Parasitic Cultivation: Race Clearing System

Chapter 233: The source of the swarm anomaly

Bai Bing's expression did not change, "You have to learn to delay gratification."

"What kind of delayed gratification?" She was stunned for a moment, she probably understood the meaning, and felt that this word was quite high-end, no wonder it was someone I admired by Li Lin.

"I'm going to be satisfied now."

Bai Bing thought about it seriously, and suddenly had an idea in his heart, he wanted to try it.

So he whispered to the mask.

"Please modify her memory, this mask was originally mine."

Feel in a trance.

The world flickers.

Li Lin's eyes were confused, hazy, and then awake.

"What is this? Are you going to give it to me? It's beautiful." She said, looking at the mask.

Bai Bing gradually revealed his shocked eyes, but he really succeeded?

It turns out that the source of "memory tampering" is also this Sealed Artifact?

His eyes gradually became solemn, this ability is too terrifying, enough to control a family, what can't be solved with this thing?

But he should be surprised, but he felt horrified.

He took back the mask, "I didn't give it to you, I'll just let you take a look."

Li Lin said: "Oh, yes, then I want to give you something."

She turned around and took out a crystal seal from the cabinet. It looked like a butterfly specimen, very beautiful.

"I don't want it." Bai Bing replied decisively, he wouldn't want anything from her.

Masks don't count, it's a robbery.

Anyway, he had to take it away.

So he moved again and had a bold idea.

He looked at the mask and muttered in his heart again.

"Erase her memory of me. This is the first time we met. I'm just a passing guest."

After speaking, Li Lin was in a trance again.

It's time to sever the relationship now, right? Bai Bing thought.

In other words, he didn't know if he could restore all the memories that had been modified back then. He wanted to know what happened back then.

Li Lin looked at him blankly, gradually becoming obsessed, and then a little shy.

"So you are Senior Brother Jiang who was introduced by my parents? That's great...cough.

By the way, you invited me to swim in the lake before?

Wait a minute, I'll do my makeup and change my clothes. "

Bai Bing: "???"

what's going on?

After that, he also felt a trance, and everything seemed to return to the way it was.

"Xianyun" poured in, and his perception of parasites disappeared.

Li Lin froze in place, a little confused, she yawned, thinking that she should be sleepy again, and it was time to go back to sleep.

After a while, she remembered Bai Bing and said, "How is it? I want you to repay your favor now, have you made up your mind?"

Bai Bing was completely silent.

It's all inherently hard to change.

The "memory modification" of the mask seems to be time-effective, so don't play around with it, it's better to seal it quickly.

He gave up the bold criminal law and said, "What kind of favor do you want?"

Li Lin said: "You can come and play with me every day from now on."

Bai Bing stared, "What a joke!"

"So, every week? Well, three times a month?"

"Okay." Bai Bing agreed decisively.

Are you kidding me, do I, Bai Bing, look like the kind of person who keeps promises?

Why should you pay back what you borrowed?

Since being polluted, he has deeply remembered that he is an evil cultivator, and as an evil cultivator, he must look a little evil.

Anyway, you can't take me.


Li Jiang just came home.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart. He always remembered the pale face of Junior Sister Lin'er and the traces on her face that seemed to be scratched. He could imagine the appearance of Pear Blossom with rain when Junior Sister Lin'er was bullied by Li Qingsi.

It looks good when you think about it, bah, it hurts.

"No reason!"

Li Jiang's face was gloomy, this Li family was really intriguing, but he was an outsider with no power or power. He was able to step into the main gate of this ancient race, with a full-screen integrity, and the qualifications to sweep in his hometown.

If he was in his hometown, he would be a shocking figure, and even the local dignitaries would care about his wink, and the various sects scrambled to **** him.

But here is different, here is the Li family, the ancient race Suzaku clan.

There are many unimaginable old monsters here, which can be swept away in Zhongzhou, and he is just a budding genius.

Compared with the bloodline disciples of the Li family, his strength is still a line, and this is the result of tempering in life and death.

But in terms of power, he has nothing, and this gap is desperately large. He knows that this cannot be made up by a generation.

He is very rational, and it is already a great honor to have a firm foothold in the Li family in this life, enough to honor the ancestors.

Now being able to get the appreciation of Li Lin's parents is also the greatest opportunity. They are all great nobles in this life.

