Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1650: Proud Moe

"Haha, there is courage, I admire."

"But don't force it. The sword qi in the forest is not lethal, but it is endless."

"If you can't hold on, it's best to come out immediately, otherwise you will die."

The slender man narrowed his smile, his words serious.

"I understand." Ling Xian nodded slightly, he would not make a joke about his life.

Then he arched his hand toward the strong man and said, "I went in, and please teach me to stay here, and don't let others in.

"Relax, I'll keep you until you come out." The strong man nodded.

Seeing this, Ling Xian no longer hesitated, his body flashed into the Geng Jin Sword Forest.

The undead cat was left in place.

This delighted the strong man, who had long noticed the undead cat.

There is no way, it is so cute, even his rough masters are flooded with cute love.

At the moment, he took out a fairly good elixir and delivered it to the mouth of the undead cat with confidence.

"Little guy, do you want to eat? Let me hug, it's yours."

The strong man smiled mildly and confidently, as if he had seen the image of an undead cat jumping into his arms.

But the next moment, his smile froze on his face.

The undead cat glanced at the elixir slightly, then turned his eyes to the man, full of contempt.

Is this ... despise?

I tried so hard to teach, but I was despised by a cat?

The savvy man was mad, knowing that the elixir he had taken out, the immortal cat looked down on it.

At the moment, while taking back the elixir, he took out a better elixir and tried to save his face.

As a result, the undead cat didn't even see it, it was still so lazy, and his eyes were still full of contempt.

This made the strong man want to cry without tears. He had already taken out the best elixir on his body, and the undead cat didn't even hear it, which was really terrifying.

And the next scene made him even more hit.

I saw the undead cat's little hand flipped over, a blue elixir emerged, and the incense drifted ten miles away.

After that, it opened its mouth and swallowed it to reveal its contentment.

This stunned the savvy man and finally understood why his elixir was inconspicuous.

It grew up eating ginseng. How could it be radish?

"Feeding pets with Shendan is too extravagant." A strong man wants to cry without tears.


Upon entering the Gengjin Sword Forest, Ling Xian's expression dignified.

Although he has not been attacked for a while, feeling the sword gas at a close range still brings him a lot of pressure.

The strong man did not lie, and every sword in this place was equivalent to the beginning of the seventh realm.

If it can resist with mana, it will naturally not threaten Lingxian, but then it will lose its meaning.

He came here to break the flesh to the seventh realm, and he had to carry it with the flesh!

"Come." Ling Xian's eyes narrowed, feeling the invisible sword qi coming from the howling, no defense, let the sword qi fall on the body.

Suddenly, the clothes burst and blood splattered.

A three-inch deep wound appeared on his chest, causing severe pain and Ling Xian couldn't help snorting. At the same time, it made him quite shocked.

His physical body is infinitely close to the seventh realm. The ordinary magic weapon can't shake his physical body at all. However, this Geng Jin Jianqi easily left a wound on him. How powerful was this?

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, but she was helpless.

In order to break the physical body into the seventh state, he had no choice but to resist.

At the moment, he sat cross-legged, not blinking.


Dense swords emerged, sharp and sharp.

They are like sharks smelling blood, chopping on Lingxian, leaving a wound.

Blood splattered, dyed red and white robes, Lingxian cold sweat, and his face was a bit distorted.

It was so painful, not only the wound was hurting, but when Jian Qi entered the body, he was scrambling around, destroying his internal organs.

At the moment, Ling Xian forgive the pain and began to refine the sword.

With each refinement, his physical strength is one point stronger. However, Jian Qi is too much. The speed of his refining is far less than the speed of Jian Qi entering the body.

Often the qi in the stasis has not been refined, new qi has already entered the body, the hurt Lingxian's face is distorted, and cold sweat flows.

This is not the most terrible thing. After Geng Jinjian breathed into the body, he would scatter around, destroying his meridian organs. If it is not refined in time, even if Ling Xian is iron, it will not be able to bear it.

Moreover, he was not hit hard, so in a short time, his internal organs were severely damaged.

"Sure enough, it is a forest of self-harm. It is simply living and suffering." Ling Xian smiled bitterly, but there was no alternative.

He can only choose to resist sword qi, if he resists, he will give up all his achievements.

At the moment, he resisted the severe pain and frantically refined his sword energy.

The sword gas whistled, sharp and unparalleled. In a short time, Ling Xian was already bruised.

Although not dead, he was already frail because of excessive blood loss. If he goes on like this, he will die.

Fortunately, Geng Jin Jianqi's ability to quench the body is good, his physical body gradually strengthened, and soon he can break through to the seventh realm.

"Hold on, as long as you refine one hundred and eighty sword qi, I will be able to break through to the seventh realm!"

Ling Xian's eyes are firm, standing like a mountain, and standing by the wind and rain.

He pinched the seal of God with solemn treasures, absorbed the Qifang sword energy, and turned it into a strong physical nourishment.

One, two, ten ... After he refined ninety-seven Gengjin sword qi, he finally made a qualitative change in the physical body.


The body glows, dazzling like the sun, dazzling to the extreme.

At the same time, an incomparable might tear the void, shaking the dense forest, and the sword's energy dissipated.

This is the power of the flesh. It is not doped with any mana. Only the flesh that reaches the seventh level can do it!

In other words, Ling Xian broke through. After experiencing inhuman torture, she successfully landed in the seventh realm!

At this moment, his three magical spirits are finally flat, and his combat power has been greatly enhanced!

"Finally broke ..."

Ling Xian laughed a long time, and the sound shook for nine days and ten days, and she was so angry.

Suddenly, the void collapsed, and the sword's energy dissipated, and he could no longer join himself.

His physical body was not only at the beginning of the seventh realm, but also the ultimate of this realm. The sword qi that could hurt him before was no different from tickling at this moment.

This made Ling Xian happy, and at the same time, he felt a little bit sorry.

The inability of Jian Qi to enter the body meant that he could not use the sword Qi to strengthen the flesh. To strengthen the flesh, he had to find another way.

However, his gains are already large enough.

The flesh of the seventh realm, even if it represents the highest level of the flesh of the Xuanwu continent, it is hard to find it!

"This trip is worthwhile. If Dao Lingguo can be brought back to life, it would be even better." Lingxian's mouth was raised, and the staring eyes flashed with anticipation.

Then he left Geng Jinjianlin.

As soon as he came out of the dense forest, Ling Xian saw Ji Lizong's palm teach a smile, holding several kinds of elixir, and kept tempting the undead cat.

The result was the little guy's eyes.

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