Back at the military camp, Empress Sanxiao used immortal talismans to seal her Niwan Palace and tied it to a flagpole.

He also said to Master Wen:”He knows how to shoot my brother, so I will shoot him this time!”

Then he ordered the long archer to shoot the arrow like rain, and the arrow hit Lu Ya.

After a while, the arrow feathers turned into dust.

All the soldiers were shocked. Hearing that the Grand Master looked at it, everyone was astonished. When Empress Yunxiao saw this, Bixiao frowned and said,”What kind of magic will this demon do to deceive us?”

Yunxiao sacrificed the golden dragon shears, and immediately two dragons flew out.

Seeing this, Lu Ya turned into a rainbow and hid, and fled the military camp.

The ordinary magic weapon Lu Ya would dare to resist, but when faced with the Golden Dragon Scissors, Yun Xiao used it himself. Taoist Lu Ya didn’t dare to feel lucky at all, so he just moistened it

“Taoist Lu Ya, who knows what he was doing, was able to dodge the golden dragon scissors!”

When dealing with Taoist Lu Ya just now, Yun Xiao didn’t let go.”Zero Sixty” was locked by the golden dragon scissors and was able to escape, which shows that Lu Ya’s strength is not as simple as it seems.

But no matter how Yun Xiao calculated, he still didn’t know what Lu Ya’s strength was. What is the identity of Taoist Presser? The identity behind it is so mysterious that only a saint can figure it out

“Why should eldest sister be discouraged? He ran away today and we can just capture him tomorrow!”

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao are very confident in Yun Xiao’s strength, and they don’t think Taoist Lu Ya can have any difficulty in defeating them. The immortals in

Yuxu originally thought that Taoist Lu Ya would perish, but they never thought that he would directly transform into Dao Changhong walked directly to the tent and met the immortals.

“Fellow Taoist Lu Ya is really good at cultivation. We were planning to rescue you, but we didn’t expect that you would come back on your own!”

Taoist Ran Deng really didn’t draft what he said. They had no idea of rescuing Taoist Lu Ya when he was caught.

After all, Lu Ya’s cultivation level is so powerful, it’s hard to escape bad luck. What’s more, they are immortals whose cultivation level is not as good as Lu Ya’s. , and they are not that close to Lu Ya, and they don’t even know who he is until now.

Lu Ya didn’t believe a word of what Ran Deng said.

But on his face, he was still grateful to them. They discussed how to save themselves.

After sitting down, Ran Deng asked:”Hunyuan Jindou took Taoist friend away, how can we get back?” Lu Ya smiled proudly:”

She shot me with an arrow to avenge her brother.” But I don’t know my feet. The arrow hit me and turned into ashes. When the golden dragon is released again, I will come on my own.”

As a body of the Golden Crow, how could Lu Ya be injured by mortal arrows?

It can only be said that Empress Sanxiao despised Lu Ya too much.

Ran Deng nodded slightly and said:”The art of justice is amazing, it is really enviable!”

This is really not what Ran Deng said casually. Until now, Ran Deng has not understood the identity of Taoist Lu Ya.

You must know that although he is just Daluo Jinxian, he has some reputation in ancient times. He once had the opportunity to go to Zi Xiao Palace listens to the Tao, far beyond what ordinary immortals can match.

One thing that Ran Deng is sure of is that Taoist Lu Ya is definitely not an ancient Taoist.

At least there is no such person as Lu Ya among the guests in Zixiao Palace.

Not Zi It really surprised Ran Deng that a guest in the Xiao Palace, a person with little reputation, could have such a level of cultivation. Hearing this,

Lu Ya smiled lightly and said,”Fellow Taoist is a person who listens to the Tao in the Zi Xiao Palace. How can I say that I envy the poor?” Tao, this is a disgrace to the poor Tao!”

Randeng didn’t say any more, but discussed with everyone how to deal with Empress Sanxiao.

After experiencing the previous battles, the immortals also understood that Empress Sanxiao was probably even more difficult to deal with than Zhao Gongming.

Especially the treasures in their hands. , seems to be more powerful than Zhao Gongming. Even Taoist Lu Ya and other immortals were taken down before they could hold out for too long. If it were them, they would be no match.

