Xiqi City.

Jiang Ziya and King Wu Jifa were discussing the changes in Chaoge in order to prepare for the possible use of troops by the imperial court.

But Jiang Ziya was relieved when he heard King Ping Ling rebelled.

Will the imperial court mobilize troops at least within a few months?

“My dear, King Ping Ling helped me, Xiqi, in his rebellion. If King Ping Ling had not been a bad man, I would rather offend the court than help him!”

King Wu Jifa felt deeply regretful.

King Ping Ling’s rebellion caused the court to temporarily ignore Xiqi. Logically speaking, he was also Xiqi’s benefactor.

But King Ping Ling had evil intentions and was cruel and unkind. He was extremely cruel in the East China Sea. He is unpopular with the people and is notorious among the princes.

Even if Ji Fa wants to help him, he has no good excuse.

If it is Nan Bohou or Dong Bohou who are beaten this time, Ji Fa will definitely send troops to assist him no matter what. Jiang Ziya said:”King Ping Ling is just a moss on the skin. Based on the power of the Grand Master, I’m afraid it can be calmed down in a few months. By then, the imperial court will definitely send troops to conquer the west, and Xiqi must be prepared in advance.”

Ji Fa nodded heavily when he heard this, and asked Jiang Ziya:”I wonder if my father-in-law has any concerns. If it really comes to that point, will Xiqi 17 have a chance of winning?”

In the past, Ji Chang gave many orders not to allow Xiqi to conquer Chaoge.

Although there was a sense of monarch-subordinate relationship, it may not have failed to take into account the strength gap between Xiqi and Chaoge. After all, it was the imperial court, and it was not something that a Western Zhou Dynasty could compare with.

Jiang Ziya heard this and smiled and said:”Your Majesty, your destiny is now in Zhou and not in Shang. With the number of days gone by, there is no need to worry!”

“Even if the imperial court raises its troops, with my current strength, Xiqi, even though I cannot defeat the imperial court, I can still protect myself. Ji

Fa said worriedly:”I heard that there are many capable people and strangers in the imperial court. Although I have generals in Xiqi, there are not many capable people and strangers who are skilled in Taoism.” I’m afraid that when the time comes, my father-in-law will be unable to stand alone, and his fists will be unable to defeat many hands.”

I have to say that Ji Fa has a very clear understanding of himself, and he knows the gap between the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Yin Shang Dynasty.

Compared with other princes, the Yin Shang Dynasty is the dominant one. In addition to the large population in the territory it controls, there are also Even the capable people and strangers in the world will take the initiative to join the Yin and Shang Dynasties instead of other princes.

Even if there are, they are only a minority.

Although Xiqi is prosperous and has abundant soldiers and food, there are not many capable people and strangers. See, it is far inferior to the Yin and Shang court. No wonder Ji Fa is so worried

“Your Majesty, you don’t have to worry too much. There are many capable people in the Yin and Shang Dynasty, and I, Xiqi, may not be inferior to me in the future.”Jiang Ziya stroked his beard and said with a smile.

“oh? When Ji Fa heard this, he immediately became interested and asked:”What does Xiangfu mean by this?”…”

“Hahaha, the secret cannot be leaked, the king only needs to know that destiny is in Zhou, and the Yin and Shang Dynasties are destined to be defeated!”Jiang Ziya said eloquently.

Ji Fa nodded and did not ask any more questions.

Ji Fa did not have the slightest doubt about the number of days.

Tianming had already said this in the Zhou Dynasty during the Ji Chang period. Now seeing Yin The government of the Shang Dynasty was corrupted, and the demon concubines brought disaster to the country and the people. Ji Fa was convinced that destiny was indeed in the Zhou

Dynasty. But in terms of strength, the Yin and Shang Dynasties were still the strongest in the world. Although Xiqi was prosperous, it was not as strong as the Yin and Shang Dynasties..

Jiang Ziya handed over the memorial and presented it to Ji Fa.

