Episode 2 .

The war horses handled by the Knights of the Order were a little different from ordinary horses.

A fine horse produced in the south was re-improved by the cult, physique and strength. And it was a breed that made the speed and so on very outstanding.

As soon as Iden got out of the house, he drove his horse, Petra, at full speed.

It was accompanied by great noise.

I would have to consider the possibility that the demon would hear the horse’s hooves and run away, but it didn’t really matter.

Because this area was a wide open area.

It was within Iden’s sight wherever he hid.

Aiden thought he’d rather have him pop out of the brewery.

If you fight in a narrow and dark building, you will damage the inside, and that is because it is a big blow to the village of Tedrang, which makes a living from winemaking.

just as expected.

As we neared the brewery, shards of glass fell to the floor with a whooshing sound.

A black figure broke through the broken window and sped across the plain like a shotgun.

Aiden dismounted with a cruel grin.

He pulled out the lance he was carrying and applied divine power to the blade.

I twisted my waist halfway, keeping my legs firmly planted on the ground.

“Something like a cockroach!”

With a thunderous roar, a white flash of light broke through the darkness.

After confirming that the flying spear had been pierced into his back, he tapped Petra’s buttock.

“Run at full speed.”

Aiden guarded the brewery’s front gate without mounting a horse.

Only then did the door creak open as Petra disappeared into the distance, towards where the human figure had fallen.

What appeared was a handsome man wearing a fine tunic and coat.

He looked like a high-ranking nobleman.

“The devil knows how to roll his head.”

Hearing Aiden’s voice, the incubus crumpled its face.

“But what? It just caught on.”

The shadow that jumped out was the alter ego of the incubus.

If it was Aiden’s demonic sensitivity and eyesight, that level was enough to distinguish them.

As Iden drew his sword and strode closer, the devil straightened his crumpled face and let out a sneer.

“This is it, it seems that even the brain is filled with muscles.”

“If I did, I would have blown you up through the whole building.”

“under! Very energetic.”

The devil swept down Iden as if to measure it.

“As you can see, I am not a paladin. Are you a demon hunter?”

At one question from Incubus, Aiden decided that Sebas was an insignificant demon.

Demon hunters cannot handle holy power.

A reverberation of divine power remained in Aiden, which meant that he was a lower class that could not even detect that much.

‘He’s completely unrelated to the main scenario.’

Aiden walked towards the demon with a disappointed expression on his face.

“It’s not even worth talking to.”

As Iden put his sword back, he grinned.

“Is it a sudden surrender? But what can I do, if I’m not a woman, I’ll kill and watch…”

Before he could finish his words, Iden punched him.

Leather gauntlets ripped through the skin on his face and crushed his nose.

The demon roared like a beast, clutching at its black bloody nose.

His eyes were stained red, and the surrounding area was covered with black demonic energy.

“Go, whose face do you dare to touch!”

At the same time, Aiden exploded his divine power. A halo burning behind his back. A blinding flash of light dispelled the darkness.

Only then did the devil realize that the being he was facing was a paladin. It wasn’t official yet.

“The Hound of the Church…”

Iden didn’t give him time to think. I kicked the demon’s thighs with my steel shins, knocking it to the ground.

The demon was overcome with a sense of helplessness in a completely blocked state of vision.

“You dirty devil.”

Immediately after grabbing his hair and fixing it, he kicked his face like a soccer ball.

With the sound of his face being crushed, the devil’s head was thrown back.

The upper body bent in a strange shape. It was so powerful that it wouldn’t be strange even if his spine were cut off, but he was not a human, but a demon.

After a while, the boy creaked and twisted his body. Iden frowned at the sound of bones snapping together.

“He’s a tough guy.”

Broken teeth spilled from the demon’s mouth. Black blood pooled on the floor, and his eyes glistened with hatred.

I had no intention of killing him right away, so I adjusted my strength to some extent, but the devil’s recovery was faster than expected.

“Damn the hound! I’ll gut you alive!”

The devil pulled out his long claws and charged.

It was as fast as a beast, but Aiden lightly twisted to avoid it, then snatched the devil’s neck and grabbed it.

He lifted the demon up with one hand and ripped out both of his shoulder blades to keep it from scratching him.


The scream was so uncomfortable and unpleasant that it made me vomit.

Because of his trait of being a ‘seeker of destruction’, Aiden was overcome with a desire to break his head right away.

However, the church ordered the incubus to be transported to Viscount Trafel.

It was the reason I couldn’t kill him right now.

Aiden frowned and tightened his grip. Sebas had a seizure while twisting his body. Uncharacteristically for a demon, fear crept into his eyes.

I couldn’t find any more hostility or hatred towards Aiden.

Aiden clicked his tongue and threw him to the ground.

I turned the demon over and laid it on its face, then cut off both of its heels with the dagger I took out of its bosom. don’t run away

Since it was a blade coated with divine power, the devil’s regenerative power would not be effective.

Then, as I blew the whistle, Petra came running from afar holding Iden’s spear in her mouth.

A chain attached to the saddle was placed around the neck of the prostrate demon.

“He killed a few people. But, now the situation has reversed. How are you feeling?”

The incubus’ eyes trembled anxiously.

“What are you doing…”

Aiden got on the horse.

The chains loosened as Petra moved slowly. Aiden immediately drove the horse vigorously.

The paladin in front of the Incubus looked like a demon.


