After leaving the Zixiao Palace, the saints had different expressions.

Jie Yin still had a distressed look on his face, and Taoist Zhunti still had a smile on his face.

Although everything depends on luck, Zhunti’s confidence is naturally very high. And with the support of Empress Nuwa, the Western religion certainly has great luck.

Under the general trend of the day, even the supreme leader of Hunyuan Wuji cannot disobey. In Zhunti’s opinion, this move by Master Tongtian was nothing more than wishful thinking. In the end, his plan was in vain.

The Supreme Being has no worries about his disciples, all he cares about is the fate of Xuanmen.

If this trend continues, the internal fighting between Xuanmen will probably become even more intense.

This kind of uncontrollability is difficult for even a saint to grasp.

Regardless of the outcome of the Battle of the Gods, it is inevitable that Xuanmen’s fortune will decline.

As soon as Taiyuan left Zixiao Palace, he headed towards Qingdu Mountain.

The two saints Jie Yin and Zhunti also said goodbye to everyone and left for the Western Paradise.

The leader of Tongtian didn’t say anything and left alone.

After the Supreme Leader also left, Yuan Shi called out to Nuwa Empress

“Fellow Daoist Nuwa, please stay!”

Nuwa was quite surprised to see Yuanshi Tianzun calling her out.

093 The Xuanmen Sanqings have always set their sights on others. Except for Taiyuan Dao Zun, who is also the Pangu Zongzong, they have never valued the other three saints that much. It was rare for Yuanshi to take the initiative to stop Nuwa today.

Nuwa said with a full smile:”I wonder if Taoist friend Yuanshi stopped Pindao because of something important? You need to know that this catastrophe of killing gods is actually a catastrophe of Xuanmen. Taoist friends are the leaders of Xuanmen interpretation, but they have to work extra hard!”

“Something happened! Yuan Shi smiled and said:”The hard work mentioned by Taoist friends is indeed true, but the poor Taoist is not the only one in the world who works hard!””

“Oh, I wonder what fellow Taoist Yuanshi means?”Nu Wa said in surprise.

Yuan Shi smiled and said:”Didn’t Fellow Taoist Nu Wa bother you? Many of these disciples are also worshiping fellow Taoists!”

Sure enough, as soon as Yuan Shi said these words, the smile on Nu Wa’s face disappeared immediately.

As Yuan Shi said, although Nu Wa had no disciples, she was actually a little troubled at the beginning about the matter of becoming a god. However, as she interacted with the Second Saint of the West There is no need for Nuwa to do anything for the union.

But Yuanshi mentioned this, but it puzzled Nuwa.

Seeing that Nuwa did not speak, Yuanshi said directly:”Junior Brother Tongtian has a treasure in his hand, named: Zang Immortal picture. It is the most precious treasure owned by the former Duke of the East. It can accommodate (bhff) ten thousand immortals and set up a great formation of ten thousand immortals.”

“There are many disciples of Jiejiao, and the fate of the great sect is inherently unstable. The Four Swords of Zhuxian are the most precious treasures for killing, and the number of days is no longer on Junior Brother Tongtian’s side.”

“Pindao still has a deep understanding of this junior brother. At that time, Junior Brother Tongtian will inevitably do something that goes against the will of heaven and use the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation to gather the power of Ten Thousand Immortals. At that time, I don’t know how many immortals will fall and how much murder will be caused.”

“Taoist friends are compassionate and should find a way out for the immortals. Moreover, the catastrophe of becoming a god is not only for immortals, but also for sages in the human world. This also requires fellow Taoists to pay more attention.”

Yuanshi sighed slightly, but he was a little helpless.

Although Sanshang has not yet decided to become a god, it all depends on destiny. But as a saint, Yuanshi knows that the destiny has been determined.

No matter how hard Tongtian struggles, it is impossible to win.

Now he just loses How much is a question.

And how many of the Jiejiao immortals will be left after the killing calamity, even Yuan Shi can’t say.

