This was the first time that Master Yuding knew that the Heavenly Eye was going to be integrated into a human body. He thought it would be used directly as a magic weapon.

Fortunately, Yang Jian didn’t ask himself how to use the Sky Eye, otherwise Master Yuding would have been embarrassed if he said it wrong.

Yang Jian was overjoyed after trying the power of the Sky Eye.

By using the Heavenly Eye, Yang Jian found that this Heavenly Eye must be in harmony with himself. It is completely compatible with my own bloodline, ~ without the slightest hint of harshness.

It is indeed a saint’s magical power, and he can even refine such treasures.

The Heavenly Eye used by Yang Jian just now is just the tip of the iceberg of his ability.

Other abilities will need to be developed by Yang Jian himself in the future.

With the Sky Eye, Yang Jian’s own strength has at least improved by three points. How could Yang Jian be unhappy?

After testing the power of the Sky Eye, Yang Jian picked up the three-pointed two-edged sword and started playing with it.

Many of the teaching techniques that Yang Jian practiced were about fighting techniques. And this three-pointed two-edged sword is the most suitable for Yang Jian.

In conjunction with Yang Jian’s martial arts, the power of this three-pointed two-edged sword was fully displayed.

After seeing it, Master Yuding finally understood why Yuanshi Tianzun was optimistic about Yang Jian.

“It seems that Yang Jian’s understanding is much more than this, and he must be taught better in the future!”Master Yuding secretly thought.

In fact, Yuanshi valued Yang Jian not because of his intellectual talent.

As the Supreme Leader of Hunyuan Wuji, Yuanshi Tianzun has never seen any immortal god with incredible understanding. Yang Jian will not be let go by him. In the eyes, even the most outstanding disciple among the three generations.

The reason why Yang Jian is valued is the cause and effect behind it.

However, many of these are not something that Yuding Zhenren can mix with, let alone his place. Understandable.

With the blessing of the Heavenly Eye and the three-pointed two-edged sword, Yang Jian’s strength is also improving day by day. In this way, in Yuquan Mountain, Yang Jian’s cultivation is increasing day by day. In the future, he will become the protector of Chanjiao and the first person in the third generation of Chanjiao.

Let’s say, The God-killing Tribulation started, and the situation in the world changed.

Since the Three Shang Dynasties in Zixiao Palace, no matter which sect they are, they are looking for the person who is responsible for this fate.

Especially the two sects of Chanjie.

Disciples of the Chan sect have caused massacres. In the tribulation, I naturally hope that people who can confer gods will join the sect of Chan Jiao. In this way, Chan Jiao Fang can have more vitality in the killing calamity. There are many disciples of Jie Jiao, and there are countless people with deep karma. It is even more necessary to use Fengshen. To eliminate the bad and save the good, if there are people who can consecrate the gods to help, a lot of losses will definitely be reduced.

However, the number of days is unpredictable, and even the Hunyuan Wuji Heavenly Cult Master can deduce some secrets from it.

Compared with other great religions, the interpretation of It is more likely that Jiao Jiao and Jie Jiao will get the person who can become a god. But when exactly it will come, it is not certain. The two leaders are also looking forward to the arrival of the person who can become a god.

But they say that Emperor Yi is here When he came to power, there was a village south of Chaoge. There were only dozens of families in the village. Among them was a fisherman couple who had a son.

Because when he was born, the shadow of a flying bear appeared. This made people in the village believe that , his son must be extraordinary.

Therefore, his parents named the son Shang, with the courtesy name Ziya, and called him Jiang Ziya.

More than ten years later, his parents passed away one after another.

At this time, Jiang Ziya lamented the ruthlessness of the years. He couldn’t help but think, a hundred years ago After that, he was just a handful of loess.

Ever since, the thought of cultivating Taoism and becoming an immortal arose in his heart.

With this thought, he could no longer stop it. After saying goodbye to his relatives and friends, Jiang Ziya embarked on the journey to seek immortality. The road.

