“Uncle Master, how can you agree to them? Wouldn’t it be dangerous if they cheated?”Yang Jian persuaded.

Jiang Ziya smiled slightly:”The battle between the two armies is ruined. If the outcome can be determined by fighting, it will be a great merit. What’s more, it’s just to see the formation first, not to break it immediately!”

A few people nodded without saying anything.

Qin Tianjun stretched out his hand and said,”Please join the formation and see how powerful we are in the Ten Jue Formation! Jiang

Ziya turned around and said:”Yang Jian, Nezha, and Lei Zhenzi followed me into the formation, and the rest are waiting outside the formation!””


Everyone took the order, and Jiang Ziya led the three of them into the formation.

Before leaving, Yang Jian stepped forward and said to Qin Tianjun:”We are watching the formation. We cannot use secret soldiers or secret treasures to plot against my uncle. This is not what a man would do.”、

Qin Tianjun smiled and said:”I told you to wait until morning to die, and not dare to die at noon. How can I wait for the secret treasure to hurt you!”

As soon as he entered the Ten Jue Formation, he felt the world change. Completely isolated from the outside world, even Jiang Ziya couldn’t see clearly for a while.

When Jiang Ziya met for the first time, he picked up a card and wrote”Tianjue Formation”.

He carefully examined the wonders of the formation, but no matter how he looked at it, Jiang Ziya could only see five or six points, and it was not clear when he looked deeper.

Although Jiang Ziya also learned formations, he was not as meticulous in the formations as Shi Tianjun. Being able to see five or six points is already amazing.

As for Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and others, they can’t understand anything. Although they have magic power, they are not good at formations.

“What a Tian Jue Formation, it is indeed the secret of Biyou Palace!”Jiang Ziya sighed.

Then Jiang Ziya left the Tianjue Formation and continued to look at the other nine formations.

Following them were the”Earthly Lie Formation””、”Wind Roar Formation”、”ice array”、”Golden light array”、”blood transforming array”、”Flame Array”、”Soul Falling Array”、”red water formation”、””Red Sand Formation” nine formations.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Ziya had already seen them all.

But what Jiang Ziya didn’t know was that while he was watching the formation, Yao Tianjun was secretly casting spells in the Soul Falling Formation, using secret spells. Kill Jiang Ziya

“Humph, Jiang Ziya, even if you are a Yuxu monk, there is no way you can escape this disaster! Yao Tianjun said with a cold look.

Jiang Ziya and his party, who did not see anything strange, left the Shijue Formation after observing the formation and walked out.

Seeing Jiang Ziya and others coming out, Huang Feihu, Li Jing and others were relieved.

Qin Tianjun asked He said:”How about it, can we break this formation?

Jiang Ziya smiled and said:”Since it is in the Tao, how can it not be broken!””

“What a big lie. We have been cultivating the Ten Jue Formation for countless years. You, with only a few decades of cultivation, want to break the formation. You really don’t know what to say.”Tian Tianjun said sarcastically.

Qin Tianjun asked:”Since we have observed the formation, when can we break it?”

Jiang Ziya said:”This formation is not complete yet. Once you have set up all the Ten Jue Formations and informed us in a book, we can break this formation!”

The Ten Jue Formation was indeed not perfect because it had just been deployed.

But Jiang Ziya’s failure to break the formation was not because of this, but because the Ten Jue Formation was indeed difficult. Even Jiang Ziya had no good solution for the time being, so he had to delay.

Qin Tianjun also knew that the formation was not yet complete, so he agreed to Jiang Ziya’s intention.

Moreover, Yao Tianjun had already used the secret technique in the Soul Falling Formation, so Qin Tianjun was not in a hurry and even agreed. Not to mention that Jiang Ziya was worried about breaking the formation, and he was worried about breaking the formation. After Wen Zhong and others returned to the camp, Wen Zhong said:”I see that Brother Yao Dao is not in front of the formation today but in the formation. I wonder what the meaning is? Yao

Tianjun said with a smile:”Xiqi City is no more than a small land, and Jiang Ziya is no more than a simple husband. As long as Jiang Ziya is executed, there will be no master in the army, and Xiqi will naturally collapse!””

