The leader of Tongtian Cult ordered the boy to ring the golden bell, and many disciples came after hearing the sound of the bell.

In addition to the eldest disciple, Taoist Duobao, there are also direct disciples such as Our Lady of Jinling, Our Lady of Guiling, and Our Lady of Wudang.

There are also seven immortals accompanying him: Wuyun Immortal, Golden Hoop Immortal Ma Sui, Pilu Immortal, Lingya Immortal, Qiushou Immortal, Jinguang Immortal, Changer Dingguang Immortal and others.

There are also Zhao Gongming and Empress Sanxiao who are extremely outstanding among the outer disciples.

The other disciples are countless and numerous.

Seeing the sight of thousands of immortals coming to court, Taoist Duobao said with emotion:”Only in the world, I, Jie Jiao, can have such a vision. The gods worship the sight of thousands of immortals coming to court!”

As a disciple of Jie Jiao, Duobao The Taoist is actually the deputy leader of the entire Jiejiao sect. When it comes to authority, Taoist Duobao is much greater than Taoist Randen.

After all, there are many disciples of Jie Jiao, so there are more people available to Taoist Duobao.

Immortal Wuyun also echoed:”What Senior Brother Ninety-Three said is absolutely true. Gods worship and thousands of immortals come to court. Looking across the vast universe, there is no religion that can compare with my Jiejiao!” Taoist

Duobao was also happy. Gently stroking his long beard, the eldest brother’s style was clearly displayed.

“I have never seen this greeting in front of Biyou Palace before. Could it be written by Master? Yunxiao looked at the greeting attentively and asked.

At this time, everyone also looked over and found that there was indeed a greeting in front of Biyou Palace.

Changer Dingguangxian read:”Quietly recite three or two volumes of Huang Ting and throw yourself into the Western Land.” There are celebrities”

“Could it be that by reciting Huang Ting quietly, we should not mess with karma and just meditate in the mountains?”The Holy Mother of Jinling asked in confusion.

The Holy Mother of Wudang nodded slightly and said:”That should be the meaning, but what does it mean that there are celebrities on the list of gods who surrendered to the West? Taoist Duobao said:”

Since we can’t understand, let’s go to Biyou Palace and see Master first before we talk.””


Taoist Duobao’s words were recognized by most people, and he walked towards Biyou Palace.

The gods worshiped, and it was really unusual for thousands of immortals to come to court.

When the immortals of Jiejiao came to Jin’ao Island, they entered When they were in Biyou Palace, even the saint’s dojo seemed a bit small, which shows the vast number of disciples of

Jie Jiao. When all the disciples saw the master of Tongtian Sect, they all worshiped:”Disciple, pay homage to the master, the master’s holy life is boundless!”

Seeing these disciples with extremely high cultivation levels, Tongtian laughed and said,”You’re all exempt from the courtesy!”

“Thank you Master!”Everyone stood up and stood on both sides to listen to Tongtian’s instructions.

At this time, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit came out and said:”Master ordered the boy to ring the golden bell to summon the disciples and others. What important matter is there to instruct the disciples and others?”

All the immortals also looked at Master Tongtian. It was the killing calamity that was about to happen, and all the immortals were worried. Master Tongtian summoned many Jiejiao disciples to Jin’ao Island with such a big fanfare, which made all the immortals even more worried.

Tongtian is ready. Waving her hand, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit returned to the line.

Then she spoke loudly:”Zi Xiao and the other two agreed to become gods in order to overcome the catastrophe of killing gods. However, the stalemate between the saints failed to complete the list of gods. Therefore, in the catastrophe of Conferring Gods and Killing, the disciples of each sect depend entirely on fate. I asked you to come here today because I have something to ask you to wait for.”

As soon as Tongtian finished speaking, all the immortals started talking about it.

“Isn’t it even more dangerous if the canonization of gods has not yet been determined and it all depends on luck?”

“In this way, it is extremely difficult to achieve purity. I don’t know when I can get over it or how I can calm down.”

“In this case, it may not be a bad thing for me to cut off my teaching. I think I will teach you that thousands of immortals will come to court, so I am not afraid of others.”

