Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 951: Battle of Bai Yuan

In midair, the battlefield scored two points.

Ling Xianquan shocked the world, fighting Bai Yuan!

The other three attacked each other, entangled with each other, and started a world-famous melee.

Two battlefields, different opponents, are equally fierce.

A loud noise shook through the world, forming an unparalleled terror shock, the space shook, and the trembled in all directions.


Ling Xianyan's eyes were cold, and her black hair danced wildly. Her flesh was played to the fullest, terrifying.

He raised his hand to shake the world, and made a move to the Eight Desolates, showing a fierce and overbearing style.

"My ants, suppress me!"

Bai Yuan sullenly opened his mouth, and opened his mouth to spit a sword, carrying the momentum of cutting the sky, approaching Ling Xianmei's heart.

In this regard, Ling Xian is still fearless, with **** close together, point out like lightning, destroying the sword. At the same time, he emptied one leg across the void. If the dragon moves its tail, there is a tendency to break up the wasteland!


Bai Yuan's halberd resisted, but felt an incomparable force, which made his arm numb. This frowned and hummed coldly, "Fuck me away!"

The words fell, and he slashed with a halberd, like a mountain falling down, suppressing the eight wastelands, unstoppable!

"It's you!"

Ling Xianmu's eyes burst into cold electricity, and her fists burst into invincible potential, colliding with the blood red halberd again!


With a loud noise, terror waves swept the Quartet.

Ling Xian stood on the spot, never bent over, nor retreated. However, the space around him was smashed by this halberd.

Bai Yuan did not regress, but a bloodstain appeared on Jun Xiu's face.

This made him anger and rushed to the crown, but he did not expect that he was the first to be injured. This is a shame and shame for him who claims to be invincible!


Without saying a word, Bai Yuan raised his halberd and killed him.

His halberd seems to have a magic power that can affect people's minds. Especially after the diffuse blood light, Ling Xian's brows frowned, and there was a sense of dizziness.

However, he chanted the meditation spell, which instantly dispelled the dizziness, and even the blood of the sky was dimmed a lot.

At the same time, he danced with both fists.

"It's a meditation spell!"

Bai Yuan's face changed, and he sneered, "I know a lot, but unfortunately, I still cannot escape the fate of being beheaded by me."

With that said, his halberd swept across the square boxing marks, fighting with Ling Xian again.

"Boom boom!"

You two come and go with me, without giving in, in a short time, they have already hit hundreds of tricks!

Both sides were shocked by it, and both died of it.

I have to say that Bai Yuan is really powerful, absolutely the goddess of God of War at that level, and powerful and outrageous!

However, Lingxian has no fear!


His war is high, and his shots are becoming more fierce, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, and when he raises his hand, the world is shocked, and the world is shocked!

Suddenly, Bai Yuan felt the pressure, and his expression appeared dignified for the first time. At the same time, he became increasingly angry.

You know, he is one of the most powerful Tianjiao in Qingzhou. Dealing with people has always been solved within ten strokes. However, in the showdown with Ling Xian, he was unable to attack for a long time, how could he not be angry?

"Go to death!"

Bai Yuan yelled, and his hands moved, and the halberd traversed the void, releasing the power of swallowing mountains and rivers!

Suddenly the space collapsed and the world was sad!

"Damn it's you!"

Ling Xian was fearless, and her fists trembled, and the Xianding Dingxian method emerged from the world, shaking for nine days and ten places!

He started the real fire and went out of his way, one after another, the invincible fist marks cut through the sky, instantly blasting Bai Yuan back, and the corners of his mouth were all blood.

This made his face darken, and his chest was full of anger.

His debut so far has not been defeated, claiming to have no rivals in the same level. But now, he was forced to retreat by someone he looked down on. How could he accept it?

"Dead to me!"

Bai Yuan was angry, and the blood-red halberds turned to kill, a halberd point out, the void was broken, and the mountains and rivers were eclipsed!

"You can't kill me."

Ling Xian opened her mouth indifferently, and the boxing town was in a perfect combination, leaving a big crack in the space.

This place boiled completely, Bai Yuan shot with anger, like the Supreme Nether, and he was so brave!

When he died, Ling Xian was bleeding and was injured by Bai Yuan. However, his invincible boxing marks also exploded on Bai Yuan, beating him with blood.

"Boom boom!"

The two were crazy, and each time they confronted Boom, both sides coughed up blood at the same time and were hurt by the other.

There is no way, both are very powerful and their attack powers are similar. Naturally, a draw is formed.

In this regard, Bai Yuan was very dissatisfied, he shot frantically and vowed to kill Ling Xian here!

This brought a lot of pressure to Ling Xian. Bai Yuan was too powerful. He really had the same rank of invincible power.

However, he has no fear!

"Fight the fairy bones, kill me!"

With a swift sip, Ling Xian used fighting bones. In an instant, his invincible boxing mark soared tenfold, and he directly blasted Bai Yuan.


With a muffled sound, Bai Yuan hit a distant mountain, his hair shed and his body covered with blood.

This surprised the heroes. Although they didn't know Bai Yuan, after the previous encounter, they knew how strong the person was.

However, at the moment, they are blasted by Ling Xian, who is free from the flesh, naturally they are quite surprised!

The most surprising thing is Bai Yuan. He had no idea what had happened, but felt that he had been hit by an archaic beast, and his body was in pain.

However, he didn't think much, because his heart had been filled with anger!

"I'm going to kill you!"

Bai Yuan furiously rushed to the crown, one finger to the sky, one finger to the ground. Instantly, the sky was dim, and thunder fell suddenly for nine days!

At the same time, the Scarlet Halberd cuts through the sky and kills Lingxian with the destruction of the dead!

However, in the face of Bai Yuan's two horrific attacks, Ling Xian has not changed his color, he blasted out seven punches and destroyed the nine-day **** thunder.

Immediately, he took a slap to shoot, and ten times the power broke out, which was actually a direct smash of the magical halberd!

This changed Bai Yuan's complexion, but he didn't have time to be distressed, and Ling Xian was blown out with a slap.

"Aren't you trying to suppress me? I want to see, now what are you trying to suppress me!"

Ling Xian's expression was cold, her body flickered, she caught up with Bai Yuan who flew out, and punched him in the chest.

Coincidentally, this fist triggered the battle of the immortal bones, which immediately made the person cough and blood.


Bai Yuan roared, his black hair dancing wildly, like a madman. He felt a strange shame and great shame, but he did not expect that he was beaten like this by people who looked down.

This made him anger and anger, extreme anger!

In this regard, Ling Xian ignored it directly, raised her hand and dropped it, beating her blood again.

"Don't you say that I'm not in the same grade with you? You're right, I'm not in the same grade with you, because my grade is higher than you!"

Lingxian's mouth raised, and his big hand fell down, as if a high mountain was suppressed on Bai Yuan.

Suddenly, the man coughed up blood and was unable to move.

This made him extremely angry and humiliated, especially after hearing Lingxian's words, he felt that he was slaps hard and his face disappeared.


Ling Xian's expression was cold, she raised her hand and dropped it, and she smashed Bai Yuan directly!

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