“Marshal, for several months our army has not advanced an inch. The imperial court also urged him one after another on what to do if this situation continued.”

In the big tent, Feng Lin complained to Zhang Guifang.

All the generals of the merchant army were also silent, waiting for the commander’s instructions.

Zhang Guifang looked around and suddenly asked Qiu Yin:”General Qiu, do you have anything? The clever plan was broken~Zhou Jun?”

Like Zhang Guifang, this Qiu Yin is also a person who is proficient in Taoism.

Facing a powerful enemy like Zhou Jun, it would be embarrassing for people who only know martial arts but not Taoism.

If Zhou Jun hadn’t always avoided it, The battle left Zhang Guifang with no chance to use Taoism, and he would not be forced into such an embarrassing situation.

So he turned his attention to Qiu Yin, who was also proficient in Taoism.

But what he didn’t know was that Qiu Yin Yin is not just a master of Taoism. But he is not a human race at all, but an eel, that is, an earthworm that has become a spirit. His strength is much more powerful than that of his coach. Seeing

Zhang Guifang asking himself, Qiu Yin immediately said:” That old man Jiang Ziya is really cunning. If this continues, my Taoist skills will be useless.”

But even Qiu Yin shook his head and had nothing to do with Jiang Ziya.

It was late at night, Zhang Guifang asked a few people to go back first.

Just when they were about to leave, suddenly there was a cry of killing from the army.

Zhang Guifang and others The man immediately walked out and looked at the soldiers who were already walking around in the army, shouting and killing loudly.

“How is this going? Feng Lin was shocked.

Zhang Guifang immediately said:”This is a night attack by the Zhou army. You all go back and command the army. Don’t mess up your position!””

Although he was attacked by the Zhou army at night, Zhang Guifang was extremely calm.

Feng Lin, Qiu Yin and others went back to command the troops, while Zhang Guifang was in charge of the central army.

At this time, whether it was among the Zhou army or the Shang army, everyone who was proficient in Taoism There were not many people there.

Even if the Zhou army attacked at night, they could still avoid a lot of losses if they knew that the merchant army was well defended. This is indeed the case. This night attack was the result of Jiang Ziya seeing that the merchant army had not been moving for several months. It was launched while he was tired.

In this battle, the Shang army suffered tens of thousands of losses. However, Zhang Guifang and other generals suffered no damage, which disappointed Jiang Ziya.

After the war, the Shang army retreated another five miles. Ten miles away from Xiqi They set up camp outside, while Zhou Jun counted the harvest.

Looking at the flags and war drums everywhere, Huang Feihu smiled and said:”Thanks to the Prime Minister’s brilliant plan for this battle! Jiang

Ziya shook his head and said,”It’s just a small victory. If it hadn’t been delayed for several months, I really wouldn’t want to defeat an opponent like Zhang Guifang.””

For several months, the Zhou army has been shrinking.

Although this caused the Zhou army to suffer very little losses, it also caused the morale of the Zhou army to drop a bit.

Of course, the morale of the merchant army was even worse. There had been no progress for several months, and the soldiers were already exhausted. It’s unbearable.

Zhang Guifang is not strong, which is good news for Jiang Ziya. Jiang Ziya really doesn’t want to defeat him unless he has to

“There is no way around this. Da Zhou can’t keep guarding Xiqi like this, and he will still march towards Chaoge sooner or later. Huang Feihu said slowly.

At this time, Huang Feihu turned to Jiang Ziya and asked:”Prime Minister, I wonder when our army can march to Chaoge?””

No one among the civil and military officials of the Zhou Dynasty could compare with Huang Feihu’s hatred for King Zhou.

Jiang Ziya heard this and said:”It is inevitable to defeat Zhou, but it will definitely not be possible this year.”

“Oh, why is this?”Huang Feihu said doubtfully.

