“Okay, then the old minister will listen and want to know why the king is doing this.”After Wen Zhong said that, he sat down directly.

In the main hall, only King Zhou and Wen Zhong had seats. The other ministers, even the royal nobles, stood and listened to the order.

King Zhou also killed the queen, dismissed the prime minister Shang Rong, and beheaded him. Xin Bi Gan and other matters were explained one by one.

In King Zhou’s view, these things were all the fault of his ministers, and he was not at fault.

Little did he know that the more Master Wen listened, the more ugly his face became.

Before King Zhou finished speaking, , Wen Zhong slapped the table with his hand and said sternly:”Your Majesty, your benevolent government is not cultivated, and you are dissolute and drunken.”

“He remonstrated and killed loyal people, and tortured them with cannons and fire basins, causing the princes to rebel.”

“Building a deer platform is a waste of people’s fat and oil. Appointing treacherous villains as court officials leads to chaos in the court affairs”

“Now, instead of repenting, he is getting worse. All the people in the world hate the imperial court and the king. How can the king have the face to meet the kings of the Yin and Shang dynasties in the future?”

After Wen Zhong said what he said, all the ministers secretly applauded –

Even Shen Gongbao quite agreed with Wen Zhong’s words.

He didn’t care about what the people in the world were like, he just wanted to defeat Jiang Ziya as soon as possible.

But in the court, If Fei Zhong, You Hun and others were present, it would not be easy to defeat Jiang Ziya. On the contrary, people like Wen Zhong were the best candidates to deal with Jiang Ziya.

Wen Zhong’s words made King Zhou feel embarrassed, and he was speechless..

At this moment, Fei Zhong stood up and scolded:”I have the courage to hear Zhong, you are a human minister who dares to scold the emperor. You really have no dignity.””

“Your Majesty, I heard that Zhong was acting so boldly and recklessly. I beg you to kill him in order to revitalize the court!”You Hun stepped forward first and said to King Zhou.

Unexpectedly, when King Zhou heard this, not only was he not happy, but his expression was ugly.

All the civil and military officials also looked at the performance of Fei Zhong and You Hun like clowns..

In the past, these two people relied on King Zhou’s favor and acted unscrupulously in the court, and they never paid attention to other ministers. But this time, the two of them were destined to be kicked on the iron plate.

After the two of them finished speaking, , Wen Zhong glanced at the two of them and asked:”Who are you, and you dare to act so recklessly in the court?”

“snort! Fei Zhong snorted coldly and said proudly:”Fei Zhong!””

“Youhun!”Another person also said.

After hearing the names of these two people, Wen Zhong nodded and said:”It turns out that it is you two. Chao Gang is in chaos. You two have committed a lot of evil. You really can’t escape the blame.”

As he said that, Wen Zhong punched Fei Zhong and You Hun and knocked them to the ground.

This scene exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Knocking down the important officials of the court in front of the emperor, this This has never happened before in the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Looking at Fei Zhong and Youhun who fell to the ground and vomited blood, all the ministers felt relieved.

They had long been unhappy with him, and Wen Zhong was doing this right. It was what they wanted.

Fei Zhong covered his bleeding nose, pointed at Wen Zhong and cursed:”Well, you Wen Zhong, beating up a minister in court is an unpardonable crime. Come on, take Wen Zhong down and put him on death row!”

But after he finished speaking, no one came out.

The soldiers were still standing outside, and no one came in.

Fei Zhong felt embarrassed for a moment, and cried to King Zhou:”Your Majesty, please give me justice!”

You Hun was also crying miserably. He was as pitiful as he could be. If he hadn’t known what they had done, no one would have thought that these two were powerful traitors before.

It’s just that King Zhou was crying when he saw the two of them. Not only did he ignore the cry, but there was a hint of boredom on his face.

Seeing that the two of them were so unbecoming, King Zhou flicked his sleeves and left the Nine Rooms Hall.

But King Zhou had nothing to say and had to go into the palace. (Watch the storm. For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fei Zhong and You Hun were left alone in the wind, not knowing where to go.

They didn’t know why King Zhou was so afraid of Grand Master Wen. It was completely different from what they imagined.

Shen Gongbao has been watching the changes in the court. He knew that Wen Zhong had a high status in the court, but he refuted King Zhou’s face like this. King Zhou was helpless, which somewhat surprised Shen Gongbao. He ignored Fei Zhong and You Hun and the other two, Wen Zhong looked at Shen Gongbao, raised his hands and saluted,”But the Imperial Master is in front of you!”

From other people, Wen Zhong already knew that Shen Gongbao was a disciple of Jiejiao, so he asked this question[]

After all, there are too many Jie Jiao disciples. Even a Jie Jiao disciple like Wen Zhong, who is a highly respected official, knows only the tip of the iceberg.

It’s normal not to know Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao cupped his hands and said,”Exactly, I’ve heard the name of Grand Master for a long time!”

Wen Zhong didn’t have any ill intentions towards Shen Gongbao.

Although Long Aotian no longer knew where he was going, Wen Zhong felt very sorry for this. However, people who practice Taoism naturally pursue freedom and ease, and Wen Zhong understands this.

If Shen Gongbao is really good at it, he would be worthy of the position of National Master.

The two just talked briefly and came to an understanding of each other.

When Shen Gongbao mentioned Jiang Ziya, Wen Zhong said:”I have also heard about this matter. Xiqi is a serious problem that must be eliminated sooner or later. The top priority is to sort out the government affairs first before talking about anything else.”

Seeing Wen Zhong did not want to do this again. Shen Gongbao would keep silent if he talked too much about the matter.

Anyway, Wen Zhong already knew about Jiang Ziya’s threat, and Shen Gongbao believed that he would take action.

Wen Zhong turned around and said to everyone:”Gentlemen and officials, there is no need to go back to the mansion. Come to the mansion with me to discuss it together. I have my own place.” The help of these ministers is indispensable for revitalizing the imperial court. Seeing and hearing that the grand master summoned everyone, everyone Looks joyful.

After waiting for so long, we finally waited for the opportunity for the Yin and Shang dynasties to revive.

A group of hundreds of officials followed them to the Grand Master’s Mansion and to the Yin’an Hall, where they all sat down one by one. As for Shen Gongbao, he did not come together because he was not interested in government affairs.

After everyone sat down, Wen Zhong said:”Masters and gentlemen, I have been away from home for many years and am not allowed to be in court. However, Wen Zhong felt that the late king had entrusted him with a solemn responsibility and did not dare to live up to his last words.

But today, it is unethical to reverse the charter. Let everyone make their own opinions, and don’t argue with each other. I have my own way of settling things.”

In the Grand Master’s house, everyone dared to speak freely.

The more Wen Zhong listened, the more frightened he became.

Unknowingly, it was getting close to dusk, and Wen Zhong said quietly:”I didn’t expect that in just a few years, the world would already be like this. If you want to promote national affairs, you need to clear the court to get rid of the traitors.”

At this point, Wen Tai said The master said sternly:”It is only because of the swords and soldiers in Beihai that the emperor is in chaos. I have betrayed the great trust of the late king and have interfered with state affairs.” Then he said to everyone:”Masters and gentlemen, please go back. I will make arrangements for you in the morning in three days.”

After seeing that the Grand Master had made a plan, all the ministers had a backbone.

Wen Zhong sent all the civil and military personnel out of the mansion and called Xu to seal the gate of the mansion in a hurry. No official documents are allowed to be delivered. It wasn’t until he met King Zhou in the morning that he opened the door..

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