Kunlun Mountain, one of the ancient ancestors, is the dojo of the saint Yuanshi Tianzun.

It can be said that he is famous in the ancient world. Even if he is not a monk, he still knows who Yuanshi Tianzun of Kunlun Mountain is.

Although Yang Chan entered the immortal way and learned some immortal techniques. But it was also the first time that he saw Kunlun Mountain, and when he thought that he was about to see the legendary saint, Yang Chan couldn’t hide his excitement.

The Yuquan Mountain of Master Yuding is also a blessed land of immortal mountains, and its innate spiritual energy is also extremely rich. But compared with Kunlun Mountain, it is much inferior and cannot be compared with it at all.

As soon as you enter the Kunlun Mountains, the innate spiritual energy that hits your face makes your soul shake, and a stream of pure energy shoots directly into the heavenly spirit.

There are rare and exotic animals everywhere in the mountains, and spiritual roots and fairy grass can be seen everywhere. The cranes roar and the deer gallop. A full of vitality, showing the beauty of the fairy family.

Looking at Qilin Cliff from a distance, I saw a dense purple air shrouding it. It seems to be there but not at all, and the looming golden light of merit shines in the heavens.

Master Yuding pointed to the top of Qilin Cliff and said to Yang Chan:”That’s the Yuxu Palace, and Master Master is there. Let’s hurry up, so as not to keep Master waiting for a long time.”

“yes! Yang Chan said respectfully.

Immediately, the two of them headed towards Yuxu Palace.

When they arrived at the palace gate, before they could enter, Baihe Boy came to the real person Yuding and paid his respects.

“I’ve met Uncle Master!”The boy Baihe said respectfully.

Yuding said:”I brought Yang Chan here under the order of the master.”

White Crane Boy said:”Master has an order, just ask Uncle Master to take Yang Chan directly to Taisu Tiannuwa Palace!”

Master Yuding was puzzled. He thought Yuanshi would meet Yang Chan. He didn’t expect that he would directly take him to Taisutian.

In fact, if Master Yuding didn’t come and Yang Chan came alone, Yuanshi might meet him. As soon as he saw Yang Chan, he asked others to take him to see Nuwa.

However, Master Yuding also came, which saves trouble. Master Yuding can directly take him to Taisutian Nuwa Palace.

Yuding said:” Please report back to Master Master, Jade Cauldron to take orders!”

The boy Baihe handed over his hand and immediately returned to Yuxu Palace.

Yuding turned around and said:”It seems that there is no chance to see the master this time. Let’s go to Taisutian earlier.'”

“good!”Yang Chan nodded.

In fact, Yang Chan didn’t care whether he saw Yuanshi Tianzun or not.

Except for Kunlun Mountain, the two of them headed towards the sky.

Taisutian was the dojo opened by Nuwa after she became a saint. It was in the chaotic void. In. There is something that is free from the Three Realms and Six Paths, no longer among the heavens and the world. It is an eternal true world.

Once you enter the chaotic void, you will see the endless surging of earth, water, wind and fire.

There is no up, down or four directions here. At a glance You can see stars twinkling everywhere you go. But if you want to reach these stars, you don’t know how long it will take to fly.

Master Yuding has never been to Taisutian, and Yuanshi did not tell him how to get there from Taisutian.

Seriously. Master Yuding was a little dumbfounded by this chaos.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed from the depths of the chaos.

A golden bridge connected it, just at the feet of Master Yuding and Yang Chan.

Master Yuding said with great joy:”This It is the magical power of Empress Nuwa. Once you step on this golden bridge, you can go to Taisutian!”

With that said, the two stepped onto the Golden Bridge.

In just a moment, they disappeared in place.

The next moment, the two of them were already in Taisu Tian.

The three characters of Nuwa Palace were hung on the palace gate, the charm of the infinite avenue. Showing the magical power of a saint.

At this time, Fairy Jinyu came out to greet the real person Yuding.