Seeing this, King Wu asked:”Xiangfu, what is this?””

Jiang Ziya cupped his hands and said:”The war between Shang and Zhou is inevitable. After hearing that Taishi conquered Pingling, he will definitely take action against Xiqi.”

“I have been thinking over and over again in the past few days and have written dozens of strategies to prepare for completion. Please give me your permission. Ji

Fa just looked at it and said to Jiang Ziya:”My father-in-law can just handle this matter. I will give my full support.””

“yes!”Jiang Ziya accepted the order.

Then, Xiqi began to prepare for war.

Even though there was no war, he wanted to massively expand his army and prepare for war. At first, many people had objections, but with Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya’s orders, so did everyone. Follow the orders with all your strength, and don’t dare to slack off at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Yin Shang conquered King Ping Ling, and Xiqi organized the army to prepare for war.

For a time, both sides were at peace with each other, but some thoughtful people Clearly, this is only temporary. Once the imperial court frees up its hands, the war between Shang and Zhou is inevitable.

Chaoge, in the palace.

After hearing that the Taishi went on an expedition, King Zhou became intoxicated again. But compared to before, King Zhou has restrained himself a lot.

After all, King Ping Ling of the East China Sea is not as far away as Yuan Futong of the North Sea. He will come back very soon after hearing that the Grand Master is coming back.[]

Moreover, since Wen Zhong went to war, good news came frequently. It is possible to put down the rebellion of King Ping Ling in just a few months.

King Zhou was also frightened and had to restrain himself a lot.

Seeing that King Zhou was no longer as addicted to wine and sex as before, Daji also used several methods to make King Zhou enjoy himself as before.

This is not only because of Nuwa’s decree, but also because the nine-tailed demon fox and the nine-headed pheasant spirit are gradually addicted to the wealth and wealth in the world.

But as long as Wen Taishi is still there, King Zhou will not be able to indulge in pleasure as before.

So, on this day, Daji found Shen Gongbao privately.

He wanted to join forces with Shen Gongbao to get rid of Master Wen.

Shen Gongbao didn’t even think about it and refuted it directly. He also scolded Daji and angrily scolded her for not knowing how high the heaven and earth are.

At this time, Daji was stunned by the scolding, and she was also very angry.

It’s just that Shen Gongbao is different from Jiang Ziya. Although he values wealth and honor in the world, he has no respect for the royal power. Daji wanted to use tricks to embarrass him, but Shen Gongbao was not afraid.

Jiang Ziya couldn’t make Daji behave, but Shen Gongbao was different. 983 If Daji dares to have evil thoughts and plot against herself, Shen Gongbao will not be polite.

In terms of cultivation and strategy, Shen Gongbao is superior to Daji.

Seeing this, Daji had no choice but to leave.

Looking at Daji leaving, Shen Gongbao snorted:”I don’t know whether to live or die. After enjoying the wealth and wealth in the world for a few days, I don’t know how much I weigh. A little nine-tailed demon fox dares to talk to me like this. If it weren’t for the You were still of some use, but I would have destroyed you long ago.”

Shen Gongbao didn’t take Daji seriously at all.

He came to Chaoge and became a national teacher. The purpose was to deal with Jiang Ziya and help Daji plot against Grand Master Wen. Wouldn’t it be like cutting off his own arm?

Both are members of the Jiejiao sect, and now Master Wen has a pretty good sense of Shen Gongbao. This is extremely beneficial to Shen Gongbao.

Once Wen Zhong pacifies King Ping Ling’s rebellion, the imperial court will definitely attack Xiqi.

In Shen Gongbao’s view, Daji’s words were simply ignorant.

But Daji was rejected by Shen Gongbao, and felt aggrieved. But there was nothing he could do about Shen Gongbao. After all, he was a disciple of a saint, and he was just a little demon. How could he compare to Shen Gongbao.

Thinking of this, Daji also temporarily stopped thinking about dealing with Master Wen.

He just used some means to try to make King Zhou indulge in the gentle land again..

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