At this time, several people who were familiar with Yao Tianjun knew what Yao Tianjun was doing, but Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao didn’t know.

Yao Tianjun said:”I cast a secret technique in the Soul Falling Array, and it only takes twenty-one days to calm down. Get rid of Jiang Ziya.”

Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao were overjoyed when they heard this.

That night, Yao Tianjun entered the Ten Jue Formation by himself and entered the Soul Falling Formation.

There was an earthen platform in the center of the formation, an incense table was set up, and a straw man was planted on the platform.

The straw man had written on it In Jiang Ziya’s name, three lamps are lit at the head and seven lamps are lit at the feet. The upper three lamps are called soul-enhancing lamps, and the lower seven lamps are called soul-stimulating lamps.

Yao Tianjun is among them, wearing his hair and sword, and Bu Gang is chanting a mantra in front of the stage. , use the seal to issue the talisman in the air.

In this way, you pray three times a day. Before you know it, you have been praying for three or four days in a row. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya He also began to be confused and restless.

At first, he was just distracted, and then he began to fall asleep. Many doctors were called, but they could not find anything wrong.

Seeing this, Yang Jian was worried and said:”Uncle, my master It’s not fatigue, it seems that the three souls and seven souls are incomplete.”

“No way, the master uncle is a Yuxu monk, and he practices immortal magic. How can he be incomplete with three souls and seven souls?”Nezha said in disbelief.

The so-called loss of three souls and seven souls is mostly a situation that happens to mortals. Although

Jiang Ziya has not become an immortal, he is the direct descendant of Yuxu after all. The way he cultivates is the best of Yuxu Palace. Immortal skills, how can three souls and seven souls be lost?

But looking at Jiang Ziya’s state, everyone had to believe that Jiang Ziya had indeed lost his soul.

King Wu Jifa on the side said anxiously:”Now that the enemy is facing us, the prime minister can’t director. If the Shang army takes the opportunity to attack Xiqi, things will be terrible!”

Listening to Ji Fa’s words, everyone was silent.

Jiang Ziya is the Dinghai Shenzhen of Xiqi Zhou Army. If he cannot manage, everything from top to bottom will be greatly affected.

At this time, Yang Jian stood up and said:”It’s better than me. Let’s go to Yuquan Mountain first, ask Master for advice, and see what Uncle Master’s situation is before we make any calculations.”

Yang Jian has a high level of cultivation, so everyone can rest assured if he goes.”

Huang Feihu reminded:”We must come back as soon as possible. Don’t waste time on the road.””

“good!”Yang Jian nodded and fled directly out of Xiqi.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Jian traveled thousands of miles and soon arrived at Yuquan Mountain.

When he arrived at Jinxia Cave, Yang Jian paid a visit to the real person Yuding

“Disciple, aren’t you assisting your uncle in Xiqi? Why are you here today?”Master Yuding asked.

Yang Jian immediately told Master Yuding (Li Dezhao) about Jiang Ziya’s situation.

After listening to Yang Jian’s words, Master Yuding frowned and pinched his fingers to calculate Tianjiyu.

In just an instant, Yuding Master Ding opened his eyes,”What a Yao Tianjun, he actually used such evil tricks to murder Ziya!”

“My master has figured out the cause and effect. It was Yao Tianjun who used a secret technique in the soul-falling formation to draw away the two souls and six souls of your uncle.”

“Fortunately you came early, otherwise by the time your uncle’s last soul was taken away, you wouldn’t be able to save him even as a teacher.”

“Go to Xiqi first and immobilize your uncle’s soul. Find another way to save your uncle!”

Hearing what Master Yuding said, Yang Jian was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian came to Xiqi with Master Yuding.

Seeing the dying Jiang Ziya lying on the couch, Master Yuding used the secret technique of Yuxu Jiang Ziya’s last soul was immobilized. Yao Tianjun’s secret method could not take away Jiang Ziya’s soul, and Jiang Ziya’s life was saved.

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