Just when Chonghou Hu thought he was going to have another battle, he saw someone on the opposite side standing out from the crowd.

The sky became dark, and Chonghou Hu could not see clearly the people in front of him. He just ordered the soldiers to be on full alert in preparation for facing the enemy.

Among the figures in front, one asked:”I am Chong Heihu. I don’t know who is in front of you, can you come out and answer me.”

Hearing the voice of his younger brother, Chonghouhu relaxed.

He seemed to have lost all his strength and collapsed to the ground. He said loudly:”Second brother, it’s me!”

“yes, Sir! Chong Heihu was shocked and immediately stepped forward.

Looking at the defeated group of remaining soldiers, Chong Heihu asked:”Brother, what’s going on now?” Didn’t you lead an army of 100,000 people? Chong

Houhu was also a little embarrassed and told the whole process of his defeat by Su Hu.

Hearing this, Chong Heihu said sternly:”That Su Hu is particularly good at using soldiers. The eldest brother underestimated others and was defeated like this.”. We’d better unite our troops first and get our troops in order before heading to Jizhou.”

Chonghou Hu had this intention and immediately agreed.

At that moment, the two of them joined forces and set up camp – not to mention.

But it was said that Su Hu had achieved a great victory and defeated Chonghou Hu. The entire Jizhou city was full of joy.

Looking at the people in the city Su Hu also cheered and nodded with a smile. But under this smile, there was a hint of worry.

Although Jizhou is strong, it is only a state after all.

Most of the 800 princes in the world still obey the orders of the imperial court. Today, Beizhou Bohou Chonghou Hu was defeated, and there was no guarantee that other armies would not come in the future.

Jizhou could defeat one, but if two or three princes came to kill him next time, how could he resist it?

When everyone was celebrating, Su Quanzhong shouted loudly He said:”What Bei Bohou? I think Chonghou Hu is just a straw bag. People like this can be a prince, which shows the stupidity of the imperial court!””

“That is, I think our Marquis can replace that Bei Bohou. Then King Zhou will use these incompetent people!”

A group of Jizhou generals made a fuss and exchanged glasses of wine during the banquet.

Seeing that Su Hu was not in high spirits, Su Quanzhong asked,”My father has defeated Chonghou Hu several times. It is a day of great victory. Why are you not happy?”

After everyone heard this, they looked over. The originally bustling hall suddenly became calm.

Su Hu sighed and said:”The Chonghou Tiger is nothing to worry about, but there are so many powerful princes in the world. After defeating the Chonghou Tiger today, there will definitely be a more powerful enemy attacking Jizhou in the future.

General Zhao Bing said:”Master Hou is overly worried. Although the court is strong, the world is unstable. It is not easy for King Zhou to recruit troops and horses to attack Jizhou.””

“As long as we win a few more big victories and let the court know that we are not easy to mess with, King Zhou will wake up by then. You won’t dare to provoke us again”

“That’s right, Chonghou Hu is already a powerful prince that the court can rely on, and he will be much stronger than him in the future.”General Chen Jizhen also said.

With the support of several people, a smile gradually appeared on Su Hu’s face.

Just when Jizhou’s soldiers and horses were about to reorganize, in less than two days there were detectives coming to report, Chonghou Hu and Caozhou Chonghei Tiger once again came to the city.

Chong Heihu was the younger brother of Chonghou Hu, and everyone knew a little about him.

Especially Su Hu, who had some friendship with Chong Heihu. The relationship between the two was not bad, but they did not expect to meet today.. It is true that things in the world are unpredictable.

Although the generals had long expected that after Chonghou Hu, the imperial court would definitely send other princes. But they did not expect that it would come so quickly. As soon as Chonghou Hu was defeated, the imperial court sent new reinforcements..

Fortunately, the Jizhou generals and soldiers had sufficient morale after winning consecutive battles.

It was also a home battle, so they were not afraid of reinforcements from the imperial court.

