Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 902: Let's go together

On the open ground, the **** of war stopped Xiao Tianhu, and the dancing fairy stopped seven deities.

Obviously, they want to create a chance for Lingxian to fight alone.

In this regard, Ling Xian smiled slightly and nodded her head to thank the second daughter.

On the other hand, **** demon dog is dreadful, and there is no more arrogance. Through the battle of the Fountain of Life, he just felt Ling Xian's arrogance.

Even if he is as strong as him, he is unafraid.

"It's the fairest way to go it alone."

Ling Xian raised his mouth and said, "Now, let me take you on my way."

When the words fell, he took a strong shot, and once he came up, he used the Pingran Dingxianquan!


The blood and blood are so powerful, the majesty is magnificent, Ling Xian is like a war immortal, and it is unstoppable!

This made the **** devil's pupil shrink, and felt great pressure. However, after all, he is also a pure blood royal family, and his strength is extremely arrogant.


Hell demon screamed, and suddenly appeared in front of a red stone gate, releasing mysterious power, blocking Ling Xian's fist.

At the same time, a phantom of an eighteen-floor **** emerged, and the blood flowed through the sky at the end of the day.

"The strongest magical power of the **** devil family, eighteen layers of hell!"

"According to legend, once this method is performed, the enemy must go through 18 kinds of ordeal. By then, even if it is carried down hard, it will have to be seriously injured and dying!"

"Yes, this method is extremely horrible. Even if you look at the top ten royal families, it is also a prestigious talent!"

Everyone exclaimed, even Ye Xiaoyao and others had a dignified expression.

This is eighteen floors of hell!

Although it is just a ghost image, it is also an extremely scary magical power. Few people at the same level can carry it down!

"Haha, hear it."

The **** devil laughed loudly and returned to his previous arrogant posture, saying: "Even if you are strong, you are just an ant in front of the eighteenth floor of hell."

"Is it?"

Ling Xian glanced at him lightly, and said, "Unfortunately, the person who enters to go to **** is not me, only you."

"Haha, I don't know how high the sky is!"

Hell demon dog disdain, said: "I'll let you taste, the taste of eighteen layers of hell!"

The voice fell, and the shadow of the eighteenth floor of **** became more and more solid, and the thick **** smell came, making everyone discolored.

"Suppress me!"

The **** demon screamed, the eighteenth layer of **** shrouded Lingxian, and the suffering of the first layer also came.

When the wind blows, the sky and the earth change color!

However, Ling Xian didn't move at all, and he let himself be enveloped by the endless blood. Then, raise your hand!


This is a punch that cannot be described in words, but also an extremely scary punch. At the moment of the explosion, the space collapsed, and the three layers of **** were destroyed!

"Zhuo Xingying, I am proud of your magical powers today, and I'll be clean!"

Ling Xian's mouth was raised, King Kong's indestructible body was running instantly, and countless Jinguang came out, intertwined with the heavenly blood.

After that, he tied his invincible fist marks with both hands, and took the sky to face the eighteenth layer of hell!


One punch, three layers of **** broken!

One more punch, three layers of **** broken!

The last punch, the remaining eight layers of hell, all broke up!

The sky's blood disappeared, and the rich blood disappeared, and the heavens and the earth returned to clear.

This scene shocked everyone present!

All eyes looked at Ling Xian, unbelievable.

It was eighteen levels of hell, the most powerful magical power of the **** demon dog family. Even if it was placed in the top ten royal families, it was a terrifying existence!

However, at this moment, they were smashed by Lingxian's four punches. How could everyone not be shocked?

Especially the **** demon dog was extremely shocked. After that, fear filled his pupils, and he couldn't help shaking.

Even the strongest supernatural power has been broken. Is there any suspense in the next battle?

Therefore, the **** demon terrified, he even got the idea of ​​running away!

"Next, it's your turn."

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent, and he looked at the **** demon dog coldly, then dived down like Dapeng spread his wings, and shot it with one palm!

The sky is fierce and the void is collapsing. Although the Hell Devil Dog has tried its best to resist, it is difficult to block this palm power.


A spit of blood spewed out, and the hell-dog's hill-like body flew out, hitting a mountain in the distance.

Blood was flowing and his bones were broken. He struggled to stand up from the ground, his eyes filled with fear.

At this moment, he was really scared and knew how scary Ling Xian was.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


Ling Xian screamed and rushed to Hell Demon in front of him.

And this is not the end, he shot lightningly, grabbed the two feet of the **** demon dog, and slammed the ground fiercely!


The earth was cracked, and the space was shaking. Lingxian's blow was domineering and wild, and the horrible smashing of the **** demon dog was extremely unbearable.

"damn it!"

The **** demon is angry, but more is humiliation and fear!

Because he knew that he was defeated. From the moment he was smashed by Ling Xian in the eighteenth floor of hell, he was disqualified from competing with him.

This made him feel unprecedented humiliation and unprecedented weakness!


The **** demon yelled wildly, and a powerful force burst out suddenly, and he wanted to detonate himself and die with Ling Xian!

"Explosion? You're too naive."

Ling Xian's expression was indifferent. Raising his hand is falling with one palm, like the supreme shot, with the power to suppress everything!

Suddenly, the powerful force was crushed by him and crushed the last hope of the **** demon dog.

At this moment, he was completely desperate. Apart from the fear in those pupils, he had only regrets.

Regrets how you got into such a demon!

"Stop dying, rest assured, you are not alone on Huangquan Road, the seven-headed deities and Xiaotianhu will go down to accompany you soon."

Ling Xian faintly opened her mouth, pinched the invincible fist print on her right hand, and shattered the Hell Devil's mortal counterattack. Then, a stun broke his heart!


With a muffled sound, the **** devil fell to the ground and was completely furious. There was still horror and remorse in those pupils.

And this scene made the scene silent.

Everyone present turned their attention to Ling Xian, in addition to shock, still shocked.

That is the **** devil of the pure blood royal family!

Looking at the strong infants in Tianzhou, how many people can compete with them?

However, at this moment, it was strongly bombed by Ling Xian without any suspense. How could everyone not be shocked?

In particular, the seven-headed deities and Xiaotian Tigers who knew the **** demon dogs were overbearing were even more shocked.

After that, they became afraid.

And Ling Xian's next sentence made them cold like a falling ice cave.

"The Hellhound is dead. Next, it's your turn."

Ling Xian looked at the seven-headed deities, and then looked at Xiao Tianhu, and slowly spit out a word that showed madness.

"You two, go together."

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