
da da da, large carts full of grain, forming a long dragon, driving away from Dark Tree Town very slow.

There are more than a thousand food carriages. The scale of the long dragon can be imagined, and you can't see the end at a glance.

For such a large food transport team, it is impossible to go so fast even if there are horses to pull the cart.

"The shortest road from Dark Tree Town to Shangyang City is also 1,500 miles away."

"If the road conditions are good, we can walk a hundred a day li or so, up to one hundred and fifty miles.

But if we have rainy days and the roads are muddy, it would be nice to be able to walk fifty miles a day."

Walk at the forefront The two tall horses are Old Zheng and Dian Wei.

Song Jincheng is at the end of the team and is in charge of the queen.

Old Zheng babbled and sighed:

"A few times, the section of our route collapsed and the road was blocked, and there was only one road. There was no way to go around. The road can only be cleaned up by brace oneself, but it took more than a month to clear the road. When the food was delivered to Shangyang City, most of it had already become moldy.

Also, we also encountered If there are floods, mudslides, or the bridges that must be passed are broken, and you have to stop to build a road and build a bridge, or simply detour the road, it’s a good situation if you delay half a month for ten days."

Dian Wei listened carefully.

But these are not what he cares about most.

I still remember that the last time Old Zheng escorted food, he was attacked. He was injured and the food was destroyed. Even Li Kuo, Wei Xiuzhi and other apprentices lost their lives.

Dian Wei said silently, "Old Zheng, what is the most dangerous place on the way?"

Old Zheng replied: "This large area is actually owned by the Shangyang Aristocratic Family Territory, that is to say, if we follow the established route and do not go outside the territory, we are basically unlikely to encounter danger."

Dian Wei was surprised: "Will we go out?"

Old Zheng nodded: "It mainly depends on the road conditions. If the road is blocked and there is no alternative, then you have to detour.

If you deviate from the established route, you may get out Territory, enter some dangerous areas."

Dian Wei raised his eyebrows and said: "What is this dangerous area?"

Old Zheng pondered then said: "Maybe it's a powerful Demon The hunting ground may also be the territory of a vicious mutant beast, or a powerful bandit group, etc. In short, the danger we face is nothing more than people, Demon and mutant beast."

Speaking of this, Old Zheng thought of something. He looked at Dian Wei and said in a low voice: "Of course, you may also encounter an'abnormal'. Be careful on the way."

This made Dian Wei's heart startled.

Old Zheng thought for a while, then said: "Oh yes, there is a potential danger, that is the hostile forces of the Shangyang Aristocratic Family!

If they are determined If we want to attack us, we are very likely to set up ambush on the road.

The last time we were attacked, we were ambushed by a hostile force, and the food was burned.

Alas, it has not been found out who did it so far."

Dian Wei knew it well.

Sure enough, escorting food is not simple.

On this road, not only may encounter the invasion of bad weather, but also may encounter the danger of myriad.

It's noon.

The escort dragon stopped and rested. Time it takes to burn a stick of incense. Let the escorts eat the dry food and drink some water.

Dian Wei, Old Zheng and the others have already eaten the prepared cooked and air-dried mutant beast meat in the morning. You don’t need to eat any more for a day, just drink some water.

After lunch, the team immediately set off.

Walk till dark.

The team stopped, camped, and slept in the wild.

"The itinerary on the first day was not bad. I walked almost one hundred and twenty miles." Old Zheng said with a smile.

Dian Wei doesn't know how this sense of distance is calculated. Anyway, he has long been confused and doesn't know how far he has traveled this day.

The escorts had eaten and slept together.

Dian Wei and the others belong to bodyguards, so they are responsible for patrolling back and forth and on night shifts.

They are divided into two teams, one team is on duty in the middle of the night, and the other team is in charge of the middle of the night.

Old Zheng and Dian Wei didn't sleep in the first half of the night, and Song Jincheng and the others took turns in the second half of the night before he fell asleep.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was 2nd day, and the sky was still bright, everyone got up, ate breakfast hastily, and started on the road.

Such cycle.

Nothing happened all the way.

On the 11th day, people suddenly appeared on the road ahead.

Old Zheng took a shot of flattery shares and said: "The front is the'Three-way Crossroad'. This is our supply station. You can live in the Inn, take a shower, and get a good night's sleep."

Dian Wei looked up and found that a town faintly appeared at the end of the road. It was not small in size. Although it was not as big as Dark Tree Town, there were also high-rise streets, people coming, people going.

Old Zheng introduced:

"This Three-way Crossroad is located at the intersection of three major roads, one road leads to the north, one road leads to the east, and the road under our feet There are three main roads for transportation!

Before there was only one post here, which was very simple, but then there were too many people passing by, and the Great Accomplishment gradually expanded to a town. The Shangyang Aristocratic Family also attached importance to this place. There are as many as two Instructors who came to guard this place."

While speaking, the escort dragon came outside the town.

Someone ran to inform the two Instructors guarding this place, and they quickly rushed to greet them.

These two people, one is a lady in white clothes holding an iron fan, smiling and squinting, and the other is a gray-haired old woman, holding a snake-headed staff, her face is cold, without any expression .

Old Zheng arched his hand and said to the white-haired old woman: "Grandma Yun, are you okay?"

The white-haired old woman showed a slight smile, without teeth in her mouth. Mouth pursed inward, he said vaguely: "The old body is very good, and I can't die temporarily, but you were injured in the attack last time. What happened to your body?"

Old Zheng continued: "My life is hard. Almost good."

White-haired old woman nodded: "It seems that Mountain Shifting Art is unique in terms of self-healing."

Old Zheng turned his head and looked towards White-clothed Xiu Shi: "This is?"

White-haired old woman introduced: "His name is Qi Lian, the new Instructor."

White-haired Xiu Qi Lian at a moderate pace He bowed his hands and was polite.

After seeing each other, Old Zheng surprisedly said: "Where was the Instructor Wang before?"

The white-haired old woman muttered: "Dead."

She doesn't say how that person died, as if these details are not worth mentioning.

Old Zheng sighed: "That Instructor Wang warm-hearted and compassionate, he is a hero."

The white-haired old woman hummed: "People are good. It's a pity that since he could see the'abnormal', the whole person has gradually gone crazy. Alas, who would have thought that dignified an Instructor would end up wiping one's own neck."


Dian Wei tightened and looked deeply at the white-haired old woman.

The white-clothed celebrity Qi Lian seemed to notice Dian Wei's reaction and gave him one more look.

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