How could Taiyuan not know what Taishang and Yuanshi were thinking?

Although Taiyuan does not hope that Tongtian will suffer the great grinding of the world, he is the least anxious among the several saints.

How is it possible to let him be in the front?

Taiyuan just pretended that he didn’t see it and remained silent.

The Supreme Being was also silent after seeing Tai Yuan not moving. Yuan Shi sighed, knowing that he was about to take action.

However, Jieyin Zhunti has already seen how powerful the Zhuxian Formation is. It is extremely difficult to break the formation.

Yuanshi thought:”The two sages of the West are inherently deficient. Without the innate treasure in hand, they will eventually fall behind. I have the Pangu flag, maybe I can give it a try.”

After thinking about it, Yuanshi made a decision in his heart.

At this time, Tongtian said to the other saints:”Is there any fellow Taoist who is willing to try the Immortal-killing Sword Formation in Pindao’s hands? Pindao can accompany me as much as I can.” The withdrawal of the two Western Saints made Tongtian’s leader even more confident. rise.

Fighting alone, Tongtian has no fear of any saint.

Seeing this, Yuan Shi stood up and said:”Junior brother Tongtian, this battle is due to my brother!”

“Haha 16 Haha, then invite senior brother to join the battle!”

Tongtian stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation. The whisk disappeared from Yuanshi’s hand, and a chaotic-colored treasure flag appeared in his hand.

It was the supreme treasure of Yuanshi Tianzun, the innate treasure Pangu Banner. As soon as he entered the formation, Yuanshi felt that Endless murderous intent. The incoming sword energy was blocked by Yuan Shi’s body-protecting divine light.

When Yuan Shi Qingyun appeared, there were thousands of golden lanterns above his head, and countless lights dropped down to protect Yuan Shi. It was the Jade Void Supreme Treasure, the Qingyun Golden Lamp.

Entering the Zhuxian Gate, Yuanshi Pangu waved his banner, and a chaotic air blade shot out. The divine power that tore through the chaos of the Hongmeng made the Zhuxian Sword buzz.

Although it made the formation somewhat He wavered, but failed to shoot it down. In just a blink of an eye, the Zhuxian formation became more stable. After leaving the Zhuxian Gate, Yuanshi entered the Fallen Immortal Gate again. Seeing the Fallen Immortal Sword above, Yuanshi hit it with the Pangu Banner again. But it also caused the formation to shake, but it was not broken.

From the Zhuxian Sect to the Falling Immortal Sect, and then to the Slaughtering Immortal and Juexian Sects.

After walking through it, although Pangu Banner could make the Zhuxian Formation shake, it would not be broken. But the formation couldn’t do it.

Yuan Shi thought to himself:”The four swords of Zhu Xian are one body. Even if Pangu Banner is there, if just one of the swords is hit, the other three swords will stabilize the formation.”

When Yuanshi passed through all four gates, the Tongtian leader said:”Senior brother, does he have a way to break the formation?

Yuan Shi said with a smile:”How can the small Immortal Killing Formation shine? Let’s see what the poor Taoist means!””

Having said that, Yuan Shi waved his hand, and countless golden lamps and golden lotuses rose up from the Immortal Killing Formation.

The murderous aura in the entire formation was also suppressed to the extreme.

Thunder emitted from the palm of Tongtian Cult Leader’s palm, and the four immortal swords vibrated together, and countless sword energies Killing towards Yuan Shi.

In just an instant, the golden lotus and golden lanterns that were everywhere were shattered. Even the golden lamp above Yuan Shi’s head was extinguished.

Seeing that there was no hope of breaking the formation, Yuan Shi could not stay in the formation.

Although the Zhuxian formation is powerful, it is impossible to trap the saint. Yuanshi cannot break the formation, but even if he wants to reach the sky, he cannot stop him.

Pangu flag waved, and Yuanshi came out of the formation.

Yuanshi said:” Junior Brother Tongtian’s Immortal Killing Formation is indeed well-deserved!”

Different from the embarrassment of Jie Yin and Zhunti, Yuan Shi has Pangu Banner in hand after all. Although he cannot break the formation, it is not as embarrassed as the two Western Saints.

Seeing this, the saints are not surprised.

