But when Zhunti saw Nuwa’s expression was wrong and her thoughts were surging, she understood something.

A slight smile, no words.

After filling in dozens of names, Master Tongtian stopped talking. There are still not enough people on this list of gods, and it is still far from the requirements.

Seeing this, Taiyuan said to all the saints:”It is difficult for the two merchants to decide on the list of gods. It can be seen that the number of gods is really high. We might as well discuss it again after a hundred years and finally decide on the list of gods. What do you fellow Taoists think?””


All the saints praise goodness.

Since there is no way to decide between the two merchants, let’s settle on the third merchant. But this is the last time for the third merchant. If we still can’t decide, I’m afraid it will lead to bigger troubles later.

A few of you. The saint walked out of Zixiao Palace. As soon as he left the palace gate, Nuwa snorted coldly and left.

But she was dissatisfied with the leader Tongtian for filling some demon disciples into the list of gods.

Tongtian didn’t care about this.

What really worried Tongtian. The first one is Taiyuan, and now Taishang and Yuanshi are added.

Now there are five saints…To be precise, they are the six saints. After all, they offended Nuwa.

The six saints gradually came to a consensus, which was an extremely unfavorable situation for the leader of Tongtian.

Even the 17 Hunyuan Saints cannot go against this general trend.

But when he thought of the Four Zhuxian Swords in his hand, Tongtian’s confidence became stronger again.

Saints each have their own interests, and it is not easy to unite. Tongtian really didn’t believe that these saints would unite.

Immediately left Zixiao Palace.

Just when Nuwa was about to leave, Taoist Zhunti stopped Nuwa.

“Your Majesty, please stay!”

Seeing that they are the two saints of the West, the empress knew in her heart that these two people must have come to her for the purpose of becoming a god.

Just now, Nuwa has clearly expressed her dissatisfaction with the leader of Tongtian, and it is impossible for other saints to not see it. Take the lead and mention this. Come, I must be planning for this.

“Let’s take a look at what medicines they sell in their gourds.”The empress secretly thought in her heart.

Zhunti bowed her head, but Zhunti did not say anything more. Instead, he led the Taoist to come forward. Jingyin smiled at the empress and said:”Now that the gods and immortals have been lucky enough to kill and rob each other, all the disciples of all sects will be killed. It is in the midst of killing and calamity. Especially among the disciples of fellow Taoist Tongtian, there are countless people with profound karma.

Now that the number of days has passed, it is difficult to maintain Jiejiao. It is not yet known how many of the Jie Cult disciples will be able to survive the massacre.

I teach the West to educate all souls and create a paradise world. Anyone who enters my Western Bliss will not be affected by cause and effect and will not be involved in death or calamity. The door to the West is open to fellow Taoists at any time.”

Using these words is actually trying to win Nuwa’s support.

If it were before, Nuwa might have hesitated.

But now, Nuwa has been offended by Tongtian, and it is difficult for a group of demon clan disciples to maintain the Jiejiao. If you want to If there is a way out, I have no choice but to seek his help.

Jingyin and Zhunti took the initiative to speak, which made the empress’ face look bright.

Nuwa smiled and said,”Nuwa understands what my fellow Taoist said!”

“Taoist Lu Ya, the handsome prince of the former Heavenly Emperor, is still in my Nuwa palace. Although he has the body of the Golden Crow, the cause and effect of the past ten days was too great, and now his cultivation level is still in the Da Luo Jinxian.”

“I wonder if the Western Avenue can point out a clear path for Lu Ya to become a great avenue. Pindao can be regarded as living up to Emperor Jun’s trust.”

The guide said:”The gate to my west has been opened. Taoist Lu Ya can enter my west and achieve Zhengguo. Now the days are set, and a thousand years from now there will be ascetics coming out of our west, and by then the Western religion will no longer exist.

Taoist Lu Ya can achieve Buddhahood in the west of our country, and the merit water in the Eight Virtues Pond can also wash away Lu Ya’s karma.

I wonder what your Majesty thinks?”