Jiang Ziya said:”After Zhang Guifang passes away, I think Wen Zhong will also lead his troops to the west. For Xiqi to be qualified to defeat Zhou, he must first pass this level. You should know about Wen Zhong.”

Speaking of Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu couldn’t help but look solemn.

In terms of the ability to command troops, Huang Feihu believed that he was not inferior to others. Even Jiang Ziya, Wen Zhong and others, Huang Feihu can compete.

But Jiang Ziya and Wen Zhong are not only He is good at commanding troops, is also proficient in Taoist arts, and has the ability to govern and secure the country.

Far beyond the reach of pure generals such as Huang Feihu.

And with Wen Zhong’s status, he can mobilize far more troops than Zhang Guifang. Sanshan I’m afraid that many capable people from the Five Mountains will come down the mountain by then.

Huang Feihu then said slowly:”If we hear that the Grand Master is going on an expedition, we must be careful. I heard that Grand Master is a disciple of Jiejiao. I am afraid that some immortals will come by then and I have to be on guard.

Jiang Ziya also sighed and said,”This is exactly what I’m worried about!””

Now among the Zhou army, the only third-generation disciple Jiang Ziya has accepted is Wuji. The other third-generation disciples have not arrived yet, and there are not many people who know magic.

Many times, Jiang Ziya has to go into battle in person.

So Jiang Ziya said to a few people:”Tomorrow Fight again with the Zhou army. Zhang Guifang is good at Taoism. You must be careful not to fall victim to his Taoism.”

Tonight’s night attack, Zhang Guifang, Qiu Yin and others had no chance to use their Taoist skills.

But Jiang Ziya did not forget it, and carefully reminded a few people.

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, several people also responded solemnly. But there are still some people He didn’t pay much attention to it and didn’t think there was anything remarkable about Zhang Guifang.

The next day[]

The armies of the Shang and Zhou dynasties faced each other. Jiang Ziya was in charge of the central army, and Huang Feihu, Nangong Shi, Wu Ji, Ji Shuqian and others were on his side.

Seeing that Zhou Jun finally came out, Zhang Guifang jumped on his horse and asked,”Who is Jiang Ziya, the old man?”

Although Zhang Guifang was not killed last night, it also caused a lot of casualties to the army.

The morale of the merchant army plummeted, and Zhang Guifang urgently needed a victory to stabilize morale.

Zhang Guifang did not have any good words for Jiang Ziya, the enemy who defeated him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya just smiled and ignored it, but said to his left and right:”Who is willing to fight and capture Zhang Guifang?”

“I will go there eventually!”

A closer look revealed that it was none other than King Wen’s son, Ji Shuqian. Jiang

Ziya was a little hesitant when he saw this. After all, Ji Shuqian had martial arts but no Taoist skills.

When Ji Shuqian saw this, he knew that Jiang Ziya did not trust him, and immediately promised:”Prime Minister, don’t worry, the last general is also his own. Young people are proficient in martial arts and can protect themselves even if they are defeated.”

Since Uncle Ji said so, how could Jiang Ziya refuse? He immediately agreed to let him go into battle.

Seeing that the people coming from the other side were not Huang Feihu, Nangong Shi and other generals, Zhang Guifang also returned to the army and ordered Feng Lin to go out.

Seeing Zhang Guifang retreat, Feng Lin was sent. Ji Shuqian suddenly felt that he had been slighted.

Feng Lin and Ji Shuqian both used long spears, and their martial arts skills were equally matched. After a fight, after dozens of rounds, there was no winner.

Jiang Ziya nodded when he saw this, and he finally relaxed. Unlike

Feng Lin who practiced Taoism, Ji Shuqian specialized in martial arts. After dozens of rounds, Ji Shuqian sold a flaw and stabbed Feng. Lin shot.

Although it was not fatal, it prevented him from fighting anymore.

Feng Lin immediately rushed towards his army. Ji Shuqian would not allow it, so he quickly chased after him and begged…

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