Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1668: Proud from blood

The Son of Mingluo burst into a shot, thunderstorms emerged, and the terror was absolutely incredible.

Faced with this overwhelming and overbearing blow, Ling Xian showed bitterness and had no hope.

This gun is too powerful, let alone because he is already weak, even at its peak, it is difficult to survive.

Just then, a colorful auspicious cloud suddenly landed, turned into an Aegis, and wrapped Lingxian.

The next instant, when the magic gun was shot, he failed to break through the soft auspicious clouds, but instead retreated the Prince Luo in three steps.

"Reinforcement has arrived ..." Mingluo Shengzi's expression calmed, his eyes were flowing into Baoguang, and he saw the picture hundreds of miles away.

After that, his eyes were gloomy and dizzy.

Because of this, the reinforcements are very strong. Not only are there seven or eight Ming Dao monks, there are also two Ming Dao peak strong men.

Such strength, even him, is under pressure.

"I can only retreat." Son Mingluo decided to retreat, despite his unwillingness, but he could only choose to retreat.

If those people behind him are at their peak, it is a bit of a fight. After all, they are all five wizards who can add to the ranks, enough to fight beyond the ranks.

But these people have been severely wounded by Ling Xian, and they have no fighting spirit and are in a negative state.

In this way, how to fight against reinforcements?

"You're in luck ..."

Ming Luo Shengzi took a deep look at Ling Xian, unwilling, but also intentional.

Unfortunately, he can't kill, let alone talk about the upcoming reinforcements, and just say that the shield formed by Xiangyun will not be broken for a moment.

"You say luck, that's luck." Ling Xianqiang laughed, too lazy to argue with this person.

He does not rely on luck but strength.

How could he wait for reinforcements to come unless he was strong and able to support five moves?

"I remember you. In the next day, I will let you lose your conviction." Mingluo Shengzi's eyes were dark. Calm down.

But this humiliation is indelible forever.

"No one can say for sure about the future." Ling Xian chuckled, taking advantage of Xiangyun's guardianship, running the Honghuangtiangong to heal himself.

"Huh, go!" Mingluo Sheng Leng hummed, turned black, and disappeared.

Seeing this, the others also rushed away, but before they disappeared, they all looked at Ling Xian.

There was anger, fear, and shock.

Although Ling Xian was covered in blood and beaten by Ming Luo Shengzi badly, he still insisted on a full five strokes in the case that the gap was large enough to kill in one shot!

In anyone's eyes, this is not shameful, but powerful!

"This life is finally saved ..."

Ling Xian was relieved for a long time.

"I owe you another life." The man in the **** clothing stepped out of the forest, looking at Ling Xian's eyes very complicated.

"It's nothing to owe, but I don't want you to die for nothing."

When Ling Xian waved his hand, he sent a message to the blood-covered man as soon as Tian Mo appeared outside the realm, and he couldn't come out if he died.

Although this man was a strong man in the late Ming Dynasty, he was seriously injured and was dying, leaving at most half of his combat power. In other words, he came out and was shot cannon fodder.

"Anyway, I owe you a life with them." The man in blood was grateful and admired.

The strength of Ming Luo Shengzi was in his eyes and he asked himself, even in his heyday, he might not be able to block the five moves.

However, Ling Xian blocked the five tricks of Mingluo Shengzi in the situation of two small realms. What kind of evil is this? How can he not be admired?

"Thank you for the upcoming reinforcements. If they hadn't shocked Ming Luo Shengzi, otherwise we would all have to die." Ling Xian sighed, somewhat grateful.

"When the major forces have reached the end of the mountain, where is this reinforcements?" The man in **** clothes frowned.

"I'll know soon." Ling Xian chuckled, and Xiangyun suddenly disappeared. Then, ten figures came with great majestic power.

Leading by two white-clad old men, Daoyun is flowing and full of immortality. But more is proud.

Like a supreme deity, naturally with an arrogance overlooking the world.

The rest are also the same, proud to the bones, especially when looking at Lingxian and everyone, it is like the true god, showing a little bit of overlooking.

This made Ling Xian frown, slightly unhappy, but he said nothing.

"It really is the family of the Emperor ..." The blood-skinned man narrowed his eyes.

"How do you know?" Ling Xian wondered.

"In addition to the family of the Emperor God, who can be so proud? This natural look down is really disgusting." The man in blood snorted.

Hearing that, Ling Xian shook her head, then stood up and arched, "I don't know, who came down to Xiangyun?"

"It's me," said the old man on the left, chuckling. "Thanks for your help."

"I will remember this kindness, and I will do my best if I need it in the future."

Ling Xian's expression was so simple, his words were even more powerful, and it can be seen that he was from the lungs.

However, his heartfelt promise made everyone laugh.

One of the handsome men was even joking: "Do you need you?"

Hearing that the man in the blood-stained complexion sank, but was stopped by Ling Xian.

"This is a kind of heart, maybe it won't help, but I must return this grace." Ling Xian said lightly.

"Let's take care of yourself first, oh, being beaten like this, I feel shame for you." Jun Xiu man chuckled.

"What do you know ?!" The blood-covered man was angry and wanted to explain the process.

He believed that they would be shocked when they knew that Ling Xian had insisted on five full moves under the circumstances of two small realms below the opponent.

However, it was stopped by Lingxian.

Having said this, it may make men afraid to taunt, but it will deepen the contradiction. What is needed at this moment is peace.

Therefore, he waved to stop the man and said nothing.

"Qin Che, be honest with me." The old man on the left spoke, the volume was not high, but it was beyond doubt.

"Huh." Qin Che snorted coldly, although he was unwilling, but did not dare to disobey the old man's words.

"My name is Qin Wuya, and I am from the Qin Emperor family." The old man smiled, and turned his eyes to Ling Xian, saying, "In the clan's order, to reinforce the coalition forces."

"The family of the Qin Emperor ..." Ling Xian muttered to himself, thinking of the legendary Tongtian God Emperor.

The invincible emperor was named Qin.

"I don't know the rest of the battlefield, can someone reinforce it?" Ling Xian asked.

"Naturally, the families of the five gods have all shot to support the five battlefields." Qin Wuya nodded gently.

Hearing that Ling Xian and everyone were relieved.

The family of the Emperor God has already participated in the war. With the terror strength of these behemoths, at least in the short term, it should be no problem.

"From now on, Qing Yunzhen will be guarded by me and you can rest assured." Qin Wuya smiled.

"Thank you, Taoist friends." Ling Xian arched a hand and smiled, a lot more relaxed.

"What kind of thing do you deserve to be called an uncle of justice?" Qin Che sneered, showing a clear disdain.

This frowned everyone.

This statement is a bit excessive. Although Qin Wuya is the peak of Ming Dao, as long as he does not break through to the eighth realm, any monk in the seventh realm is qualified to call a friend.

Therefore, the blood-covered man and everyone were angry.

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