King Zhou was furious when he heard this, and ordered Chao Tian and Chao Lei to take the heads of their two highnesses to rectify the law of the country.

Only with the help of Fang Bi, the two highnesses escaped from Chaoge. On the way, they were stopped by Huang Feihu, but Huang Feihu couldn’t bear to kill them, so he let them go and returned to Chaoge to recover.

His Highnesses Yin Jiao and Yin Hong escaped from Chaoge and were later accepted as disciples by Yuanshi Tianzun’s disciples.

All the civil and military ministers were filled with grief and anger when they learned that King Zhou had killed his wife and beheaded his son.

But facing the combined efforts of King Zhou, Daji, Fei Zhong, and You Hun, even the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty had nothing to do.

A few days later, King Zhou officially announced to the world that Su Daji would be crowned queen.

Fei Zhong and You Hun became even more unscrupulous, and all the officials hated them. It’s just that in the court, Su Daji is the queen, and there are traitors like Fei Zhongyouhun. Especially King Zhou’s ignorance is even more disappointing.

Things in the world are constantly changing, and all the saints are watching.

Originally, the saint did not pay attention to these things at all, and it was the time when the gods were consecrated and killed. The fortunes of Yin Shang and Jie Jiao in the human world are connected, and the killing calamity needs to be experienced in the human world, so it is impossible to escape the attention of the saints.

Seeing King Zhou’s ignorance, even the saint felt that it was a bit outrageous.

In the Kunlun Mountains, Yuanshi Tianzun saw the bewildered scene of King Zhou and couldn’t help but sigh:”The fate of this religion has affected the Yin Shang Dynasty so deeply, but it has also dragged down King Zhou.”

As a saint, Yuanshi naturally knew about this Yin Dynasty. Shang should not have perished so quickly.

Of course, there was the factor of Nuwa’s use of tricks, but that only accelerated the process for more than ten years, and was not the fundamental factor.

On the contrary, it was the interception of education that was the root cause of the decline of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Conferring gods and killing calamities, all the saints discuss the Tao in the Zixiao Palace. In the beginning, the saints were originally targeting Jie Jiao, but Yin Shang was just unlucky and had a close relationship with Jie Jiao, so he was implicated.

For a saint, human dynasties are not worthy of attention. If a few mortals are saddened by the death of a dynasty, then the saint will have endless troubles, which is definitely not the way of a saint.

The two sages of the West saw that the Yin Shang’s fortunes had failed again, and they knew in their hearts that the Yin Shang’s defeat was only a matter of time.

The Jiejiao represented behind it is even more doomed.

Zhunti smiled and said,”Senior brother, there are many murderous karma in the east’s karma. I, the west, have just the right to educate them, it’s really unmatched~!” The Taoist guide’s face was painful, and there was a sign of compassion on his face..

So he said:”It’s just the evil of cutting off the teachings, but it also affects those ordinary people.”

Zhunti also sighed and said:”The fate is like this, there is nothing we can do. However, these people who were harmed by King Zhou can be granted the status of gods. , it can be regarded as a chance.”

This sentence, Zhunti said is very true.

Don’t look at the saint’s disciples who avoid the list of gods, for fear of entering that list.

But for ordinary people, the list of gods is actually a great opportunity.

Their upper limit is not high to begin with, and they are miserable in reincarnation and struggle in the world of mortals. On the contrary, he has entered the list of gods and can avoid the pain of reincarnation.

Although you are subject to the Jade Emperor’s edict, don’t you also have to accept the orders of the human emperor in the human world?

Compared with the human world, the heaven is always much better.

The two saints recited sutras for those who died in vain on Mount Sumeru, and a lot of resentment in the world also dissipated.

Taiyuan couldn’t help but nodded when he saw the two saints of Mount Xumi saving the souls of the dead.

The two sages in the West are not Pangu authentic, and they are inherently deficient. It does make sense to be able to overpower the Three Pure Ones without having any innate treasure.

