Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1631: Dainichi Yukusa

Here the mountains are stacked, the trees are shaded, and the white mist surrounds it.

This surprised Ling Xian a little, he thought that the place would be enchanted and eerie.

"Is the predecessor surprised? Is it normal that it is dark and weird?" The maiden groaned with a smile.

"That's not true, just a little surprised."

Ling Xian smiled a little, not only the beautiful scenery here, like a fairyland, the aura is also very strong, almost to turn into drops of water.

What made him even more surprised was that Dongtian had his own array, including attack, defense, and imprisonment.

He was the first time to see such a cave.

"The magical cave sky, although the legal array is not too strong, but if it is hosted by a seventh-strength powerhouse, it is enough to trap three seventh-level monks."

Ling Xian admires sincerely, after all, it can be considered good to let the creatures use one enemy to three.

However, he said that this time was not too strong, which caused the maiden to be shaken, but also somewhat dissatisfied.

When she wanted to come, this array was already very powerful. Even if you look at the entire Xuanwu continent, you can't find a few. However, Ling Xian used not too strong to evaluate, naturally it made the maiden somewhat unhappy.

"Good eyesight. At a glance, you can see the matrix method hidden in the dark."

The maiden first complimented, and then she retorted: "It's just not too strong a comment. It's a little overdone. The array here, but one of my magic gates, even if you look at the entire basalt continent, there are not many The formation is comparable to this formation. "

"Really, but this is the truth." Ling Xian touched her nose, very innocent.

In his eyes, Dong Tian's natural formation is good, but it is indeed not too strong.

There are too many flaws, and he can break them down in minutes!

"Well, I don't argue with my predecessors." The maiden was helpless, and was interested in arguing, but was afraid that Lingxian would be angry.

"Maybe I said it wrong." Ling Xian smiled and took a step back.

"I'll take my predecessor to find a place to stay with me."

Seeing this, Ling Xian took a leisurely step and followed him hurriedly.

In the meantime, when encountering a lot of people in the magic gate and seeing the saint, they were saluting salute. When she saw Ling Xian, she was confused.

In this regard, the maiden gave up smiling and did not answer.

After a while, the two landed on a peak. Although not the highest peak, they were also tall and erect.

"Seniors are waiting here. I will go to the treasure chest list. At that time, seniors can choose two." The maiden smiled and the flowers faded.

This caused Ling Xianxing's eyes to light up, not because of her beautiful face, but because of what she said.

As a behemoth that has been passed down for 100,000 years, the treasure house must be endless and countless. The temptation to choose two pieces is really difficult to refuse, even if he can't help it.

Right now, he laughed: "Trouble maiden."

"My predecessors are polite, and life-saving grace is so great. Can I not report it?"

The maiden left with a smile. After a while, she came to the mountain again, holding a scroll in the verdant white jade hand.

"This is a quarter of my demon's treasure house. I also asked my predecessors to look over."

Hearing that Ling Xianxing's eyes glowed for a few minutes, and with the thoughts moving, the scroll turned towards the virgin, unfolding naturally.

After that, he was in shock.

So far, Ling Xian has seen many treasure trove of powers, and several of them are treasure trove of top powers. But none of them can make him shake so much.

It is really amazing. Although there are only dozens of them, without exception, they are all amazing treasures.

It is no exaggeration to say that just taking one out is enough to set off a **** storm. Even the power of the eighth state has to break the head race.

Therefore, even the Lingxian who was used to the strange treasures was shocked and even more excited.

What makes him even more incredible is that he actually saw Da Ri Ning Grass on the list!

Day Sun Ghost Grass, known as the immortal product in the divine medicine, has the reputation of the King of God looking back, and the deities stop.

Its value is inestimable, and the degree of cherishment is hard to find in the world. Even if it is tens of thousands of years, it may not be able to produce a single plant.

There is no way, its formation conditions are too harsh, only in the dark abyss, illuminated by the great sun for thousands of years, can it be born.

Let ’s not talk about the abyss, whether it can be illuminated by the sun, and simply talking about the light of the day, it is impossible to maintain the millennium!

Such harsh conditions are simply impossible, even if compared with the yin and yang combination flowers, it is still beyond.

And Da Ri Ning Grass is exactly one of the magic drugs he needs, ranking sixth!

As a result, Lingxian paused, and Xingmu seemed to be burning, full of fieryness.

"Surprisingly, the list I gave him is only the second level of the treasure house. Although it is a rare treasure, it is not so exciting for the seventh-level power."

The maiden was secretly puzzled, quite perplexed.

However, she only lived overseas when Ling Xianjiu hadn't seen so many treasures.

"It is indeed a magic gate that has lasted for 100,000 years, and even Da Ri You Grass has it."

Ling Xian sighed, then looked at the maiden seriously, and said in a deep voice: "Dare to ask the maiden, can I really choose two of them on this list?"

"Of course, I am also a saint, and I still have this right."

The maiden smiled confidently, making Lingxian's mouth rise, and she followed.

At this moment, he was very grateful to save the maiden himself, and even more grateful for his decision to come here, otherwise, how can he get the day sun ghost grass?

Divine medicine with such harsh conditions of birth can only be possessed by the magic gate that has existed for 100,000 years.

"I am assured of the words of the maiden." Ling Xian smiled slightly, searching for the second treasure on the list.

Da Ri Ning Hua is his must-have. It is a rare opportunity for him to take it away. But the second treasure made him hesitant.

No way, all the treasures on the list made him tempted. Anything is difficult for him to give up.

Unfortunately, he could only take two things away.

In the end, Ling Xian chose the ancient Buddha relic.

The ancient Buddha relics are the treasures of a Buddhist dharma that naturally condense after the death of a monk who has become a transcendent monk. Only monks who are above the eighth level and have superb dharma can condense.

Its value is immeasurable. There are divine powers such as clear-heartedness, sense of heaven, suppression of evil spirits, and it is a veritable treasure. Even if it is on the list, it is enough to rank in the top three.

"I chose it."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "It's the day sun and the ancient Buddha relic."

"No problem, I'll go get them."

The maiden agreed quickly, without any hesitation. But when she was about to leave, she was stiffened like a lightning strike.

This made Ling Xian suspicious, but he did not notice that someone secretly shot and attacked the maiden.

"Wait ... wait a minute."

The maiden turned hard, and gave out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Senior, what did you just say? You say it again."

Upon hearing this, Ling Xian frowned: "I want Da Ri Ning Grass and Ancient Buddha Relic, is there any problem?"

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