Yun Zhongzi waved his hand, a golden light flashed, and a wooden sword appeared in his hand.

It is the peach wood sword that Yun Zhongzi made from peach wood in the previous year. It has the ability to kill demons.

“Your Majesty, please take a look!”Yun Zhongzi handed the peach wood sword to King Zhou. King Zhou held it in his hand and asked,”I wonder what is the mystery of this sword?”

“This sword is made of thousand-year-old peach wood, and few people know its usefulness. Although there is no precious energy to rush into the bull fight, in three days the demonic energy will turn into gray and leave. It is a powerful tool for killing demons and exorcising evil spirits!”

Hearing what Yun Zhongzi said, King Zhou knew the mystery of this sword.

Holding it in his hand, King Zhou asked:”Where is this sword placed?”

“Hang it in the branch palace building, and it will come true within three days. Your Majesty, just watch and you will be able to control the evil spirits!”

Although this nine-tailed demon fox is cunning and changeable, this peach wood sword was refined by me using the secret techniques of Miluo Palace. It contains the”150″ method of slaying and slaying demons in Miluo Palace. It is exactly The nemesis of evil spirits.

The nine-tailed demon fox has only lived for a thousand years, how can it withstand the sword of Yun Zhongzi.

King Zhou looked at the peach wood sword in his hand happily, handed it to Feng Guan and said:”Hang this sword in the branch palace. In front of the building.”

The official took the order and left.

After the official left, King Zhou said to Yun Zhongzi again:”The immortal has this kind of Taoism, which is clear about yin and yang, and can detect evil spirits. Why not enjoy wealth and honor in the world, and be in an official position, wouldn’t it be beautiful? Yun Zhongzi smiled and said:”

The body disappears and the mind is at ease; don’t fight or make mistakes.” The elegance seems to be like the autumn water, and the rising is afraid of the obstacles of heaven and earth. When I have time, I take a pillow and sleep in the mountains. The soul of my dream is going to the Peach Club”

“This is our pursuit as a Taoist monk. Wealth and honor in the world are like floating clouds to me. It’s just the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water, and the autumn of the grass and trees.”

“Great freedom and freedom are what we pursue.

After hearing this, King Zhou sighed and said,”I heard what Mr. Zhou said. I am really a quiet guest.””

At the same time, there was a hint of envy in his tone.

King Zhou couldn’t help but secretly said:”I think that although I, the emperor, enjoy wealth and glory, I will be nothing more than a handful of loess after a hundred years. How can an immortal like Yun Zhongzi be so free and easy?”

“If you can enjoy wealth for a long time and enjoy the great business world forever, then that will be the real freedom.”

It was exactly what Yun Zhongzi said that King Zhou suddenly had the idea of cultivating immortals and seeking Taoism in his heart. He also hoped that he could be like immortals like Yun Zhongzi and live a long life.

No matter what King Zhou thought, Yun Zhongzi came here. The goal has been achieved.

By giving the Peach Wood Sword to King Zhou, he has achieved his arrogant efforts. What will happen next has nothing to do with Yun Zhongzi.

So Yun Zhongzi started to think about leaving, and asked Zhou The king said:”The emperor’s responsibility is to govern the world and bring peace to the people. Your Majesty should take the world as his own responsibility and not indulge in wine and sex. This will be a blessing to the world and a blessing to the Yin and Shang Dynasties!

He bowed his hands to King Zhou and said,”I’ll take my leave now. I hope your majesty will take care of himself!””

After that, Yun Zhongzi turned around and left.

Before leaving, he could still faintly hear a burst of singing.

“The dusty forest separates according to the fate, like water and clouds, one heart. Two volumes of Taoist scriptures, a three-foot sword, a quinoa staff and a five-stringed harp”

“There is medicine in the bag that meets people; new poems in the belly are chanted when meeting guests. One grain can prolong life for a thousand years, boasting that there is gold in the world.”

King Zhou was a little stunned, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He couldn’t help but sigh:”What a Yun Zhongzi, what a Xiaoyao True Immortal!”

