“It’s strange how the luck of the Yin Shang Dynasty dissipated so quickly!”

Seeing that the luck of the Yin and Shang Dynasties was rapidly dissipating, Long Aotian was shocked.

The Yin and Shang dynasty, which had prosperous luck before, was now in decline. It was obviously very abnormal.

But no matter how he calculated it, it was There were no clues.

The incense burning in Nuwa Palace was just before his eyes, and the fortunes of the Yin and Shang Dynasties suddenly declined. This series of changes made Long Aotian at a loss, and it took him a long time to calm down.

“Such changes are beyond my ability to speculate, so I’d better go to Biyou Palace and ask Master.”

Thinking of this, Long Aotian made an explanation and then headed towards the Biyou Palace on Jin’ao Island.

As soon as he entered Jin’ao Island, Long Aotian went up to Zizhi Cliff and walked straight into the Biyou Palace.

Because of the decree of the Lord Tongtian Sect, now Most of the immortals in the Jie Sect were cultivating in their respective fairy mountains. Even Jin’ao Island was much quieter than before.

After Shuihuo Boyzi reported, Long Aotian walked into the main hall and paid a visit to the leader of Tongtian Cult.

“Master, your holy life is boundless!”Long Aotian bowed.

Tongtian nodded slightly and asked:”You are assisting Emperor Xin in Chaoge, why are you here in Biyou Palace now?”

For this disciple, Tongtian is quite satisfied. 117 The original move of free chess seems to be of great effect now.

Long Aotian cupped his hands and replied:”Master, this disciple was watching Yin Shang’s luck today, but suddenly found that Yin Shang’s luck Luck is greatly reduced. After some deductions, I couldn’t figure out anything, so I had no choice but to come and disturb the master.”

When Tongtian heard about it, he knew the cause and effect in just a thought.

Long Aotian looked at the leader of Tongtian with some anxiety, and stood below with his hands tied.

Seeing the frown of the leader of Tongtian, Long Aotian’s heart suddenly tightened. Just in the blink of an eye. In the meantime, the leader of Tongtian Cult relaxed his brows and returned to normal.

He said to him:”I know the cause and effect. You can go back to Chao Ge to assist Emperor Xin first. There is no need to worry about other things.”

Long Aotian wanted to ask something, but Tongtian had already issued an order to expel guests, and he didn’t ask anything.

After leaving Biyou Palace, Long Aotian couldn’t help but feel a fire in his heart.

Others came to Honghuang and became disciples of the leader Tongtian, enjoying All of them are treated as direct disciples. How come I have fallen to this point?

If I had known this, I might as well not have joined Jie Jiao in the first place.

“The novel is indeed harming me!”Long Aotian sighed in his heart

“If this momentum continues, the decline of Jiejiao is inevitable. Is there really a chance for a comeback in the Battle of the Gods?…”

Long Aotian was confused, especially as he learned more and more about the ancient world. He no longer worships Lord Tongtian as much as he did at the beginning. It seemed a bit hasty when he became a disciple of Jie Jie.

For some reason, Long Aotian began to have thoughts of betrayal.

But as soon as this thought came out, Long Aotian felt cold all over. Banished this idea from my mind

“Let’s take it one step at a time. We can no longer be as ostentatious as before.”Long Aotian thought to himself.

Back in Chaoge City, Long Aotian was as usual.

It’s just that compared to usual times, Long Aotian, as a national preceptor, showed up less.

After all, he is a monk and does not participate in government affairs. It’s the best. Other ministers are also happy like this, and Emperor Xin doesn’t care anymore. As long as the Yin Shang Dynasty is stable, anything can be done. After

Long Aotian left, the leader of Tongtian didn’t get back to normal.

The luck of the Yin Shang Dynasty Tongtian can clearly see the huge decrease. It is precisely because the number of days is not in the Yin Shang Dynasty. Even if Jie Jiao works hard, it cannot be reversed in the end. It is not so much the decline of the Yin Shang’s luck as it is the decline of the Jie Jiao’s luck that has affected Yin. Shang.

