Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1610: Very rewarding

"He is Xian Ling who won the top spot? Sure enough, he is brilliant and extraordinary."

"Compared to him, it really makes me feel embarrassed."

"Go ahead, you have no qualifications to compare with him."

On the coast, everyone was impressed, admired, and jealous.

Although Ling Xian was pale and weak, his manners were undiminished. He really dazzled the sun.

Compared with him, anyone present was overshadowed, and even the seventh demon and others could only be shrouded in his light.

There is no way, Ling Xian is the protagonist of this trial. Any one can only be reduced to a foil.

Therefore, everyone is looking at Ling Xian, especially the female nuns, and they are all brilliant, staring at him without blinking.

This made the owner of Shao Island a bit displeased and felt that Ling Xian had snatched his limelight.

At the moment, he coughed twice: "Be quiet, now that the top of the list has arrived, then start giving out rewards."

The words fell, and everyone immediately shifted their focus, one by one with fiery eyes, staring at him tightly.

This made the island owner quite useful, and could not help showing a smile of satisfaction.

Ling Xian also laughed, with a bit of scorn.

He didn't care who everyone was following, but couldn't figure it out. His treasure was stolen. How could the owner of the island still laugh?

"Even if they seized the pirates and recovered two treasures, Qixiang Qiluo was still on me."

Ling Xian laughed secretly: "This way you can laugh, this person is also heartless and heartless."

"Everyone knows the rules of my sacred island. After the trial, there will be two rewards."

"One is a ranking reward and the other is a point reward."

"Now, do the latter first and then the former after the end."

The owner of Shaodao didn't notice Ling Xian's concubine, and he enjoyed the attention with all his heart.

After that, he waved his sleeves, and a small slap tower fell to the ground.

"This is the treasure tower of my sacred island. It contains thousands of treasures, and everyone can exchange them at will." The owner of Shaodao smiled, printed his hands and chanted different curses.

Suddenly, the little tower was long when facing the wind, and it reached ten feet in a few breaths.

Its vicissitudes are quaint, the atmosphere is magnificent, it looks like the mountains are standing, and the wind is raging, and it is towering.

This made everyone fiery, staring at the pagoda tightly, full of expectations.

Ling Xian is no exception.

On the one hand, there are too many good things on the sacred island. On the other hand, his points are as high as 800,000, which is enough to exchange for many treasures.

"This tower has seven floors. The more you go up, the better the treasure and the more points you need."

"Everyone can come and visit as they please."

"But keep in mind that you can't be strong, otherwise, don't blame me for your holy island."

The little island master converged to smile, although his tone was light, but it was cold.

"Small island master rest assured, who dares to mess around on the site of the sacred island?"

"That is, lend me a hundred courage and dare not rob it."

"It won't work this way, too bad."

Everyone spoke with sincerity.

Sacred island, but even the top forces must be in awe of the existence of three-pointers, who dares to break ground on it?

"Don't dare to be the best." The owner of Shaodao smiled with satisfaction. "Well, go in, remember, you only have two hours."

It was said that everyone swarmed into the pagoda. If the pagoda was not large enough, I am afraid it would be crowded instantly.

Ling Xian also walked in, but instead of staying, he went straight to the seventh floor.

Since the owner of the little island said that the higher the treasure is, the better he is naturally.

The seventh demon and other people in the top ten also went straight to the seventh floor, but just glanced back to the sixth floor.

Because the cheapest treasure on the seventh floor also requires 600,000 points.

This is undoubtedly impossible for the seventh demon and others with less than 300,000 points.

Ling Xian can be exchanged. His points are as high as 800,000, which is enough for one. However, he was not interested.

The magic weapon with a price tag of 600,000 points is a sword made of many kinds of magical materials, and it is made by the master of the refiner, which is not bad.

However, compared to the questioning sword made of three kinds of fairy materials, it is undoubtedly several grades behind. How can it cause Ling Xian to be interested? He is not a fool and will not waste points.

At the moment, he also returned to the sixth floor, without going to see what treasures are on the seventh floor.

I ca n’t afford it anyway, what's the point of looking at it?

"This price is prohibitive."

Glancing at the treasures and prices on the sixth floor, Ling Xian sighed softly. There are a lot of good things, of which there are a few, and even he is tempted by it.

However, the price is too scary, even if he can only exchange two or three pieces.

As for the seventh demon and other people in the top ten, they can get at most one.

"Although the treasures are good, I basically can't use them. There is no need to waste points."

Ling Xian shook her head gently, backed to the fifth floor, and then stared up.

I saw that there were no less than a thousand treasures on the fifth floor, of which 70% were magic weapons, 25% were elixir, and the remaining half were wonders raised naturally.

This made Ling Xianxing's eyes brighten, ignored the dazzling magic weapon, and focused on the different treasures and elixir.

For him who owns the world and the physical body is particularly powerful, magic weapons are useless.

Only those wonders with special effects can arouse his interest.

"Xunlong ruler, Yingtiantu, Zhunzhu ... the fifth layer of wonders is really a lot."

Looking at the pieces with strange shapes and strange abilities, Ling Xian raised his mouth to reveal a smile of joy.

In the eyes of others, these things are rarely used. Instead of exchanging them, it is better to exchange two pieces of self-defense. But for him, these wonders are exactly what he needs.

At the moment, Ling Xian didn't hesitate, and spent 300,000 points to collect three wonders, such as the dragon hunting ruler, Yingtiantu and Zhunzhu.

After that, he spent another 400,000 points to wipe out the fifth-layer elixir. Among them, there are a few rare magic drugs.

After all, he is a master of alchemy, and he will open the alchemy at any time. Of course, the more elixir in the storage bag, the better.

And seeing him wipe out all the elixir, everyone was envious of not wanting it, and wanted to be as bold as him.

It's a pity that they are shy in their pockets, and it's good to be able to exchange a few things. Even if the points of all the fifth-tier people are added together, it's not as good as Ling Xian alone.

"Let's go, the fifth floor has nothing to interest me."

With a slight smile, Lingxian retreated to the fourth floor and cleaned up the remaining points.

The things that are exchanged are all elixir, not necessarily precious, but they are rare.

This made Lingxian quite satisfied, and felt deeply that the trip was worthwhile.

He then left the seven-story pagoda and returned to the coast.

Everyone also returned one after another, most of them were regretful.

There is no way, there are too many treasures, and their points are too small, naturally they are not satisfied.

"Well, now that everyone is finished, they will start giving out prizes."

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