After talking with Yun Zhongzi, King Zhou also felt a little tired.

He went back to rest directly.

Since Daji entered the palace, this was the first time that King Zhou was not with Daji.

That night, King Zhou slept soundly It was especially sweet.

It was almost noon, and King Zhou opened his hazy sleepy eyes.

He took a deep breath and felt refreshed all over.


After beating him, King Zhou got up.

A group of palace ladies came forward to dress King Zhou. After dressing, King Zhou thought that Daji was not feeling well yesterday, so he immediately went to the longevity palace.

In the past, when King Zhou was about to arrive at the longevity palace , Daji would come to greet him. But today King Zhou was about to go in and Daji didn’t come out, so he felt a little uneasy.

He asked the people in the palace on the left and right,”Why doesn’t the queen come to see you?””

Your Majesty,” the imperial court official said,”The queen has contracted a sudden illness and is in a coma. She cannot sleep on her bed.””(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After hearing this, King Zhou hurried into the palace. He lifted up the curtain and saw that Daji’s face was like a golden branch and her lips were like white paper. She was already dizzy, her breath was faint, and she was sleepy. Ruojue

“Queen, you were fine yesterday, why are you in such critical condition when you are temporarily ill? King Zhou asked anxiously.

Daji said slowly and angrily:”Your Majesty, I saw that Your Majesty had not arrived this morning, and I was just going to see the King.”

But when he arrived in front of the branch palace building, he suddenly saw a sword hanging high above his head………Suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat and fell ill.

It seems that my concubine has a bad fate and can no longer serve the king. I hope your Majesty, please love yourself and don’t think of me as a concubine.”

After that, tears streamed down her face.

During this period, Daji once again used his charm technique.

King Zhou’s luck was no longer enough to withstand Daji’s magic, and in just a moment King Zhou restored his true nature.

He immediately said angrily:”What a Yun Zhongzi, he actually wants to harm my beauty.””[]

After saying that, King Zhou looked at Daji with a tender face and said,”If she wasn’t the queen, I might have been misunderstood by the alchemists.”

So King Zhou told Daji about Yun Zhongzi’s entry into the palace.

“The sword hanging on the branch palace is an immortal treasure refined by Yun Zhongzi to suppress evil spirits.”

“He said that there was evil spirit in Daogu’s palace, so he used the peach wood sword to suppress it. Unexpectedly, the beauty actually caused trouble and caused the queen to suffer such a serious crime. It can be seen that this Yun Zhongzi is the evildoer who wants to harm the beauty with sorcery.”

“At that time, Gu thought that the deep and mysterious place in the palace was blessed by the emperor’s luck. If there is any evil at work, it is just Yun Zhongzi’s slander.”

The more he spoke, the angrier King Zhou became.

He immediately said to his left and right:”Use the fire to quickly burn the wooden sword that Yun Zhongzi entered. There must be no delay, and the queen must not be surprised again.”

Daji was like this because she was injured by the peach wood sword.

If the monster she suppressed dies, she can continue the 4.9 Chengtang foundation.

It is also fitting that King Zhou will be defeated and the Zhou Dynasty will be prosperous. Just now King Zhou has made Even the Saint Hunyuan could not reverse such a foolish act, let alone Yun Zhongzi.

Taking orders from the left and right, Daji rolled her eyes and realized her plan. She said to King Zhou:”I am my concubine. I heard that Yun Zhongzi was a disciple of Taiyuan Dao Zun, the leader of the Human Religion, so I guess he was not a righteous person. King

Zhou then remembered that Yun Zhongzi had mentioned several saints yesterday, and he had believed it at first.

But today, King Zhou felt that he had been deceived by Yun Zhongzi.

King Zhou immediately ordered to his left and right:”Fate Chao Tian and Chao Lei led their troops to destroy Taoist Taiyuan’s temple on the outskirts of Chaoge.”

This King Zhou is so bold, and this is exactly what Daji wants to see.

PS: Thank you [Misty Rain and Coiled Hat Weng] for your monthly ticket!.

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