Speaking of which, Fairy Jinyu was also a registered disciple of Empress Nuwa, and could practice in Taisutian Nuwa Palace all year round. She is not involved in cause and effect. Not provoking a murderous calamity, but making Master Yuding envious.

Seeing Yang Chan next to Master Yuding, Fairy Jinyu also greeted her.

She led the two of them into the Nuwa Palace.

As soon as they entered the main hall, They saw the human race’s Holy Mother, the Nuwa Empress.

Master Yuding and Yang Chan both worshiped:”Disciple, I have seen the Nuwa Empress!” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“No gift!”A cold voice came, and the two stood up and stood respectfully aside.

Looking at Yang Chan, the empress nodded slightly:”Yes, you have some opportunities with me. From now on, you can practice beside me, and you will have a chance to save your mother in the future.”

Hearing that he could save his mother in the future, Yang Chan quickly kowtowed:”Thank you, empress!”

Nu Wa nodded slightly and asked Yang Chan to stand up.

The empress stretched out her right hand, and a crystal clear bead appeared in her hand. There was aura on it, and it seemed to be spiritual.

Taking out the orb, Nu Wa looked at the real person Yuding Said:”This is a spiritual bead. It has been with me for hundreds of millions of years. Over the years, it has become spiritual.”

“You have given this pearl to your master, Yuanshi Tianzun, for your own reasons!”

As he spoke, the spiritual bead flew towards Master Yuding.

Taking it in his hand, Master Yuding could feel the spirituality in it. Master

Yuding took it away, cupped his fists and said,”This disciple will definitely give it to his master.!”[]

Now that everything is done, the jade tripod will not be brought here.

After giving instructions to Yang Chan, Master Yuding left Tai Sutian. Heading towards Kunlun.

Just as he passed above a small city in the Yin-Shang Dynasty in the human world, he saw Taiyi Zhenren also heading in the other direction. The two happened to meet each other and both stopped.

Master Yuding saluted:”Senior brother, where are you going?”

Master Taiyi returned the greeting and said with a smile:”I just want to go to the human world to see if there are one or two suitable people.” As a young man, he takes him as his disciple!”

“I see!”Master Yuding suddenly realized.

Because he had accepted Yang Jian, a talented person, Yuding did not need to consider accepting another apprentice like other brothers.

Now he only needs to quietly recite Huang Ting in Yuquan Mountain, and wait for When the calamity of death comes, go and survive it once again, and then you can enjoy peace again.

“By the way, junior brother, where did this come from?”Master Taiyi asked.

Because the direction Master Yuding came from was not the direction of Yuquan Mountain, he asked this question.

Master Yuding smiled:”Junior brother has just come back from the Empress Nuwa and is about to go to Kunlun Mountain to pay homage to Master. Honor your life!”

“The junior brother actually came from the Empress Nuwa!”Zhenren Taiyi said in surprise.

Zhenren Yuding sent Yang Chan to the Nuwa Palace under the orders of his master, and then followed the orders of the Nuwa Empress to bring the spiritual beads to Yuanshi Tianzun.

One (Wang Hao) heard that the spiritual beads , Master Taiyi’s heart trembled. He suddenly felt that his opportunity was here, and asked Yuding:”Junior brother, can you show me this spiritual bead?””

“this…”Master Yuding was a little hesitant. After all, it was Nuwa who gave it to Yuanshi Tianzun, so he couldn’t let problems arise in his hands.

But Master Taiyi is his senior brother after all, and besides, how can he worry about the original thing being taken away from him.

Thinking of this, Master Yuding smiled and said:”Since senior brother wants to see it, how can he refuse?”

I saw Master Yuding opened his hand, and a bead exuding dense spiritual energy appeared in his hand.

Master Taiyi could feel the spirituality in it, and thought to himself:”This is the relationship between my master and disciple!”

After reading it, Master Taiyi said to Master Yuding:”I will go back to Kunlun Mountain with my junior brother!”

Although Yuding was puzzled, he didn’t ask any more questions.

They are all disciples of Yuxu, so it is normal for Master Taiyi to go to Kunlun Mountain.

The two of them headed towards Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain together..

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