Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1608: Hard and firm

In the tenth area, Ling Xian gathered her breath and proceeded carefully.

He was covered in blood and weak in breath, far more severe than before entering the tenth zone.

No way, the tenth area is too dangerous. Since he entered, he has encountered nine fierce battles. Without exception, they are the souls of the seventh realm.

Had he not been sturdy and capable of dealing with the seventh beast, he would have died a long time ago. But even if he escaped from birth, he was seriously injured.

The gap between the seventh and sixth realms is really too big. It is difficult to cross like the heavens. Even if the emperor comes, it wo n’t work.

Ling Xian's escape from birth is already an incredible feat.

In addition to nine fierce battles, he also encountered five dangerous places, without exception, are comparable to the existence of a forbidden land.

Even if it is as strong as Lingxian, it took nine cattle and two tigers to pass it.

"Huh, I don't know how far ..."

Ling Xian slowly exhaled a stale gas, looking at the invisible end, the first time there was uncertainty in her eyes.

It's too difficult. He's not sure how much danger there will be on the road ahead. He's still not sure if he can come to an end.

But soon, his eyes turned firm.

He didn't turn his back when he opened the bow. He has already stepped into the tenth area. He has no choice but to walk steadily.

"The tenth area really deserves its name. For me at present, it's a bit reluctant."

Ling Xian sighed softly, then took a big step forward, holding her head forward.

The pair of staring eyes are deep, unprecedented and firm.

Three days later, he again encountered a fierce beast in the seventh realm. After a fierce battle, although he successfully left, his injuries were a little more severe.

This made Ling Xian have to stop and find a quiet place to heal his injuries.

Five days later, he set off on his journey again, but before going too far, he encountered a dangerous place.

It was a quagmire, and when you looked at it, there was not even a leaf.

This made Lingxian look dignified, with a big sleeve fluttering, the leaves were falling down in the sky, some fell on the quagmire, and some floated in the air.

After that, an incredible scene happened.

Both the leaves that fell on the quagmire and the leaves that floated in midair were sucked into the quagmire, and there was no exception.

This made Ling Xian's pupils shrink, her expression more dignified.

You know, the leaves have almost no weight, but they can't stay on the quagmire, not even suspended in midair. This is enough proof how terrible the quagmire is.

"Even the leaves can't float, a big living person will definitely be sucked in."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, knowing that if she was sucked in, that life would probably be explained here.

But even the leaves couldn't float, and naturally he was sucked in with his weight.

"This quagmire is too weird to choose to detour."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, looking for another path, and then bitterness became more intense.

Because there is a quagmire from left to right, there is no other path.

"It seems that if you want to reach the end, the quagmire cannot get around." Ling Xian smiled bitterly, then frowned and lost in thought.

Obviously, if he came above the quagmire, he would definitely be sucked in. Once inhaled, that life and death cannot be controlled by him.

In other words, all he has to do is not get sucked in.

"I can only set up a formation, I hope the formation of the formation can help me through the quagmire."

He muttered, Ling Xian waved his hands, and when the time came, the formations emerged, forming a mysterious formation.

This array is called "Hanging", which was created by Feng Qingming for the Forbidden Land. Its ability to suspend living beings even in forbidden spaces is undoubtedly the best way to fight against the quagmire.

"Thank Zhenxian. If he hadn't created such a magical formation, I would have died here."

With a slight smile, Lingxian stepped into the air and came to the top of the quagmire.

Suddenly, an unbeatable suction came, even if it was as strong as Lingxian, it was a little shaky.

Fortunately, the suspended array released mysterious power. Although it could not completely isolate the suction, it could guarantee that he was suspended in midair.

This made Ling Xian smile, and urged the floating array to fly forward.

Due to the horrible suction of the quagmire, he was slow and somewhat unstable. However, the strength of the floating array is enough to ensure that he will not be sucked into the quagmire.

In this way, Ling Xian moved forward slowly, and after a moment, finally flew over the quagmire.

"It's finally here ..."

Ling Xian breathed a long sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the strange mire, showing a smile of joy.

No matter how dangerous the quagmire is, he has succeeded in coming, which is worthy of joy.

It was only very soon that Ling Xian converged and smiled. Through the quagmire, you can see that the next road must be more dangerous.

The facts are as he expected.

Basically every day, he encounters a fierce battle. Ten days later, he encounters a forbidden area that is far more dangerous than a quagmire.

This time, Ling Xian encountered an unprecedented crisis, forcing him to use all his means to barely escape from life.

"I don't know how far it is, I don't know if I can come to an end ..."

Muttering, Ling Xian strode forward with a heavy stride.


"It's only ten days away and the trial is over. I don't know what happened to the seventh demon and other evils."

"I guess I died in the tenth area. After all, it is a forbidden area that even the seventh state can talk about."

"I don't think so. How can they say that they are also candidates of the Emperor Emperor and cannot easily die."

"Since ancient times, have fewer people died in the tenth area? Even God Emperor candidates, many of them have died."

The testers talked a lot and were not very optimistic about the seventh demon and others.

No way, the tenth area is too dangerous. Since ancient times, only four people passed. The rest were either afraid to try or died in it.

"You said, who of the four of them has the most hope?"

"That is to say, it must be the seventh demon, not because he has been famous for a long time, but because he is in possession of the inheritance of the emperor, a complete inheritance of the emperor!

"Yes, he has the complete inheritance of the Emperor. He is most likely to pass through the tenth area."

"In my opinion, the gloom is most likely. Legend has it that she came from that place."

"It is also possible for the medicine emperor. His father is one of the strongest men in the basalt continent. Even if he is not blue, he is better than blue."

Trials speculate that some support the Seventh Demon, and some support the Nether and the Emperor.

Only Ling Xian, no one mentioned.

In this way, time passed quietly in the discussion. Seven days later, Xianling's points suddenly soared by 512,000, soaring to the first!

This shocked everyone, and never expected that the first person to pass through the tenth area would be the least favored Lingxian.

Afterwards, everyone pressed down the shock of their hearts and continued to wait.

Three days later, the trial was over, Lingxian was still ranked first, and the points of the seventh demon and others remained unchanged.

This means that he alone passed through the tenth zone!

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