The immortals are talking to each other one by one. Some are even more worried, while others are full of confidence in Jie Jiao. There are also some who have nothing to do with themselves and just focus on cultivating. But this kind of people are in Jie There were not many teachings, and he was almost ignored.

As everyone continued to talk, Tongtian didn’t say much.

At this time, Taoist Duobao stood up and asked:”Master, how should I intercept the teachings?”

The group of immortals who were still noisy at first, after seeing Taoist Duobao’s question, stood still and waited for the instructions of Master Tongtian.

Tongtian did not tell them directly, but said to everyone:”You guys will enter Biyou Palace. Have you ever seen the speech outside the palace?”

All the disciples said:”The disciples and others have seen the speech. It’s just that the disciples are stupid, but they still don’t understand the deep meaning of the teacher.”

“It’s no wonder that you don’t understand, and I just explained it to you. Lest you wait for the killing and calamity to be consistent and ruin the calamity.”

Tongtian said:”Although the killing calamity of the Gods is a calamity of immortals, it needs to be completed in the human world, and the killing calamity can be completed with the help of the dynasty change in the human world. In this way, the aura of the mortal world will inevitably affect the monks”

“I have called you here because I hope you will not get involved in the disputes in the world. Once you enter the world of mortals, you will be met with death and calamity.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“As long as you meditate in the mountains and recite Huang Ting, you will not be affected by cause and effect, and there will be no disaster. You must remember it, remember it!”

Finally, Master Tongtian emphasized repeatedly that he should not enter the world of mortals………

When the disciples heard this, they also said:”Disciples, please obey the decree of the law!”

At this time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit asked:”Master, some of our disciples are officials in the human dynasty. Can we allow them all to return to the mountain? ?”

“How is this possible?”[]

Before Tongtian could speak, Taoist Duobao said:”My Jiejiao has gone through so many plans to have the power of thousands of immortals to come to court, and to be able to enjoy so much luck in the human world.”

“If all the disciples are removed from the human world and asked to return to the mountains, I am afraid that the luck of my teaching will be greatly affected. We will also suffer greatly by then, and this is absolutely not possible.”

After saying that, Taoist Duobao said to Tongtian:”I hope Master will think twice!”

There are many disciples of the Jie Jiao disciples, and it is very difficult to evacuate them all from the human world. What’s more, the person who will be the god has not yet been decided, and Tongtian doesn’t know which family the person who will be the god will join. If he joins the Jie Jiao. , then Jiejiao can seize the opportunity.

Tongtian thought:”It is better to leave some disciples in the human world. It is not easy to withdraw them all anyway. Jiejiao has been preaching in the human world for so many years. It would be a pity if all of them were withdrawn. Especially since the person who conferred the title of God has not yet learned about it, he still needs to pay more attention.”

Tongtian Cult Master nodded, agreeing with Taoist Duobao’s wishes. He said to everyone:”It is not easy to remove all the thousands of immortals from the human world. However, you must remember not to linger in the world of mortals, you must restrain your disciples, and you must not provoke Karma.”

“Disciple 5.6 takes orders!”Everyone worshiped.

It is unknown how much they can listen to Tongtian’s words. After the explanation, Tongtian ordered all the immortals to return to the mountain, and each of them quietly recited Huangting to avoid being tainted with right and wrong. After leaving Biyou Palace, the immortals were in threes and twos They left in groups.

When they were saying goodbye, Yunxiao told Zhao Gongming:”Brother is practicing Qing Dynasty in Luofuo, Mount Emei. You must remember the Master’s words and don’t go down the mountain to be contaminated by karma.”

But it was Zhao Gongming who hated evil as much as his enemies. Yunxiao was worried that he might lose his temper and go down the mountain during the killing. That’s why he opened his mouth to persuade.

Zhao Gongming smiled when he heard this and said,”My sister is too worried. How can I not know how to kill my brother? The danger of disaster. What’s more, if there is a master’s decree, how can he violate it as a brother? On the other hand, you must be careful.”

The brothers and sisters said goodbye and left Jin’ao Island.

It was exactly: There was a message in front of the Biyou Palace, and you didn’t know the fate was coming!

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