Although Jiang Ziya had destiny, he did not cultivate the immortal way after all, and was just a mortal. After wandering for many years, he could not find the so-called immortal at all.

Jiang Ziya was so frustrated that he once thought that he had no destiny.

But Jiang Ziya was unwilling to just do nothing, thinking that he would be nothing more than a handful of loess in a hundred years. Jiang Ziya became more determined in seeking the truth, and continued on the path of seeking immortality and enquiry. After several twists and turns, several more years passed. Years passed.

Jiang Ziya heard clues from all sides and learned about some traces of the Immortal.

On the way to find the Immortal, Jiang Shang also met a fellow Taoist named Shen Gongbao. Seeing Shen Gongbao, he was also a man who was dedicated to seeking Tao. Jiang Shang and Shen Gongbao hit it off immediately, and the two of them made an appointment to seek enlightenment together.

Although Shen Gongbao’s name contains the word leopard, he is not a leopard spirit. He is a human being, but he has learned some unfashionable Taoist magic and has some methods..

In the ancient world, Shen Gongbao’s knowledge was much better than Jiang Ziya’s. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There were many unclear clues that Jiang Ziya had detected, but Shen Gongbao was able to know them at his fingertips.

Shen Gongbao said to Jiang Ziya:”If you want to talk about the great supernatural beings in this world, they should be the leaders of the Hunyuan Wuji Taishang. Since the two of us are going to be apprentices, why not go to the saint’s dojo to have a try.”

Jiang Shang also nodded after hearing this. should be.

Jiang Ziya naturally knew the name of the saint.

But Zhigui knew that if he really wanted to find the saint’s dojo, it was not something that a mortal like him could do.

If a mortal can go to a saint’s ashram, how can there be purity?

“But how should we find this saint’s ashram? Which saint’s ashram should we go to to become a disciple?”Jiang Ziya asked

“this…”Shen Gongbao himself was hesitant. Although he knew about the saint, Shen Gongbao really hadn’t thought carefully about which saint he wanted to become a disciple of.

But in an instant, Shen Gongbao had a decision in his heart.

He said to Jiang Ziya:”Among the monks in the world, the disciples of the great sect are undoubtedly the most numerous. However, the Biyou Palace is on Jin’ao Island, far away from the sea, but it is not easy to get there.”

“It is said that Sage Taiqing rarely accepts disciples. I am afraid that it will be difficult for us to become a disciple of Sage Taiqing.”

“As for the Western religion, it is far away in Mount Sumeru, too far away from here. It’s not a good place for me to wait. After all, the Chanjiao in Kunlun Mountain and the Renjiao in Qingdu Mountain can go there.”

Shen Gongbao said what he said, but he did not mention Nuwa.

After all, the empress is not in the three realms, but in the outer world. This is not something Shen Gongbao and the others can consider.

Jiang Ziya knew that this man taught the saints Taiyuan Taoist Master and Chan. Teach the saint Yuanshi Tianzun.

As for where to go to become a disciple, it doesn’t matter to Jiang Ziya.

The same goes for Shen Gongbao. Under the saint’s disciples, it is still the turn to choose the fat and the thin. Jiang Ziya said:”Let’s go to Kunlun Mountain. Compared with Qingdu The mountains are closer”

“good!”Shen Gongbao nodded, and the two of them headed towards Kunlun Mountain.

The two of them were closer to Kunlun Mountain, but Jiang Ziya had more reasons to go to Kunlun.

But for some reason, there was a voice in Jiang Ziya’s heart that kept telling him Go to Kunlun Mountain. Jiang Ziya’s words also followed the voice deep in his heart.

After going through twists and turns, the two of them finally arrived at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Looking at the towering Kunlun, both of them were in a good mood.

Although they had not yet seen each other, Saint, but the joy in his heart is beyond words.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun wandered in Taixu. Suddenly he opened his eyes and said to Baihe Boy:”There are people outside the mountain who come to worship. Go and introduce them to Yuxu.” palace”

“Please obey the law!”The White Crane boy saluted, and then quickly walked down and left Yuxu Palace.

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