They set up the Zhuxian Formation At that moment, all the saints understood that this formation must be broken by four Hunyuan fifth-level Supreme Leaders. It is not enough to rely on Yuanshi alone. The two Western Saints came out of the Immortal Killing Formation in panic, and Yuanshi Tianzun himself also However, Nuwa Empress had no intention of taking action against this Immortal Killing Formation. As a result, only the two saints Taiyuan and Taishang were left.

Among the seven Hunyuan Wuji Taishang leader, they were recognized for their cultivation The highest one is Taiyuan, followed by Taishang, who is the leader of the Three Pure Ones.

If the two of them are not Tongtian’s opponents, then the world-destroying Great Mill will fall into the hands of Jiejiao. (Read Baoshuang novels and go up to fly Lu Novel Network!)

This is definitely something other saints don’t want to see.

Taiyuan still looked calm and unmoved. When Taishang saw Taiyuan like this, he also had doubts in his heart.

“Could it be that Taiyuan is sure to break this Immortal Killing Formation?”

No matter what Taiyuan’s attitude is, Taishang must go up.

If I shrink back at this time, it will be difficult for the Second Saint of the West and Yuanshi to explain. The catastrophe of the Conferring God Killing is coming, and if something like this happens, even if it is The Supreme Leader also felt a headache.

Seeing the Supreme Leader walking out, Tongtian Gong cupped his hands and said,”Elder brother also wants to try the Immortal Killing Formation, please join the formation!”

The Supreme Leader smiled and said:”It’s okay to join the battle, but Junior Brother Tongtian, you will inevitably be insulted, which will undermine the dignity of a saint! Hearing this, Tongtian said bluntly:”Elder brother is still like this, looking aloof. No matter how powerful you are, you can never break through Pindao’s Immortal Killing Formation!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Tongtian entered the Immortal Killing Formation.

In an instant, the murderous intent in the Immortal Killing Formation was much stronger than before. The boundless murderous intent, if there was no Chaos Bell to stay stationary outside, I’m afraid it would sweep through many worlds.

Too much The last time I saw the murderous aura in the Zhuxian Formation was even stronger than before, a treasure map appeared in my hand, with the image of Wuji generating Tai Chi. It was the innate treasure Tai Chi map. I saw

Laojun Tai Chi map was thrown away, and it turned into the two qi of yin and yang. Fly out. A white jade and gold bridge spans across the void and universe, directly freezing the Zhuxian Formation. The Zhuxian Formation, which was still surging and murderous, immediately calmed down.

Tai Chi Diagram has the ability to calm down the earth, water, wind and fire, and can separate the pure and turbid.

Hold it. The murderous aura in the formation is exactly what it is used for[]

Taishang landed on the white jade golden bridge, looked at the changes in the formation, and nodded secretly.

“This formation is really powerful. Even if 830 can use Tai Chi Diagram to immobilize the murderous and evil spirit in it, it will be difficult to break it. I just don’t know if Pindao’s magical power can be useful.”

Ignoring what the Supreme Commander was thinking, after landing on the white jade and gold bridge, the Supreme Commander smiled and said:”I have entered the formation, what should I do, junior brother?”

“Now that you are inside, you should see the mystery of the Immortal Killing Formation!”

Tongtian shouted loudly, and four thunderbolts erupted from the palms of his hands. The four swords of Zhuxian, Slaying Immortal, Trapping Immortal, and Juexian were neighing, and the entire array glowed loudly. Infinite murderous aura struck towards the white jade golden bridge where the Supreme Being was.

Taishang Seeing this, the superior also moved, his head appeared in the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth, and the ten thousand feet of Xuanhuang merit fell down to block all the murderous intent of the sword. With a move from Tai Shang, the Tai Chi Diagram returned to his hand. When he unfolded it towards the entire formation, it was originally still in his hands. The murderous four swords gradually calmed down.

Seeing this, Tongtian activated the thunder in his palm again, and every time the sword energy came towards him, it was blocked by the Tai Chi diagram.

Seeing this, Tongtian came over to kill the general with Qingping Sword in his hand. At the same time, he did not forget to activate the big formation and use the sword energy of the Immortal Killing Formation to help himself. The

Supreme Master had the black and yellow exquisite tower of heaven and earth above his head, holding a Tai Chi diagram in one hand and a coiled dragon and a flat crutch in the other hand.

The two of them. The saints fought in the formation, but it was even more fierce than when the two Western Saints and Yuanshi Tianzun entered the formation.

PS: Please support a wave of full orders!!!

Will continue to update in the evening!!!.

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