But before everyone could discuss a countermeasure , At that time, they saw the Shang army calling for formation again.

This time the person calling the formation was Tianjun, the last formation leader of the Ten Jue Formation. When

Ran Deng saw that it was the Red Sand Formation, he said to everyone:”The Red Sand Formation is no better than the other formations. It is very special.” It’s a sacrifice formation that can be broken. Only someone with great fortune and wealth can sit down to suppress the evil spirit in the formation.”

“I wonder who Ran Deng Teacher thinks can suppress the evil spirit in the red sand array? Manjusri asked.

Ran Deng said:”King Wu is the master of destiny, and he can suppress the evil spirit in the red sand array.””

Jiang Ziya was shocked when he heard that King Wu Ji Fa was asked to enter the formation.

He quickly said:”Teacher Ran Deng, King Wu is not a member of the Taoist sect and does not know magic. Wouldn’t it be dangerous to enter the formation?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ran Deng heard the words and said:”Ziya, don’t worry too much. As the saying goes, Ji people have their own destiny, and the red sand formation can’t do anything to King Wu.”

Randeng is very confident about King Wu Jifa entering the battle.

How can the Lord of Destiny die so easily?

Although Randeng has not proven Hunyuan, he has also touched many thresholds.

As for the operation of heaven, the changes in the number of days also have their own His experience. Knowing that King Wu was destined by fate, he dared to do this……..

Later, Ran Deng asked people to invite King Wu Jifa over and informed him about entering the red sand formation and breaking it.

Ji Fa agreed without thinking, and Ran Deng was overjoyed.

Ran Deng used his middle finger to seal a talisman on King Wu’s front and back chest, and then stuffed another talisman into King Wu’s Panlong crown.

Then he ordered Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and King Baowu to get down.

I saw Zhang Tianjun wearing a fishtail crown, his face was as green as ice, his red beard was chin, and he was carrying two swords.

“Who among Yuxu’s disciples will know the red sand array? Zhang

Tianjun asked loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Zhenzi and Nezha came forward to protect Wu Wang Ji Fa.

Nezha said:”The Lord Wu Wang Ji Fa who has his own destiny is here!””

Zhang Tianjun immediately fought with them, and after ten rounds, Zhang Tianjun entered the red sand formation. Under the protection of Nezha and Lei Zhenzi, King Wu also entered the red sand formation.

When Zhang Tianjun saw the three people entering the formation, Zhang Tianjun immediately used his secret technique, and the sky filled the sky. The red sand hit the three of them.

King Wu was caught off guard and was hit by a grain of red sand, which immediately fell under his horse.

Lei Zhenzi stepped forward and was wrapped in red sand again. He wanted to spread his wings and fly He walked away, but couldn’t move.

Nezha’s Hot Wheels also refused to obey and were pulled down by the red sand.

After a few moves, the three of them were trapped in the red sand formation.[]

Outside the formation, everyone’s expressions changed when they saw the evil spirit in the red sand formation greatly increased.

Especially Taoist Ran Deng, he was even more confused when he saw three people trapped at the same time.

Although the red sand formation was powerful, it was impossible to trap King Wu. What exactly happened in this is unknown.

I burned the 5.0 light and counted with my fingers, then my frown relaxed.

Zhang Tianjun came out of the formation and laughed and said:”Randeng, if you hadn’t been smart and asked Ji Fa to come and break the formation, how would I have had the chance to capture Ji Fa!”

Jiang Ziya was shocked. Once King Wu Ji Fa fell, what would he do to the Zhou army? The blow was too great.

He hurriedly asked Ran Deng:”Teacher Ran Deng, King Wu is trapped in the red sand formation, what can I do?”

Ran Deng just said leisurely:”Ziya, don’t worry too much, King Wu has his own destiny, everything will be fine!”

“King Wu has inherited the destiny, so it will be difficult for him to join forces for a hundred days.”

“After a hundred days, King Wu will return.”

With Ran Deng’s assurance, Jiang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief.

Unable to see Jiang Ziya and others make any move, Wen Zhong took advantage of the situation and called for formation again.

Empress Sanxiao went out to the formation again to compete with the Yuxu Immortals…

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