Nuwa thought in her heart:”Although the Second Sage of the West also agreed to take in a group of demon disciples, Feng Shi After all, Xuanmen dominates the Divine Killing Tribulation. In the end, how many disciples the Second Sage of the West can accept from the Jie Jiao depends not only on the strength of the Western Sect and the strength of the Jie Jiao.

Taishang Yuanshi’s attitude is also crucial. If the two of them disagree, it will be difficult for him to take action.

Now that Yuanshi is taking the initiative to show his kindness, it is a good thing for me. With Yuanshi’s commitment, there will be no resistance to Yin Zhunti.

What’s more, the human race was created by me, and the killing calamity of becoming a god also requires completing the killing calamity in the human world. In this way, it might not be a bad thing for some wise men from the human race to obtain the divine status in heaven.”

At this time, Nuwa looked at Yuanshi and her attitude had changed.

Nuwa said:”How can a poor Taoist not understand what my Taoist friend said?”

With that said, he sighed and said:”Well, it can be considered as a way of life for all the immortals.”

When these words came out, they actually supported Yuanshi.

With Nuwa’s support, Yuanshi felt very good.

Yuanshi said to Nuwa again:”In the beginning, Haotian’s sister Yunhua Fairy had a son and a daughter who were killed by the heavenly soldiers. He was saved by Master Yuding, who was a disciple of Pindao, and now Yang Jian has become a disciple of the third generation of my Chan sect. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is also Yang Chan, but she has no chance to communicate with me. All this time, I have only practiced some Taoism with Master Yuding, but I have not entered the true stream.

Through poor calculations, he knew that this girl and the empress had some chance. Fellow Taoists may take him under his sect, even if he is not a direct disciple, but as a registered disciple.”

Yuan Shiyi said that Nuwa also calculated the secret secretly.

Then she said:”This girl does have some superficial connections with Pindao, so let her listen to Pindao under his seat and be regarded as a registered disciple for the time being.”

Nuwa is not interested in recruiting disciples to preach.[]

The reason why Yang Chan is under his command is just as Yuan Shi said, Yang Chan does have some chance with Nuwa, but it’s just a little superficial.

Secondly, it also showed Yuanshi’s good intentions. It can be regarded as an alliance with Chanjiao. Yuanshi also had contact with the Second Saint of the West through Nuwa.

It is a satisfactory result for both parties.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then left and went back to their own dojos.

But he said that the evolution of the saint’s mind is the secret of heaven.

Yuanshi and Nuwa, one is the founder of the authentic sect of the Chan religion. One is the sect of all spirits, the Holy Mother of the human race.

Both of them are the Supreme Leaders of Hunyuan Wuji, and every move must have profound meanings, and all are subject to changes in heaven.

After several saints returned, they discovered the fate of Chanjiao and stared at it even more.

The Pangu Banner, the innate treasure of Chanjiao, is now even better, and all the saints know the cause and effect.

“This Yuanshi really has a profound plan. Now with Nuwa’s support, Chanjiao has a greater chance of winning!”

Taiyuan knew the changes in the number of days and saw the mystery in it with just one thought.

Taiyuan was very appreciative of Yuanshi’s win over Nuwa.

The split of Xuanmen has become unstoppable, and the two sects of Interpretation and Interpretation must eventually compete in the world. Nuwa Nuwa’s attitude actually played a very crucial role. Nuwa’s influence on the world is no worse than that of other saints.

“The title of god has not yet been decided, but the number of days has already been decided. Pindao also had a good plan, and this killing disaster was more severe than before.” Taiyuan said in his heart.

Since the beginning of the world, there have been constant killings and catastrophes in the ancient world. The biggest one is the Lich War, which destroyed many worlds. There were countless casualties among all the races in the ancient world, and not a single one of them was left alive..The

Battle of the Gods cannot compare with the Lich War in terms of scale.

But in terms of destructive power, I am afraid it will be stronger.

Several Hunyuan Wuji Supreme Leaders may take action, and what will it eventually evolve into, even if it is Taiyuan There is no guarantee.

It’s just that the final outcome will not change in a matter of days.

PS:Thanks to【太龙皇】【18774..】【Monthly ticket for Haotian Golden Tower and Jade Emperor!!!.

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