Therefore, you must not have a conflict with the people of the Li family because of your passion.

As for that Bai Bing, the evil cultivator of Heaven Killing, I heard that he defeated all the goddesses of Wangtian Peak. He has also seen Bai Bing's methods, and it is really difficult to deal with.

Well, the Divine Phoenix Clan will naturally settle accounts with him. Sooner or later, this kind of person will be finished, so just ignore him.

"But you can't look at it like this, I was indifferent when Junior Sister Lin'er was bullied, how could I be the person she likes?

Well, even I despise myself. "

Li Jiang thought about it, and had a sense of measure in his heart, "Go back first and prepare some healing medicine for Junior Sister Lin'er, although it may be redundant, she may not need it, but at least it is a little thought.

However, the most important thing at this time is that someone cares about her. Warmth is what the frustrated need most.

As for the lake tour, there will be opportunities in the future. "

He decided to go back and prepare some healing medicine and other small gifts to send to Junior Sister Lin'er.

A quarter of an hour later, he put the ointment and some supplements in the gift box, thought about it, and put another bunch of flowers.

"No, it seems too straight, which is inappropriate."

Li Jiang thought for a while, took out the flowers again, and thought about it seriously.

This matter is different from cultivation, it is a technical work, and it is like a mountain.

However, if you use the right method, you can fight cattle across the mountain.

"Giving gifts should be done according to what you like. I heard that Junior Sister Lin'er likes snacks. Why don't you bring her some hometown specialties. It just so happened that I brought some recently."

So he found some nuts, pastries and the like, carefully packaged them, and put them in boxes.

Satisfied, he left with the box.

When he came to Li Lin's house, he heard voices in the room, the voice of Junior Sister Lin'er, as if he was talking to someone.

It seemed that she was in good condition, but another man's voice sounded familiar.

He smiled and knocked on the door.

The door opened.

Bai Bing frowned, how come this person is a little familiar, and it seems that he has beaten him somewhere.


He remembered, "Are you Li Jiang?"

The smile on Li Jiang's face gradually stiffened, his eyes paled, and his hands stiffened.

He stood there, as if he was drained of energy in an instant.

The gift box fell to the ground.

Bai Bing said, "Are you looking for Li Lin? Come in."

He probably knew that Li Jiang was Li Lin's senior brother, and he was afraid that he had something serious to talk about, but it would be troublesome for him to deal with the sealed artifact.


Li Lin felt disappointed when she heard the voice, the mask was sent out, and the conditions were not over yet.

"Sorry, I didn't come at the right time." Hearing Li Lin's voice, Li Jiang suddenly woke up.

Then, he turned around and ran, his back was bleak, lost, and stumbled and disappeared.


When Li Lin came out, she saw no one, only the gift box on the ground.

After opening it, she probably understood, and put the gift box on the shoe shelf, "Don't worry about him."

Bai Bing also saw that there was a lot of food in it. What's the situation? Did you order takeout?

Forget it, business matters.

When Li Jiang left, he squatted in the corner and was depressed for a while.

Gradually, the confusion in his eyes turned into anger and trembling, which was a surge of adrenaline.

"White... ice!

why why! "

His teeth were chattering with anger, and he clenched his fists and slammed the earth, "How can there be such a shameless person in the world, to let such a scum stay in the Li family, the sky is blind!

Alright, alright, since you're not benevolent, don't worry about my injustice, Li Jiang! "

He made up his mind, his eyes were firm, and he walked towards Zhen'an Mansion.

Knocked on the door with a cold fist.

A grey-clothed maid came raised her eyebrows slightly, "Li Jiang, what's the matter?"

"I've come to see Li Qingsi for something." Li Jiang was expressionless.

The maid said, "What is Miss Xun Qingsi doing?"

"It's something you don't need to worry about."

"Yo." The grey-clothed maid came out, her arms crossed her chest, and leaned against the door, "It's quite horizontal, I don't want to let you see it, so you won't be able to see it."

Li Jiang said: "Don't blame me for delaying business."

The grey-clothed maid sneered, "Look at what you said, I don't know what the lady can do."

"Bai Bing went to Li Lin's house and didn't know what to do."

"What does this have to do with Miss..." The maid in gray was stunned for a moment, "Wait, I have to talk about this, you stand still."


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