Villagers cursed at the devil as he was being dragged along.

Residents who lost their families showed a little more violent behavior, and it was limited to throwing stones or hitting them with clubs.

For Aiden, it would have been better if the devil’s life was attached. This level of resentment is enough to turn a blind eye to.

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Just as Aiden was about to leave the village, the village chief approached.

“I really don’t know how to repay this favor. On behalf of the village, thank you again.”

As the stooped old man lowered his head, he looked extremely small and dwarfed.

Fragments of a rigid caste society. It was too much for Aiden, who had just entered adulthood, to act like a gray-haired old man. Of course, it was the point of view of modern people.

It was difficult for Aiden to adapt to these values, but now he has been assimilated more and more.

The village chief pulled out an old cloth from his bosom.

“No matter how we say it, we are not ungrateful beasts. It’s weak, but please accept it.”

It must have been money raised by squeezing out silver and gold coins from each household.

Aiden politely declined after dismounting.

“The church does not receive remuneration from commoners.”

It sounds noble at first glance, but in reality it is not. This is because the church forces huge donations from the nobles, and the nobles make up for it by squeezing the blood of commoners.

In the end, it was just a vicious cycle.

Knowing that fact better than anyone else, he felt quite a bit disillusioned with his own hypocrisy for the sake of his stats.


“I’d rather use that money to comfort those who lost their families. God wants him too.”

Words of gratitude came out of the mouths of the gathered residents. Someone emotional even stole tears.

Aiden felt uncomfortable for some reason and wanted to leave this place quickly.

At that time, a boy ran to Iden.

“let! What are you doing!”

The boy’s father was startled and called out to his son, but the boy did not hesitate.

I just looked up at Iden with both eyes full of respect and envy.

“Thank you for saving my sister.”

The village chief looked at Iden, not knowing what to do.

“He is the younger brother of the child the knight saved. He is still young and has no manners.”


Aiden smiled lightly.

“Can I become like the knight someday?”

It is a world where status determines most, but the paladin was out of the question. Even if you are lowly, if your skills and talents are outstanding, there is a chance.

Iden made eye contact with the boy and stroked his head.

“I want to serve God.”

“I don’t know about that, but… I want to become strong like the driver and help people in need.”

The child did not lose her innocence even in difficult circumstances. It had the power to make me smile.

Aiden took out the seal of the Church of Valanches and handed it to the boy. At that moment, the intaglio pattern of the church disappeared.

“If your determination is firm, even the gods will respond. When the sun is drawn on the seal, visit the church.”

Aiden left only those words and mounted his horse again.

The boy kept his eyes on Iden’s back for a long time. A dream settled in the boy’s heart.

After checking the acquired stats, Aiden quickly drove the horse.

Fortunately, the road leading to Viscount Trafel’s house was not flooded, so there were no obstacles.

It was very unfortunate for the demon who was chained. On the other hand, someone who was looking for Iden benefited from it.

I was able to find Iden sooner than expected thanks to the demon’s screams spreading in all directions.

Heretic Inquisitor, Xerath. He had been Aiden’s teacher since his monastic days.

Aiden also noticed Xerath approaching him from a distance near the horizon.

I twisted the reins and headed in that direction, and after a while the distance closed.

Xerath’s silver uniform and white cloak glistened in the sunlight. His outfit was the symbol of the Heretic Inquisitor.

“Wait before the thrilling reunion. By any chance, which one is the devil?”

Xerath looked back and forth between the demon and Iden with a mischievous expression.

“······Long time no see. Master.”

“Still stiff. I don’t think my memories have come back yet.”

I had no memory of my monastic days.

Of course, it was right after Aiden graduated that he possessed Aiden.

I only knew the background that was set when creating the character.

“It still is.”

“Even hugging each other and enjoying the reunion must be a long way off. You won’t even remember me. I’m sorry.”

He approached me quite friendly, but Iden wasn’t comfortable with him.

Aiden remembers the Heretic Inquisitor, Xerath.

As a named character in the game, he was actually a person close to a fanatic.

“But what is it?”

“hahahaha, what is it! Isn’t it a long-standing custom to accompany a disciple on his last journey of training?”

Aiden wondered if there was such a convention, but he didn’t know all the detailed settings in the game, so he just nodded.

After completing the escort mission, you will be officially commissioned as a paladin. It was actually the last performance.

“Anyway, that’s great. To overcome the ordeal in two years. You know what? It’s an all-time record. Incidentally, most of your classmates are dead and only one remains. It’s unfortunate.”

“As much as they devoted themselves to God, everyone would have gone to a good place.”

Xerath looked at Iden with a meaningless smile.

“by the way. Have any of the villagers been seduced by demons?”

Xerath was relentless in burning people to death. It was a person who insisted that nobles should be purified in the same way.

Aiden stiffened his expression and replied.

“Well done.”


“That’s right.”

He was taking a break for a while.

“Well, since you’re so sure about your business, there’s no way I’m stepping out.”

I didn’t want to talk any more. Xerath seemed to have noticed Aiden’s mood and began to lead his horse gently.

‘It’s inconvenient.’

Aiden experienced the characteristics of a narrow-eyed cat once again.

“Come on, let’s go. The bishop has also arrived at the viscount’s house, and your holy grail has been chosen very well. It was very resplendent in platinum.”

The two ran side by side.

It’s been 2 years since I fell into the game. Aiden was finally able to put the first button on.

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