Looking at Chaoge City again, Taiyuan frowned, but he didn’t have any good feelings about King Zhou.

Although it was caused by calamity, we can still see the madness in King Zhou’s heart. It’s just that this side was covered up before and was not discovered.


At this time, Taiyuan saw a familiar person in Chaoge City.

It was Long Aotian, the monk who wanted to travel from the heavens to the prehistoric world.

He was accepted as a disciple by Tongtian, and he became the leader of Chaoge. Master, there was a faint intention to change the situation. But this process did not last long, and Long Aotian’s figure disappeared again.

Of course, it was not that he disappeared in the eyes of the saint, but that he was no longer as high-profile as before.

Taiyuan Jian Therefore, one can’t help but say:”There is no room for hesitation in the midst of a murderous calamity. Once one enters a calamity, it all depends on fate. Trying to use clever tricks to avoid being killed is in vain.”

After all, Long Aotian woke up too late, and only now did he realize that the weather was irresistible.

He wanted to escape, but he didn’t know how easy it was to escape once he got into this chess game. (It’s so cool to watch.) For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, Taiyuan looked in the direction of Jin’ao Island, and couldn’t help but feel a little pity for the leader of Tongtian.

Thinking that the tens of thousands of immortals from the Jie sect came to the court, but ended up falling apart, he couldn’t help but People feel sad

“Jiang Ziya has come down from the mountain, and Chanjiao has chosen his assistant. The human religion is not the protagonist of the gods, but it is easier to plan from it.”

The Human Sect also has three generations of disciples, but not as many as the Second Sect of Chanjie.

Some of these people are in the human world, which just allows the Human Sect to intervene in some of the matters of deification.[]

“The list of gods is still in the hands of Chanjiao. After the list of gods, Chanjiao can no longer be in charge of the list.”

Under the general trend, Jiejiao has no chance to make a comeback.

Yuanshi has always been cunning and cunning. With the list of gods in his hands, he will inevitably extend his hand too far in the future.

Taiyuan has to prevent this from happening. Once the list of gods is in the future, he will If the sect is in charge, Tianting will become the puppet of the sect.

This is definitely not what Taiyuan wants to see. Among the saints, except for the Taishanghui who supports the sect of the sect in controlling the list of gods, it is impossible for other saints to support it.

When I think of this, Taiyuan also felt confident in his heart.

He immediately stopped paying attention to Chaoge and continued to wander around Taixu.

Jin’ao Island, Biyou Palace.

Seeing the King Zhou’s lack of justice, Tongtian Cult Leader was speechless.

Although he was said to have a calamity aura. The influence may be so outrageous, after all, it is King Zhou himself.

Looking in the direction of Taisu Tiannuwa Palace, the leader of Tongtian sighed.

King Zhou’s changes and the decline of Yin and Shang’s fortunes were all fueled by Nuwa..

Otherwise, how could the nine-tailed demon fox enter the palace so easily? Although King Zhou is innocent, he still has not exhausted his energy. It is not easy for the monsters to get close. However, this is also King Zhou’s fault. Saints cannot be insulted..

King Zhou had experienced it at the cost of his own country.

As for Long Aotian, Tongtian no longer cares about him. With so many disciples, Long Aotian is insignificant.

As for reversing the decline, Tongtian is unable to do so..

He had no choice but to give orders again and again, ordering the disciples of the Jie Sect not to go out of the mountain and participate in the disputes between the human dynasties.

Among all the sects, only Tongtian, the saint, issued this order repeatedly.

It is no wonder that there are many disciples of the Jie Sect, but most of them still do not make people worry. It’s a matter of fact.

Most people still go their own way after listening to the advice of the leader Tongtian. Even because Tongtian emphasized it too many times, it actually made many people feel slack.

I’m afraid Tongtian didn’t expect this..

PS: Thank you [Yym for your monthly ticket!!!.

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