Chonghou Hu led the defeated soldiers to retreat. Seeing that the soldiers had no fighting spirit, Chonghou Hu had no choice but to order the remaining soldiers to gather up and stay away from Jizhou for the time being.

He wanted to go to Jizhou on his own, which was a promise he made to King Zhou, but now he lost his troops and generals in successive battles. Even his biological brother Chong Heihu was captured. How could he face the world?

Now that he has suffered successive defeats, his military strength has been greatly reduced. His reputation has plummeted, and he is unable to convince the public.

You can imagine what kind of difficulties you will face in the future, and whether you can still hold your position as Beibeihou.

In Jizhou City, the army once again made a triumphant return. Zheng Lun captured Chong Heihu in the first battle, and the Yin and Shang army also retreated and abandoned their armor. In the next period of time, Jizhou will not be in much danger.

Zheng Lun asked people to bring Chong Heihu up. At this time, Chong Heihu was still in a coma.

Zheng Lun pointed his hand, and a stream of immortal energy entered his Niwan Palace.

Chong Heihu woke up only to find that he had been tied up.

Su Hu and Chong Heihu were already on good terms, and it was for Su Hu’s good that Chong Heihu dissuaded him from getting involved. Su Hu would not treat him lightly, so he immediately ordered his people to relax and entertain him with all his heart.

The two chatted happily during the banquet, drinking and enjoying the food. Chong 17 Black Tiger also brought the topic to this troop dispatch.

He said to Su Hu:”Today, the emperor wants to choose a beautiful concubine. How can I hide it in a house of nobles, ministers and common people? Now that I have a virtuous woman at my feet, it is a good thing that the emperor wants to choose a concubine.”

“My brother has always been loyal and loyal, and I cannot bear to sit back and watch the destruction of Jizhou, so I would like to make a special statement. Moreover, if you enter the Queen’s court, you will have three benefits.

Su Hu heard this and asked,”Which are the three benefits mentioned by my wise brother?””

This time Su Hu seriously listened to Chong Heihu’s words. In fact, after the anti-business war, Su Hu regretted it.

How could the land of Jizhou defeat the imperial court? The two Chonghouhu brothers had already It was very powerful, not to mention the other capable people in the court.

Su Hu listened attentively to Chong Heihu’s words.

Chong Heihu was also overjoyed to see this, knowing that Su Hu was not a person who would never look back until he hit the south wall. This put him at ease. If Su Hu really planned to fight with the court, the end would be very miserable.

Chong Heihu told Su Hu:”A woman is favored by the palace, and a father enjoys the luxury of a house. Being an official, residing in the country, earning a living and a salary of thousands of dollars is a benefit. In Yongzhen, Jizhou, the houses are full of people without any surprises. This is two benefits. The common people do not suffer in desolation, and the three armies do not suffer from massacres. These are the three benefits.”

“If my brother persists, Jizhou will be lost and the clan will not survive. The flesh and blood of the family will be destroyed, and the army and the people will suffer the calamity of war.”

“A true man should sacrifice small details to uphold the great righteousness. How can he follow the example of ignorant people and bring about his own destruction? As a prince of a state, my brother should worry about the people, soldiers and people of Jizhou. How can he harm the world because of a woman? Chong

Heihu’s words were like enlightenment. It took a long time for Su Hu to come back to his senses.

He said to Chong Heihu:”What you said is reasonable. As the Marquis of Jizhou, how can I harm the entire city’s soldiers and civilians because of my little girl?” It was really my biggest sin, so I went to the female court to atone for my sin. Chong

Heihu was overjoyed when he heard this and said:”Brother, you are right to think so. If Jizhou is stable, your brother can also be the head of the country!”

When Su Hu heard this, he sighed and said,”What a pity, little girl Daji!””

Chong Heihu knew that Su Hu was still upset, so he did not continue talking on this topic.

The next day, Su Hu sent Chongheihu’s gift out of Jizhou City.

Chonghou Hu defeated the marquis and had already set up his military camp. Far away from Jizhou City, when I heard that Chong Heihu was back, Chonghou Hu did not believe it.

When I came out to see it, it was really Chonghei Tiger.

“Brother!”Chong Heihu said with his fists in his arms.

Chonghou Hu was worried about the defeat. When he saw Chong Heihu coming back, he didn’t care about it. He hurriedly said:”Second brother escaped from Jizhou City?”

“Hahaha! Hearing this, Chong Heihu smiled and said,”No, I was released by Su Hu. Just now, Su Hu has agreed to send his daughter Daji to the palace. He will also enter Chaoge himself. Big brother does not need to fight anymore.”!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chong Heihu’s words made Chonghou Hu confused. He still wanted to find reinforcements and continue the fight. As a result, Chong Heihu Hu said that the battle was over and he could withdraw his troops.

If he had lost so many troops, wouldn’t it be a waste of his efforts?

After entering the camp, Chonghou Hu asked Chong Heihu about the process in detail. Chong Heihu was also very honest. After saying this, Chonghou Hu felt relieved.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

He had lost his troops and generals, and had wasted so much effort, and it was over. Most of the soldiers and horses that were lost were from his own vassal country. When he thought of this This made Chonghouhu feel heartbroken.

Since Su Hu had reached an agreement, Chongheihu released Su Quanzhong.

And Chongheihu himself boarded the Golden Eyed Beast, led his three thousand troops, and returned to Caozhou

When Su Quanzhong returned to Jizhou and learned about his father’s decision, although he was reluctant, he knew that this was the general trend and had to obey.

Three days later, after some preparations, Su Hu personally led 500 generals and 3,000 troops. , escorted Su Daji to Chaoge.

Before that, Chonghouhu had already sent the news to Chaoge.[]

On this day, the team arrived at Enzhou, and Yi Cheng came to greet them. Su Hu also made some repairs here.

What they didn’t know was that when Su Hu and his party came to the inn to rest, a pair of eyes were secretly watching Su Hu and his party.

This person is the nine-tailed fox demon in Xuanyuan’s tomb. After receiving the decree from the Empress Nuwa, the nine-tailed fox demon, the pipa spirit and the pheasant spirit split up to find a solution.

After learning that the Yin Shang Dynasty conquered Jizhou because of the beauty Daji, the nine-tailed fox demon instantly had an idea.

She was waiting here just to take the opportunity to take action and perform the art of Li Daitao’s stiffness. Replaced himself with Su Daji, and finally entered the palace quietly.

However, the nine-tailed demon fox did not act rashly. Some of these people knew Taoism. If he is discovered, his plan will fall short.

After observing carefully for a while, the nine-tailed demon fox hid its figure and disappeared.

Late at night, the nine-tailed demon fox appeared again. At this time, except for the patrolling soldiers, most people had already rested.

Looking at the tent where Daji was, a blue light appeared in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox demon and disappeared immediately.

After looking around, the figure of the nine-tailed fox demon disappeared out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at Daji’s room and saw the stunning appearance.

Seeing this, the nine-tailed demon fox couldn’t help but be jealous and said:”You are so lucky because of your bad luck, you can’t blame me.”

After saying that, the figure of the nine-tailed demon fox turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into Daji’s Niwan Palace.

Suddenly, Daji opened her eyes. The original gentle and pleasant image is no longer there, but instead he has a fierce look on his face.

“Hahaha, in just a few months, I can completely replace Su Daji!”

After that, the fierce light in his eyes disappeared….

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