Let’s talk, Jie Yin and Zhunti are waiting for Nu Wa’s reply.

Nu Wa was quite surprised and said:”The two fellow Taoists are so frank, how can Nu Wa have any objections. In this case, Lu Ya will be handed over to the two Taoists in the future.”

Jie Yin and Zhunti were overjoyed, and Jie Yin said:”Easy to say, easy to say, with my land in the west, Lu Ya will surely be able to achieve enlightenment! Not only that, even the Immortal of the Intercepting Sect can enter our Western Sect!”

They not only want to win over Nuwa, they also want to draw the disciples of the demon tribe from the Central Plains to the West.

Nuwa has no objection to this. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These disciples No matter which major religion she belongs to, Nuwa is very happy.

In this way, Nuwa can be regarded as siding with the two Western saints.

What is the most lacking in Western religions?

It is luck.

Compared with Pangu Yi Pulse, the West is inherently deficient. Without the innate treasure to suppress Qi, the Qi of a great religion will ultimately be unstable.[]

Now with the support of Empress Nuwa, the future prosperity of the West will be very obvious.

The Western Sect has been established since the Lich Conflict, and I don’t know how many Yuanhui have passed by now.

For so many years, Western religion has been patient and patient. Finally, the time came for the Xuanmen Sanqing to split, and he seized the opportunity to win over Nuwa.

Billions of years of patience finally paid off.

At this time, Zhunti said to Nuwa again:”Mother, I have something to ask for.””

“Oh, brother Zhunti said so bluntly!”Nu Wa said.

Zhunti said:”Your Majesty, you still remember that when you were mending the sky in the past, there were several remaining spiritual stones that your Majesty placed in various places. Among them is the largest spiritual stone in Dongsheng Shenzhou, which is the Lingming Stone Monkey, one of the four monkeys in the world.”

The remaining sacred stones for mending the sky were placed everywhere by the empress, so how could she not recognize them?

Hearing Zhunti’s words, Nuwa asked:”Is it possible that fellow Taoist Zhunti wanted to use the bright stone monkey? Become a disciple?”

This five-colored sacred stone was tempered by Nuwa Empress with her supreme magic power, and it took over the creation of heaven and earth. It also absorbed a lot of spiritual energy and charm in Dongsheng Shenzhou, so it is extraordinary.

Zhunti Taoist can take a fancy to the Lingming Stone. Monkey, that’s normal.

Zhunti smiled and said:”That’s right, this boy has a master-disciple relationship with me. If you enter my Western 847, you will surely achieve the supreme fruition!”

For Lu Ya, Zhunti only allowed him to enter the West out of the need to win over Nuwa.

But for the Lingming Stone Monkey, Zhunti liked him from the bottom of his heart. He felt that this monkey would be the most popular in the Western Paradise in the future. Source.

Before this, Zhunti had discussed it with Jie Yin. This time, seeing that Nu Wa was in a good mood, the two parties were cooperating again. Naturally, they brought it up and talked about it.

Upon hearing this, Nu Wa said:”Quite If Fellow Taoist Ti intends to accept him as his disciple, it will be his chance. I just hope that fellow Taoist will not break his promise. This clever stone monkey is extremely talented and cannot be polluted.”

“This is natural!”Zhunti said with great joy.

He originally wanted to accept her as a disciple, so how could he let him fall into the dust?

They were speechless and said goodbye to each other.

With Lu Ya and Lingming Stone Monkey, Nuwa can be regarded as standing in the west Teach this side.

In the dark, the number of days changes. The Western religion has some illusory luck because it has no innate treasure, but at this time it becomes more and more solid. At this time, several saints also noticed the changes in the number of days..

Taiyuan saw this change in heaven and sighed:”With the support of fellow Taoist Nuwa, the rise of the West is unstoppable!”

“Just that Jiejiao…”Taiyuan looked in the direction of Biyou Palace, and Jie Jiao’s huge and illusory luck seemed even more illusory at this time.

Although the three discussions have not yet been decided, the saints have already formed their respective teams.

Facing the general trend of the day, how could Jie Jiao be able to stop it..

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