Su Quanzhong was even more young and energetic, and he had arrogance in his heart. He said to everyone:”We won’t be afraid of reinforcements from the imperial court.” His eldest brother, Chonghou Hu, was beaten to a pulp by us, let alone him who worshiped Black Tiger! When Su

Hu heard this, he scolded:”Chong Heihu has been taught Taoism by strangers since he was a child. Taking the head of a general out of a million soldiers is like picking something out of a bag. How can you resist it?””

Su Hu obviously knew more about Chong Heihu.

Seeing that Su Quanzhong and all the Jizhou generals despised the enemy, he felt arrogant in his heart and couldn’t help pouring cold water on everyone.

Who knew that this Su Quanzhong He was also a man with a temper. Hearing his father Su Hu’s words, he was even more disdainful of Chong Heihu.

Standing in the main hall, he drew the sword in his hand and said loudly:”Father, why should I increase other people’s ambition and destroy my own prestige. Today I am going to meet this Chongheihu and see what mysteries of his Taoism are. Su

Hu heard this and said:”Don’t underestimate the enemy!””

Su Quanzhong left the hall without waiting for Su Hu to stop him, and led his troops directly out of the city to fight. Chong Houhu and Chong Heihu led the army to wait in formation, when the gate of Jizhou City suddenly opened. (Read Baoshuang novels, go up and fly Lu Novel Network!)

A large group of Jizhou soldiers and horses came out, and the sound of drums and trumpets resounded all around.

The leader had a gold crown on his hair, gold on his forehead, and two pheasant tails shaking. He wore a big red robe, gold mail, and a silver horse. The painted halberd has a face like a full moon and lips painted with vermilion. When

Chonghou Hu saw this person, he suddenly became angry and said:”This person is Su Quanzhong, the son of Su Hu.”

Chong Heihu felt relieved when he saw it was Su Quanzhong.[]

He and Su Hu are good friends, and he doesn’t want to end up losing both sides in a fight with Su Hu. I wanted to take this opportunity to persuade Su Hu to prevent him from losing his life.

Just when Chong Heihu was about to step forward to ask, he never expected to hear Su Quanzhong’s filthy words as soon as he stepped forward.

General Zhong Chong was so furious that he couldn’t care less.

Chong Heihu immediately said angrily:”Such a arrogant and rebellious person is not a son of man!”

After saying that, Chong Heihu fought with Su Quanzhong with a golden ax in his hand.

Chong Heihu rides a beast with flaming eyes and golden eyes, and Su Quanzhong rides a green-maned horse. There was back and forth between the two of them, and the fight became intense.

Although Su Quanzhong is young, his martial arts skills are impressive.

He fought against Chong Heihu for dozens of rounds, but he was still not at a disadvantage.

When the two of them met, they were both a little surprised.

Su Quanzhong was highly skilled in martial arts and had the experience of defeating Chonghou Tiger before, so he thought that Chonghei Tiger was nothing more than that. But when they fought, they discovered that Chong Heihu was far more powerful than Chonghou Tiger.

When it comes to martial arts, Chong Heihu is no worse than himself.

Chong Heihu also lamented that Su Quanzhong was very skilled in martial arts, but his martial arts skills could not turn the tide of the battle.

Even in the court, there are many people who are proficient in immortal magic and Taoism. It just so happens that Chong Heihu is a person who is proficient in Taoism.

This Chongheihu had practiced with the Immortal Jiejiao since he was a child, and had a magic weapon called the Iron-billed Condor. During the battle, the red gourd is released to peck people, which is an extraordinary thing.

It’s just that Chong Heihu doesn’t have any use for such magic weapons on weekdays. He can defeat his opponents with just his martial arts. But this time Chong Heihu encountered a strong enemy.

Chong Heihu secretly thought:”He is indeed a general, it seems he has to use some tricks!”

With a plan in mind, Chong Heihu swung his ax and fled backwards on the beast with flaming eyes and golden eyes.

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket of [Prajna Fusheng CK]!! big!.

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