In mid-air, Lingxian shot strong, and the blood stormed out, covering all the men and his team!

Actually intend to choose one by five!

"Things beyond your control."

The man sneered with a scorn, and with a stroke of his hands, a purple halberd broke through the air, bringing Lingjun with great power.


A loud sound of golden iron and iron symphony erupted into Cancan Mars, shaking the eight wastelands.

Lingxian stood like a mountain and never stepped back. In contrast, the man was shaken back three steps, holding the hand of the magical halberd, all trembling slightly.

"So strong flesh!"

The man frowned, moving a bit. But soon, he regained his attitude of being so high and staring.


The war halberds are in the sky, the purple light is dazzling, the man holds the halberds to sweep the wasteland, and the gods move the world!

In this regard, Ling Xian is still fearless. He regards his fists as a magic soldier and stuns men's horror!

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Jin Tie sympathizes, Mars is bright, men are like gods of war, war halberds swept across, and shattered Quartet space.

Ling Xian, however, did not fall in the slightest. He punched out like a dragon and showed his might, but instead forced the man back step by step.

"Break me!"

With a loud shout, Lingxian double fists danced wildly, and made invincible fist marks one after another, and the terrible **** could break the space.

At the same time, the man's tiger's mouth cracked and blood flowed.

This made him secretly startled, but did not expect Ling Xian's physical body to be so strong. This is just a pair of meat fists. How heavy would it be if it were replaced with a heavy weapon like a halberd?

I dare not imagine!

While feeling frightened, the man also knew that he couldn't continue this way. Therefore, he flicked a stroke and instantly distanced himself from Lingxian.

Apparently, he was afraid to fight close with Ling Xian.

"Are you afraid?"

Ling Xian raised his mouth, and through the confrontation he had just tested out the strength of the man, comparable to Wang Jun. Wang Jun, however, was beaten badly by him.

"Huh, King Ming cut!"

With a cold hum, the man held up his halberd, releasing the immortal light. Immediately, a hundred feet long Shenmang broke through the world and slashed down towards Ling Xianli.

"King Kong is not bad, Ning!"

Ling Xian's hand-pressed seals and spit golden light all over the body, like the resurrection of an ancient Buddha, the immortality of the body.


Shenmang fell, set off the sky and drowned the place.

In the smoke, a golden figure burst into the air quickly, and appeared in front of the man in an instant. That invincible fist print also exploded!

This shocked the man, hurriedly resisting, and an incomparable momentum broke out.

"Break me!"

Ling Xian's black hair danced wildly, and her expression was sullen. The imprint of magic on his hands showed great power. Not only did he break the war halberd, but he also blasted the man out of the air.


A spit of blood spewed out, and the man bumped into a towering ancient tree, his face paled slightly.

At the same time, it is full of anger!

This was the first time that he was injured in a match with people of the same level and had less than ten moves. This was a shame to him!

But for Lingxian, this is not surprising. This person's strength is similar to that of Wang Jun, and he even suppressed Wang Jun easily, how could he be defeated by this person?

"The ants, dare to hurt me? You're dead!"

The man roared loudly. His hands glowed red, gradually condensing into two chains, releasing an extremely strange atmosphere.

"Prisoner Lock, Seal!"

The man gave a scream, and the red chain struck out like lightning, entangled Lingxian like two dragons, trying to imprison him.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Ling Xian too.

"The seal of God can't hold me in captivity, and the two chains are dared to kill them? Broke me!"

Ling Xian's arms trembled, and a shocking momentum erupted, breaking the chain violently. Immediately, he no longer kept it, and went all out!


King Kong's indestructible body and the peaceful chaos of immortal fist run wildly, they complement each other, and an invincible trend erupts.

When he died, the man's complexion changed, not so arrogant and contemptuous, but a hint of panic emerged.

The same goes for the four middle-aged men behind him.

Afterwards, a few people looked at each other and chose a shot.

This made the man look red, and wanted to scold a few people and fight fair with Ling Xian. But the words came to his lips, but he couldn't speak anyway.

Because he knew very well that he was not Ling Xian's opponent. If you don't make a shot with these people, you'll have to confess it here for fear of death.

Therefore, he couldn't care less about his face, and shot with those people at the same time!

However, at the level of Lingxian, it is no longer enough to cause stress. Unless he is a strong player of the same level, even a few more will not pose a threat to him.

Therefore, he is fearless and wary!


Pingranquan and Yinquan were in all directions, Jinguang was not bad, and Lingxian double fists danced together. The explosive power that erupted killed both of them.

Immediately afterwards, his hands clasped together, as if heaven and earth suddenly merged, everything in heaven and earth returned to chaos.

Suddenly, an irresistible force whistled out, blasting the two directly into slag. Only a man can barely support it.

But from him, a crackling sound was heard clearly.

This distorts his painful face, cold sweats, and at the same time clearly feels fear.

"Stop it!"

Ling Xian's big hand fell down, like the Supreme Supreme shot, pushing the three thousand realms horizontally, destroying the Nine Heavens!

Suddenly, the man's complexion changed, and those eyes were filled with fear. He desperately urged the protector's magical power, and at the same time he played a forceful magical power, trying to block the smashed void.

Unfortunately, he couldn't stop it.


The big hand fell, and the void was destroyed, leaving a clear palm print on the ground.

In the palm print center, the man's eyes widened and he was completely furious. He didn't seem to have any injuries, but in fact, his bones were all broken.

Ling Xian's palm was too scary, not only smashed his internal organs, but also destroyed his spirit. In other words, he is dead and cannot die anymore.

He fell to the ground, eyes full of unwillingness and regrets.


Ling Xian glanced at the man lightly, falling from the air, and then beckoned, the man's storage bag flew to his hand.

The other people's storage bags were broken by him.

No way, he is too strong today. The ordinary storage bag can't bear it at all, and if it is slightly touched, it will break together with the contents.

Only those high-grade, that is, better storage bags, can withstand it.

Right now, the man's storage bag is intact, which proves that his storage bag is of high grade. As the strongest heir of the previous generation of the Zhao family, it must be a very rich family.

"The Zhao family is an eternal family, and as the strongest heir, there must be many good things."

Ling Xian smiled slightly, her eyebrow glowed, and she released a strong spirit power, erasing the man's imprint on the storage bag.

After that, he probed the spirit into the storage bag.

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