearly

^0^ One second to remember【】

A sign of qi deficiency and blood loss. "

"It's not difficult to deal with here, because he was seriously injured, these pulses are naturally good."

"According to common sense, I only need to supplement him with nutrition and adjust one or two. These symptoms should be cured by medicine."


Speaking of this, Miao Yin actually choked up slightly.

Her eyes began to moisten, and even her emotions almost collapsed.

"It doesn't work at all, it doesn't work at all! You know, all these Yao Mingming have already been eaten."

"But Xiaojin just hasn't gotten any better, and his body is even worse!"

"I took another pulse test before, but this time it was not only a loss of qi and blood, but even his internal organs had serious problems!"

"You know, he even had incontinence just Even his urine was black!!!"

"The poison can't be removed at all, no, it can't be found at all!"

"I have studied medical theory for so many years, and I even tried poisoning myself in order to understand various reasons!"

"But what's the use of it? I..."

"I don't understand at all what happened to Xiao Jin."

Miaoyin began to lose her mind gradually, her pupils dilated slightly, and her fingers even tore the scabbed wound on her arm due to excessive force.

Zhang He obviously felt that something was wrong with Miaoyin, he took two steps forward at this moment, grabbed her hands directly, and said in a deep voice.

"Miaoyin, wake up! It's just that your skills are not as good as others, what's there to lament about!"

"The big deal is that after we take down the thief, we will go to Haosheng to torture him, and finally ask what the means are."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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