Yin Shang is just a dynasty in the world, and it doesn’t matter whether it changes or not. But Jie Jiao has always been the biggest backer of Yin Shang, and it is destined to be bound to Jie Jiao.

If it had been before, this would have been very difficult for Yin Shang. Of course it’s a good thing.

But now, all the saints are dealing with Jiejiao. Jiejiao’s luck has declined so much that even the Yin Shang Dynasty has been implicated.

Others can’t understand this, but as a saint, the leader of Tongtian Cult is You can see it clearly. All the saints can also see it, but they can’t say it out loud (bhbd). Otherwise, if the Yin Shang are implicated because of Jie Jiao, how will Jie Jiao still preach in the world in the future?

“Jie Jiao’s luck is declining. If you want to give it a try, you still have to rely on the Immortal Killing Formation. Conferring Gods to Kill Tribulation, I can’t help but take action.”

Thinking that his Immortal Killing Formation has made further progress after the battle with Taiyuan, but in the face of several saints, even Tongtian is not very optimistic. With the rise of the Conferred God, he still has some world left to continue to deduce the Killing Immortal Formation and Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, Tongtian’s heart The idea of seclusion arose.

So Tongtian said to Shuihuo Tongzi:”Preach my decree to all the disciples of Jiejiao. Anyone who is not an official in the human world is not allowed to go down the mountain. Those who violate the order will be severely punished!”

This time, Tongtian Cult Master was more stern than before.

Upon hearing this, Shuihuo Boy immediately responded respectfully and went down to pass on the Cult Master’s decree.

There are many good and bad members of the Jie Cult disciples. There are many who have deep roots, and most of them have poor ones. As for those who can Even the leader of Tongtian Cult can’t guarantee how many obedient disciples there will be. Thinking back to the list of the Three Shang Gods of Zixiao Palace, if I were not so stubborn and took the initiative to sign the pledge, would the situation be much better than the current situation?

But it was just a thought. In the meantime, Tongtian strengthened his will again.

A saint will never regret his decision. Even if the great religion is destroyed, he must still compete for the upper hand.

“From now on, I will be in seclusion. If you have nothing important to do, please do not come to Biyou Palace to disturb me!”

After Tongtian’s announcement, he went into seclusion in Biyou Palace to study the Zhuxian Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Regarding Tongtian’s words, some of the Jiejiao disciples listened seriously. Silently reciting Huang Ting in the mountains does not cause karma. But there are also those who are impatient and want to live in the world of mortals.

Even if you are a saint of Hunyuan, you cannot influence other people’s thoughts.

You can only say that the doom has come, no matter what you do All efforts are in vain.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Emperor Xin Nuwa’s palace is the day for offering incense.

Early in the morning, as early as last night, Chaoge City was under martial law[]

Emperor Xin got on the chariot, accompanied by two groups of civil and military personnel, and went to the Nuwa Palace in the suburbs to offer incense.

On the way, Emperor Xin remembered and asked,”Why didn’t the Imperial Master come?”

Everyone around him didn’t know. It was Prime Minister Shang Rong who stepped forward and answered,”Your Majesty, the Imperial Master has been rarely active recently. It is said that he is practicing Taoism.””

“Oh I got it!”Di Xin waved his hand and didn’t care. It’s normal for a Taoist to behave like this, and Di Xin didn’t feel anything strange.

It’s just that some of the Jie Jiao disciples who were officials in the court were puzzled. They didn’t know who the national master was. What kind of tricks are they doing?

After all, the Imperial Master, whether in court or as a Jiejiao disciple, is higher than them, Jiejiao disciples. Naturally, no one dares to ask about this. The whole team headed towards the suburbs in a mighty manner, and the car drove out When we arrived at the south gate of Chao Ge, we saw that every house of Chao Ge was burning incense and setting up fires, and every household was decorated with colorful decorations.

King Wucheng Huang Feihu led a large army to escort him, and a group of guards were arranged on all sides to prepare for any unexpected events. The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty accompanied them, including the female Wa Palace.

This trip to Emperor Xin was just for offering incense, but it caused desolation all over the world and made people unemployed. It

’s just that the days are like this, how can manpower do anything.

Even the saint of Hunyuan is irreversible..

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