Dark clouds covered the sky, covering the big day.

Several figures emerged from the world, all of which were heavy and condensed, and powerful.

The leader is mysterious and extraordinary, holding a sharp gun, like a supreme demon, looking down at all beings.

It is Son of Ming Luo.

This has changed everyone's complexion, one by one with a dignified expression, just like the enemy.

Ling Xian also stopped her hand, staring at Ming Luo Shengzi, who was a qi-like demon, staring with dignity.

After that, he turned his eyes to Qin Wuya and said lightly, "Are you still fighting?"

Hearing that, Qin Wuya glanced at Ling Xian with a grievous look, and he dared to do it, but he did not dare.

He can see it clearly, he is not Ling Xian's opponent at all, keep going, just take his own humiliation, and may even lose his life!

Therefore, he didn't say anything, it was the default.

This made the Qin Huang family's people silent and shocked.

They never dreamed that Ling Xian could make Qin Wuya soften.

You know, this person is the strongest Ming Dao. Even if he looks at the Qin Huang family, he is also a respected generation. However, it was beaten by Ling Xian. How incredible is this?

Everyone sighed endlessly, looking at Ling Xian's eyes were full of awe, even the other old man who was not inferior to Qin Wuji, had a bit of fear in his eyes.

Of course, killing is inevitable.

Anyone from the Qinhuang family can't wait to pick up Ling Xian's skin, but it is imperative to deal with Prince Luo.

Infighting at this time was obviously unwise.

"This matter comes to an end, you and I have no grudges, just stop there."

"Of course, if you are unwilling, I can also accompany you."

"But not now."

Ling Xian glanced at Qin Wuya a little, and turned her eyes to Qin Che, saying, "I still have you, so don't mess with me again, otherwise, even if you are the son of the Emperor of God, I can't kill you."

Hearing that Qin Che shuddered, although he was resentful, he did not dare to show the slightest bit.

Ling Xian has left a shadow in his heart, lend him a hundred courage, and dare not let it go.

"There is a solution inside, and then it is the turn of the disease."

Ling Xian whispered to herself, looking at Ming Luo Shengzi, saying: "It's been a long time."

"Eight years are not long."

Mingluo Shengzi stood proudly with a gun, staring indifferently at Ling Xian, saying, "Since you have fled, why should you come back?"

"I never left Qingyunyu, just retreat." Ling Xian looked calm.

"Then I can only say that you are unfortunate. As soon as you get out of the gate, you will be killed by Huang Quan." Ming Luo Shengzi stood high, as if looking at a ant.

"You're wrong. I'm Huang Quan's guide."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Your guide."

"Rely on your strength in the middle of Mingdao?" Ming Luo Shengzi's eyes were deep.

"Enough is enough." Ling Xian chuckled. If he hadn't been able to defeat Mingluo Son before he changed it, naturally.

After all, it's still a small realm.

But at this moment, he has the power to fight!

"Even if you are at the same level as me, it is not enough." Son Mingluo said indifferently, the sharp gun was as heavy as a mountain, and even the void was crushed.

This changed the face of everyone, even Qin Wuya and that monk at the peak of Ming Dao were full of fear.

In the past eight years, they have fought with the Son of Mingluo more than once. Even if they are two enemies, they cannot prevail.

No way, the Son of Ming Luo is too strong. He is definitely a worthy candidate for the Emperor of the Emperor.

"Try it out."

Ling Xian smiled, looking at those behind Mingluo Shengzi, could not help but stare.

Too many, there are 19 people, and without exception, they are all seventh strong. On his side, there are only thirteen monks in the Ming Dynasty.

This gap is undoubtedly the difference between clouds and mud. If war starts, the entire army will surely be wiped out.

Therefore, Ling Xian narrowed her eyes and made up her mind.

Right now, he chuckled: "Since you are so confident, let's make a bet."

"Let's talk." Ming Luo Shengzi said indifferently.

"It's very simple. Win or lose in a game."

"You and I are singled out. If I win, you will retreat and you will not commit an offence for three years."

"If I lose, I will leave it to you, and so will they."

Ling Xian converged to smile, her words were strong and vocal.

This made Qin Wuya and others change their colors, and before Ming Luo Shengzi spoke, they rushed to speak.

"Impossible! I can't have my life in your hands!"

"Why do you represent us? Unreasonable!"

"If you want to fight, in your own name, don't bring us!"

Hearing that, Mingluo Shengzi smiled, he looked at Ling Xian playfully: "It seems that your prestige is not enough."

"This is not something you should consider, you just need to answer me, whether you want to." Ling Xian looked indifferent.

"Let's talk when you agree." Son Mingluo said lightly.

Hearing that, Ling Xian turned her eyes to Qin Wuya and others, saying: "I only ask you two questions. First, if there is a war, do you think that you can block the nineteen Mingdao monks? Second, who would you dare to Son Mingluo singled out? "

The words fell and everyone was silent.

The answer is clear. If war starts, everyone will be dead. As for head-to-head with Ming Luo Shengzi, they are even less capable, not even courageous.

"My proposal is the only way at present, and I am the only one who can confront the Son of Mingluo."

"If you don't agree, you can only wait for death. If you agree, there is still a glimmer of hope."

"How to choose, you decide."

Ling Xian glanced at the crowd lightly.

"Damn!" Qin Wuya was angry, but could not refute.

The rest are the same.

Ling Xian was right. He promised that there was still a chance for life. If he didn't promise, he would only die.

"I'm willing to give this life to my son!" Shoutingly, took the lead.

At the moment, a sentence ‘I ’m willing’ resounded through the clouds. In the end, the people of the Qin Huang family also agreed.

There is no way to promise, this is the only way at present, we must hold firmly.

"Good, you won't regret this decision."

Ling Xian said in a deep voice, and turned her eyes to Sheng Mingzi, saying, "Now, it's your decision."


Mr. Mingluo smiled, turned around and looked at many extra-terrestrial demons, and said, "What do you think?"

"The decision of the Son is my decision."

One said, "I firmly believe that the Son can suppress this person without any effort and win Qingyunyu."

"Yes, this kid's proposal is very good, saving me a lot of effort."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Haha, well said!"

Mingluo Shengzi laughed loudly and looked at Ling Xian said: "I can promise you that the battle will be won or lost in a battle.

"Then make an oath of heaven." Ling Xian gave a profound look at Sheng Luo Mingzi, and said, "I have doubts about your credibility."

"I do the same to you."

Ming Luo Shengzi's eyes were cold, and he made a vow of heaven, saying that if he was defeated, he would never set foot on Qingyun for three years.

The same is true of Lingxian.

Then, his expression turned cold, and the white clothes danced lightly.

"Come to battle!"

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